Child Porn Charges for comedian; edited video makes it appear children were listening to dirty song

Mordan Freeman

New member
Apr 14, 2010
T - Twenty years?! The guy is only twenty one, do they realize how much of his life they are taking away? That's jobs, girlfriends, maybe college. People get married and have kids in twenty years.

Droppa Deuce said:
I'm sure the perp is guilty of something.

Maybe he should have done his homework before wasting his time on his little project.
Do you really think all that should be taken away from him because he didn't read between the lines?


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
This is complete and utter fucking bullshit...

He has in no way created any form of child pornography he even had permission from the school to film... 20+ years and being labeled as a sex a offender for making a video that makes it SEEM like hes singing a dirty song to kids that AREN'T really there is fucking ridiculous... you can murder a man and get fewer years... R Kelly actually HAD sex with an underage girl on film and he received no punishment... the worst punishment Evan should get is taking the kids out of the video for not having their parents permission...

I hope Anonymous isn't too busy with the whole Wkikleaks thing to do something about this...


Enthusiast Magician
Jan 16, 2011
Seems silly really, allthough i guess it how he went about it i guess, i mean he would have to have permission from the parents if they wanted their child's face in the video, not to menction perhaps warning that it's intended as comedy and that it is entirely fictional.

But i guess in a world like this, people has to be ultra careful about things featuring kids, like you know how those listerine adverts has the bulging cheeks showing the power of cleaning? the ones involving children lacks that...maybe just to avoid being seen as letting people edit the video to change the audio to say rude things.

EDIT: I just saw the news video and the kid's faces were blurred out and the audio was silence, hard to say that if it was hte original video, or if the news reporters censored it, but if the video was like that. (bluring the children's faces, but music audio only) then i can honestly dont see what would be wrong except for people who are overly sensitive.

Thenagain, how did he aquire the footage exactly, the worst thing that could happen in an ideal world would probally be the legality of obtaining the footage in the first place, because even then, you still have to face permission from the parents.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
I... wait... what???

Admittedly, he should face possibly a few months in jail for exposing the faces of minors in such a way... But 20 YEARS!? This is... this is just ridiculous... What is our government coming to?

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Nurb said:
The prosecutor leading this, and the guy calling him a pervert and a danger to children can be contacted at his office or through mail to voice your disappointment in the misuse of the justice system

Tony Tague
Phone: 231 724 6435.
Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office
990 Terrace St., 5th Floor
Muskegon, MI 49442
Ok... I'm going to ask my sister if I can borrow her phone.

Has anyone called yet? Who answers? Is it an answering machine, random person, the guy himself? I need to know. I choke up in these kind of situations. :/

If no one responds to me within 10 minutes, I'm going to wing it. (O_O)

Going to tell him a few things... respectfully, of course. I am a man of honor.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Father Time said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Nurb said:
The prosecutor leading this, and the guy calling him a pervert and a danger to children can be contacted at his office or through mail to voice your disappointment in the misuse of the justice system

Tony Tague
Phone: 231 724 6435.
Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office
990 Terrace St., 5th Floor
Muskegon, MI 49442
Ok... I'm going to ask my sister if I can borrow her phone.

Has anyone called yet? Who answers? Is it an answering machine, random person, the guy himself? I need to know. I choke up in these kind of situations. :/

If no one responds to me within 10 minutes, I'm going to wing it. (O_O)

Going to tell him a few things... respectfully, of course. I am a man of honor.
Please tell us all how it goes.
I shall. :/

Any other advice from any other Anons?

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Father Time said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Father Time said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Nurb said:
The prosecutor leading this, and the guy calling him a pervert and a danger to children can be contacted at his office or through mail to voice your disappointment in the misuse of the justice system

Tony Tague
Phone: 231 724 6435.
Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office
990 Terrace St., 5th Floor
Muskegon, MI 49442
Ok... I'm going to ask my sister if I can borrow her phone.

Has anyone called yet? Who answers? Is it an answering machine, random person, the guy himself? I need to know. I choke up in these kind of situations. :/

If no one responds to me within 10 minutes, I'm going to wing it. (O_O)

Going to tell him a few things... respectfully, of course. I am a man of honor.
Please tell us all how it goes.
I shall. :/

Any other advice from any other Anons?
Other than don't flip out at him can't think of anything.
Can do.

Has anyone called yet so I know what to expect? I'm somewhat terrified.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Father Time said:
Jamboxdotcom said:
Macgyvercas said:
Imperator_DK said:

How impossibly foolish to criminalize something totally harmless like that. It wasn't even connected in the slightest to an even fictional sexual attraction to children, much less had anything to do with anything that happened in actual reality!

When laws deviate from the harm principle, justice comes to harm...
This happened, my friend, because my country (I think this took place in America) has started to follow the letter, rather than the spirit of the law (which I must admit is what True Neutral governments are supposed to be. But while the governmment itself may be True Neutral, the people in it sure as hell aren't).
actually, that'd be Lawful Neutral.

OT: this is bullcrap, unless there's a lot more to the story than what was presented.
also, personally i feel that to a limited degree, the Harm Principle doesn't apply to child porn. hence, hentai and western animation that portray sex with children should still be punishable. why? because if they are designed to titillate with depictions of sex with children, it means that people with those inclinations are having fuel thrown on their fires. they should be seeking help, not digging themselves further into their depravity.
You do realize you are advocating thought crime, right? Being sexually attracted to children is not a crime. People should only be punished for their actions, not for their thoughts or opinions. To ban certain thoughts is pure fascism (or tyranny, or something either way it's not good).
It's Orwellian. :/

But... really, it truly is like thoughtcrime. In his description, I should be punished for harming no one. :/ It is basically telling me what to do with my life just because he is uncomfortable. I do not feel as if I need help, because there is nothing to help. :/

By the way, about to call the guy.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Nurb said:
Pain Is Inevitable said:
Freedom of speech is dead. Long live freedom of speech.

It's a good thing he didn't rob a bank for $100 while he was at it, or he would probably be facing life in prison now.
Robbing a gas station and beating the owner would actually get him less time than this
I could kill someone with my car and get less time than that.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Father Time said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Father Time said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Father Time said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Nurb said:
The prosecutor leading this, and the guy calling him a pervert and a danger to children can be contacted at his office or through mail to voice your disappointment in the misuse of the justice system

Tony Tague
Phone: 231 724 6435.
Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office
990 Terrace St., 5th Floor
Muskegon, MI 49442
Ok... I'm going to ask my sister if I can borrow her phone.

Has anyone called yet? Who answers? Is it an answering machine, random person, the guy himself? I need to know. I choke up in these kind of situations. :/

If no one responds to me within 10 minutes, I'm going to wing it. (O_O)

Going to tell him a few things... respectfully, of course. I am a man of honor.
Please tell us all how it goes.
I shall. :/

Any other advice from any other Anons?
Other than don't flip out at him can't think of anything.
Can do.

Has anyone called yet so I know what to expect? I'm somewhat terrified.
Don't know. I think it's around midnight in Michigan so you'll probably get a message.
Yep, called, got a message. :(

Damn time differences...