Children have bad taste in entertainment


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009

Well there's Scamper The Fucking Penguin.

When I was little, I adored this movie. Now? Piece of shit. The voice acting was bad, the main character is a fucking idiot. Sure, he's a kid, but he never really learns from his experiences. Throughout the movie, he constantly disobeys his parents and gets himself and those who follow him into danger.

The kicker was that at the end of the movie, he was chosen to be the leader of the penguins. What the hell? At least with The Lion King, Simba learned from his experiences and took responsibility. Here, the main character is given leadership because of his "adventurous spirit".

And from what I've heard, the original version of this movie was quite a bit darker. Which makes sense, as the beginning of the movie involved a scene showing seagulls swooping down and taking away penguin eggs. But apparently, that's too scary for our young viewers, so lets's have them sing a silly song while they take away the eggs and traumatize the parents.

Fucking awful.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
They didn't suck. They didn't suck at all. If they did, you wouldn't have enjoyed them as a child. Children's stuff has a lot less depth in it than adult entertainment (Generic depth vagina porn pun if you want to be bothered making one for me). There is next to nothing that I enjoyed as a kid that I still like. The only things that come to mind are Dragon Ball Z and video games (Ironically, most of the games I played as a kid still hold up today. But some suffer from blatant old game syndrome).


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I remember liking Star Wars Episode 1 when I was a kid... Sigh... Also Power Rangers, which I find thoroughly unwatchable now. And captain planet, though that remains hilarious due to the incredibly over the top villains who pollute for the evulz.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Aris Khandr said:
The Neverending Story is bloody awful. I'm not sure if growing up or reading the book caused this to happen, but one of the two.
The after school program I went to at the time thought it was a good idea to show that movie to everyone when I was in the 1st grade (around 6) and it made me afriad of wolves for years.
This ************ is the reason.

I recently rewatched the orignial pokemon series. I honestly think that Jesse and James are the main characters in that show based on the time wasted on their annoying exploits.
And after you figure out the main formula behind each episode you just wish that it'd hurry up and get to the introduction of a new pokemon or evolution already.
I'd say it's still intertaining but has deffinately lost some charm--especially now that the characters are suppose to be half my age.

On the other hand I rewatched the Gmork scene and that is still as scary as ever.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
I used to watch The Simpsons when I was growing up. The old episodes are even funnier today than they were back then. Nothing else held up that well. But then again The Simpsons targeted adults, so that makes complete sense.

As with any entertainment, there's good stuff and bad stuff. A lot of the stuff we watched as kids seems ridiculous to us now, but that doesn't mean it's all bad. As a whole, teenagers usually have the worst taste, I think. Then again if you look at the bands/TV shows/movies that are most popular among adult audiences, it's usually the same stuff that's popular among teenagers