Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"

Jroo wuz heer

New member
Apr 1, 2010
Faenus said:
dress up as spiderman and run by them spraying my sticky white goo all over them, takeing careful aim for the mouth when they start to sing
you got some wierd fetishes, man`

OT: homophobes are gay (my response to the middle 2 signs)
umm yeah theyre just racist douches, dont feed them or they'll just follow you home

Ben Jamin

New member
Apr 15, 2009
These guys don't give up in their annoying and often insensitive attacks on out-of-context things do they?

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
Those Westboro lunatics have been simply begging for a flashmob to start protesting/picketing their church services for years now. I'd love to see that - a crowd of internet hooligans protesting and interrupting their church services. Sounds harsh, but these are the guys that interrupt the memorials and funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan in order to shout that their death is a punishment for liberalisation of laws relating to homosexuality (add another reason - they're homophobes of the nth degree). See how they like intolerance for once.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Fuck them. Fuck them in the ass with a sandpaper dildo!

I hope like everything they get their asses kicked by some former US Marines. They would be wise to not protest anything in a town that is pretty much populated entirely with US troops, both active and retired.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
this would never happen if they were sane catholics... i blame this on the medieval church, and Luther...

OT: uhhh... um... hmmm... i dont know what to say. They are crazy, and ignorant in the faith. But most Christians are... what they are quoting is a single fucking passage, things are not idols until you well, make them that and the passage is not refereeing to things like stories, myths, and legends but things like money and power and land. i mean there are idols all around if you put to much belief in anything it becomes an idol and what they are doing is simply misinformed and silly!

so has anyone offered a burnt sacrificed to superman recently?


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Diligent said:
Please don't call this group of hate filled inbred psychopathic cultists a church. They don't deserve the title.

If you guys haven't seen this check it out, and see how long you can keep your cool about it and not explode with rage! It's a fun little game.
Thats it? I made it through, I even laughed at some of their beliefs.
Feb 13, 2008
Fallen-Angel Risen-Demon said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Fallen-Angel Risen-Demon said:
Did I miss somthing? Who are these WBC people? They sound like twats.
Honestly don't ask. You'll be a lot happier not knowing.

Imagine the PETA of the Religious world.
... Who's PETA? Have I missed somthing?
PETA : Bunch of sociopaths who believe that saving animals lives BY KILLING THEM is better than letting them live as pets.
WBC: Bunch of sociopaths that believe everything in the Bible is set in stone ( :) ) and will defend to the death those ideas. Despite the Bible being man's interpretation of God which was re-written by Emperor Constantine.

Generally, they'd kill to deny you the choice to live your life the way you want it.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
chickencow said:
Jiraiya72 said:
I've watched a documentary on these people. Sad indeed. People like them are the reason (some) atheists are always bashing religion.
What's the name of the documentary? I really want to see it.
O.P. Seriously? Comic books? False Idols? *Double Facepalm*


New member
Jan 8, 2010
So, saying thank god for 9/11 is legal? yes thank god so many infidels got blown up /sarcasm. I think we should adopt a less forgiving policy when dealing with people like this and go all massacre on their asses.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
BiscuitTrouser said:
The Red Dragon said:
What the..I don't even...*facepalm*

[small]Why haven't they got killed yet?[/small]
Im still saving up for that rifle. If it was in my power i would honestly kill every one of them.

I must ask. Why? What do they hope to achieve? Conversion? Making people see "the light"? Just to annoy the non believers? WHY!? They dont achieve anything. I will never agree with them ever, why do they even bother telling us. Fair enough they have their views, why do they feel the need to let everyone else know. Its like if i walked down the street screaming every opinion i had into a random passerbys face. No one cares. No one will start to agree with you because your being an ass hat. We all ready know your (wrong) opinion, what else do you want us to do? Accept it as right by annoying us? These people confuse me intensely. They dont seem to have any aim.
Well said my man. I don't understand people like these either.
I seriously hate people like these. My spleen isn't really big enough to explode with all the splinetic juices of fury when I see these types of extremist religious bastards.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Warforger said:
Thats it? I made it through, I even laughed at some of their beliefs.
Heh yeah, I joke about boiling with rage over it. I watched all the parts of it too, and it's more of a facepalm than anything, but really interesting to think that people are born and raised living like that, filled with so much misguided hatred and ignorance.