China Bans Time Travel (Movies)

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
WrongSprite said:
Rex Fallout said:
WrongSprite said:
dagens24 said:
China (the government, not the people) is SO fucked up. They need to pull a Libya.
It's nowhere near on the same level as Libya, thought it's still fairly bad. But seriously, I've been to China, and the government is such a watered down form of communism now, it's very reminiscent of home. And I wasn't in a tourist area or anything.
You have no rights in that nation. You do not have freedom of speech. You do not have the right to bear arms. You have only the rights that the government allows you to have. They hide it- but do you notice how no one speaks out against the government? Its because the ones that do mysteriously disappear.
Well that sounds pretty much like home to me.
Really? Where do you live then, because you must not live in the united states. I speak out against the government constantly, I live in South West Kansas, where 99% of the population believe that Obama is Satan himself reincarnate- and none of my friends, family or anyone I know has disappeared. When I am arrested, I am given rights. If I want to start a protest in Washington D.C. then guess what- I am able to. The government cannot censor my words or my art except if it arises that my words and/or art could hinder the developement of children, in which case, people my own age can hear my words. The government cannot silence me, no matter how badly it wants to.

China is not like that.

People talk about how 'terrible' the united states is, oh my gawd our leaders are idiots, oh my gawd obama's socialist- but the fact of the matter is that if our nation wasnt as great as it is- you would not be allowed your opinion, you would not be allowed to think that your nation was terrible, or at least, you wouldnt be able to verbally recognize it.

In Communism the so called, 'elites' wish to control every aspect of life, they wish to control who grows the food, who eats the food, and who starves. Ironically, it turns out that it is usually those that grow the food who starve. They wish to control every aspect of society from the very moment you graduate high school, in fact, in the former USSR the suicide rate of teenage graduates was extrememly high when they were sentenced to life long careers in hard labor. You are not permited to believe in God, because in a true socialist state, the only true religion, is atheism. And then when times get tough and you are forced to turn to God because you are left with no hope in anything else, and you go to the governmet asking for larger rations of food for your family, the officials laugh and say, "Why don't you go and petition your god for more food?"

So laugh to yourself saying how our country is no better, enjoy your ability to call our nation some of the worst insults in the english language. That way, when the true horrors of the humanity come knocking at your doorstep, you can look back and think, "maybe that nation wasnt so bad after all, maybe..."


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Rex Fallout said:
maninahat said:
Rex Fallout said:
maninahat said:
Surely you base it on the number of Chinese people who are willing to protest against the autocrat government. If they only represent a minority of the people, then theoretically they should be fine with the government because democracy has (in a roundabout way) been maintained, even if there is a lack of a specific democratic voting structure towards that purpose.
The majority of the Chinese do nothing, because they dont want to end up dead and forgotten. Remember the Tiananmen Square Massacre?... Oh wait you mean that never happened? Crap that was like half of my arguement.
Yes I do, and no, even 2 million attendees is not necessarily representative of 1.1 billion people. The politics behind the old massacre was a lot more complex just "they're peacefully protesting. QUICK, SHOOT EM!", but never the less, I see your point.
Even if they are not a representative of all of the people they still do not deserve to be silenced in that way. And I know that it was far more complex than just, "They're peaceful protesters- QUICK SHOOT EM!" But its not that far from that.

Xiaopeng allowed for a special spot in Beijing known as Democracy wall to be put up where the people could be allowed to talk badly about their government, (mostly this was used as political propaganda against Mao's old regime which had ended in the death of millions of people during his, so called, 'Great Leap Forward') But as time went on, democracy wall started to breed just that- Democracy. Student protestors got together, and campaigned against the government, it eventually ended with the Tianenmen Square Massacre, which *apparently* didnt happen, did it CCP? The complexity of the situation was simple, the protestors were not only gathering public support from all around China, but also the world over. Reporters came and did stories over the protests, and many spoke as if this was the shining moment when China would finally change. Xiaopeng, however, didnt want to lose the power people were killed. Many, many people were killed. to this day the exact number is unknown, and there are still people in prison for the incident that happened 20 years ago.
Actually, the tianenmen protests weren't all that focused on democracy (that was only one of the aims of some of the protestors). It was more centred on criticizing government corruption. Also, Xiaopeng was far more reformist than many of his co-workers (who felt his economic policies were too capitalist), was pressured into cracking down on "right-wing dissidents" and it wasn't necessarily his hand that guided the crackdown (it is uncertain who exactly gave the orders). Xiaopeng further tried to distance himself from the issue, mentioning that he wasn't even fully informed about the circumstances of the protest. Xiaopeng wasn't blameless, but he also wasn't some power hungry tyrant, desperate to secure his position above all else.