Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"


New member
May 25, 2010
PhunkyPhazon said:
Diligent said:
Please don't call this group of hate filled inbred psychopathic cultists a church. They don't deserve the title.

If you guys haven't seen this check it out, and see how long you can keep your cool about it and not explode with rage! It's a fun little game.
I can't even make it past the forty second mark. Good god, they got KIDS going along with this blight on humanity.
You know if you take the suicide bombings out of al queda this is what this group of intollerant fuck wits would be only christian, they are fucking evil, they shouldhave their kids taken away if they teach them that, these people are extremists, if i were the leader of the U.K or U.S I would have these people locked in an asylum or have the soldiers friends guard the funeral they are picketing and see how quickly they'll protest with a rifle butt to the face, watching the video some of them seriously reminded me of hitler and the thought that what all those people fought and died for to stop is still permitted under the laws they fought to maintain is real fucking scary and upsetting and that takes a lot to accomplish with me. What is the point of religion if it allows people (in the loosest sence of the word) to exist? What is it good for that plain common decency isn't good for?


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I hope they do! The company I work for wants me to do a panel for comic con, so hopefully I'll finally get to meet these people and act like a very well mannered overt atheist homosexual and watch them flip their shit.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
lacktheknack said:
BlackStar42 said:
JordanMillward_1 said:
BlackStar42 said:
I feel sorry for you guys. Thank God Batman that they haven't heard of the UK.
They have, they're just banned from the country :D
Really? Wow. For the first time ever, hats off to the Home Secretary.
They've heard of almost every country... and are banned from nearly all of them.
I see they have a site for North Korea- maybe our good friends Anonymous could send them there?


New member
Mar 13, 2009
SenseOfTumour said:
It's a bit weak going for Batman, I'd dress up as Jesse Custer from 'Preacher' dog collar and all, then simulate some gay sex with a Jesus lookalike in front of them.

They're out to incite anger, so lets play it back at them, the moment they actually attack someone, we can get em busted, and I bet most judges in the country can't wait to jail them for how they treat soldiers, whatever the judges views on gays, comic books and the like.

Or ask one of them how Jesus gives handjobs... *mimes a flat palm moving up and down in front of my crotch*

No offence meant to Christians, but I'd let a little offence go to get some of these guys jailed. With any luck they'll get popular in the prison showers, then they'll be off to hell for being gay too. (their position not mine.

Honestly, I'd love to make Fred read Preacher, I think it alone would send him off this mortal coil.

Imo, most of the holy texts have some form of both 'smite the unbeliever' and 'love thy neighbour', and I think it's a basic, simple test to see if you understand the teachings.

It's a shame so many people fail, by choosing the hate over the love.

The crazy woman from that lot also had a child out of wedlock, condeming her own flesh to the fires of hell, in her mind, so she aint so perfect.

not trying to say anything but that kinda stepped over the border


New member
Jan 4, 2010
That picture with the signs degrading American troops and whatnot... just horrible. People have no respect.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Just talk to your local biker chapter they hate those assholes because of how they treat soldiers and their families. I watched a documentary where Westboro church was going to protest during a dead soldiers wake so the local biker club drove there bikes up to them and kept reving the engines so that nothing the protesters said could be if any of them tried to start shit they have there asses handed to them by a gang of 300lbs men dressed in leather.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
sketch_zeppelin said:
Just talk to your local biker chapter they hate those assholes because of how they treat soldiers and their families. I watched a documentary where Westboro church was going to protest during a dead soldiers wake so the local biker club drove there bikes up to them and kept reving the engines so that nothing the protesters said could be if any of them tried to start shit they have there asses handed to them by a gang of 300lbs men dressed in leather.
Thats win, probably the best way to do it!


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Christians, I'll respect you and listen to your opinions...

The Day you go back in time and stop the following events:
- Destruction of the Library of Alexandria;
- Fall of the Roman Empire;
- 17 centuries of Catholic Rule in Europe, causing mankind to live it's "Dark Ages";
- Several progressists killed in the name of your imaginary friend;
- Murder of thousands of women on "holy fire" due to "witchcraft";
- The Crusades;
- Opposing scientific, cultural and social progress in hopes of maintaining a feudal state of Papal rule.

Pay for all that, and I'll start caring about the opinions of a Christian who claims to be acting in the name of "God".

As for the WBC specifically, they seem to actually be PROUD of the Dark Ages, Female abuse, etc.
So not only do I not respect them as individuals or a group, I fail to see them as equals and in fact classify them (and consequentially their ideals and activities) as "anti-humanists".


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Ignoring all the crazy homophobic stuff they've said in the past this is just hypocritical as Christianity contains many saints which are called the patron saint of ____ and can be equated to idol worship. Also what they are saying is insane.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Marik2 said:
Ugh its these type of people who give Christianity a bad name -_-

Edit: They need to listen to this good song.
HAHAHAHAHA! Dude, listen to that song and watch the avatar of the guy who posted directly underneath you (DividedUnity). It's hilarious! Goes perfectly with the song.

OT: These people need to take a good, hard look at the First Amendment. They're no better than the Muslims who protested the Mohammad cartoons. Castigat ridendo mores.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
If only we could sic 4chan on these dickheads

Things to say when you encounter these idiots:

"Why does god hate bundles of sticks?"

"Why on earth are you protesting people liking American Idol?"(idol worship;-P)

"You misprinted your sign. It's supposed to say 'Thank god for 7/11"

"You're holding that flag the wrong way."

Also, article on wikipedia:

Geez. Anti-Semitic, Anti-American, Anti-Homosexual, racist, and batshit insane... why is all of this sounding familiar? Did the guy who made this church inherit Hitler's soul?

Edit: I just read that, at one point, these idiots were mere MILES away from my hometown! Oh, I should've gone up there...


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
k-ossuburb said:
Marik2 said:
Ugh its these type of people who give Christianity a bad name -_-

Edit: They need to listen to this good song.
HAHAHAHAHA! Dude, listen to that song and watch the avatar of the guy who posted directly underneath you (DividedUnity). It's hilarious! Goes perfectly with the song.

OT: These people need to take a good, hard look at the First Amendment. They're no better than the Muslims who protested the Mohammad cartoons. Castigat ridendo mores.
LOL that was funny XD


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"

Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here.

Well since I'm Jewish I guess I have an excuse to not read the bible, not that I would need one even if I was Christian. Also, they say that if we took time out to read the bible, that... somthing, would happen, I guess they couldn't think of anything though.


New member
May 15, 2010
And the cynical atheist in me is forced to ask, when the original biblical writers were scribing their various chapters, were they any more qualified to start a cult following than the batman folks? What makes WBC's warped version of Christianity any more entitled to worship than Superman? Superman at least saves lives.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Arawn.Chernobog said:
Christians, I'll respect you and listen to your opinions...

- Destruction of the Library of Alexandria;
Of the four events that led to it's destruction, only the third was done by Christian hands. The first two were Romans, and the final one Muslims.

- Fall of the Roman Empire;
Done in by barbarians. Hell, at that time, Christianity was the official religion.

- Murder of thousands of women on "holy fire" due to "witchcraft";
Both Men and Women (and a lot of cats) died because of that.

Call them out if you like, but make sure you're accusing them of something they actually did.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"
Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. T
Now you see, I heard that reading the Bible is, in fact, one of the number one causes for Atheism out there. I could be wrong, but still.... I can see why it would be.