TestECull said:Ohkaay So we ignore the fact that Steam records data and focus on the argument that recently came up as a topic in the forums so as it supports your point. Ok. So long as you ignore the fact that you can see how many users are online or how many hours youve played a certain game or any of the other bits of data you are providing them as tracking your personal metrics thats your prerogative but you cannot ignore that it IS tracking your personal information and there is NO way you get to turn that off if you dont approve of it now is there?viranimus said:Dont be gullible. The program still does it, It only asks if you wish to share it with steam. But that was not actually what I was talking about. Steam records all sorts of data that it really has no reason to have and does so on the basis of "offering you a better service" like what games you buy, what games your playing, how long youve been playing, etc
I've done the research. Steam does nothing I don't want it to do. But hey, I guess you can't see it through your tin foil hat.
Your right because exporting the manufacturing jobs over to china hand over fist through the 80s and 90s had absolutely no impact on the job market. Mirroring the cheap manufacturing obtained from china certainly had nothing to do with Walmart being one of the most profitable corporations in the world, helping to reduce the validity of entry level employment by not allowing overtime, neglecting insurance, and basically treating their employees like they live in a third world country. Muscling out any form of competition whenever possible did not weaken the commercial infrastructure of the country . Walmart is still damaging the economy by pushing the wealth generated from the manufacturing industry out of the country while perpetuating the concept of a disposable world and continually rolling back the standard of living on its employees. If your limiting your research to fox, MSNBC, CNN, and the other media outlets Its understandable if you dont see the entire picture and that does not even take into consideration walmarts agenda of planned obsolescence and inferior quality to generate future sales.As for wal-mart.. what kind of idiot buys anything at wal-mart knowing that they are a major reason why the countries economy is fucked right now and a major reason why we are addicted to cheap Chinese shit products.
Lolwut? Walmart didn't have a goddamn thing to do with the economy crashing. Watch the news once in a while, even with Fox and MSNBC's blatant biases you'd be able to gather that it was a combination of subprime mortgages, instabilities in oil-rich nations, wild speculation on wall street and general financial douchebaggery by investment bankers that crashed the economy. Walmart is, if anything, helping to fix it, as they sell things and the economy usually recovers when people buy things.
Walmarts actions are like sawing the legs of the chair half way by weaking the industrial and commercial infrastructure. The things you cited are very real factors but its like setting down on the chair and immediately falling to the floor. Or... like sitting in a chair you bought at walmart.
I don't know, you tell me. You're the one that brought it up.But the real question is.. Why bring up the point of where you buy batteries?
No, I brought up giving info at Radio shack, your the one honed in on batteries like it had anything to do with anything. Credit where credit is due, plus did I say that they were double A batteries? What about NICAD batteries that wont be any cheaper at Walmart than radio shack anyway?
No i didnt not forget your second half, I am fully capable of troubleshooting my internet connection. I would know within 5 min times if it was one of my computers, the modem, the router causing the problem or if my bill was past due. Any problem beyond that is the ISPs problem and honestly WHY they arent working is irrelevant. How long is sort of Irrelevant too because Im not so connected to the internet that being down for half a day is really going to bother me, but what WILL piss me off is getting a robocall, or hell even a live representative from India to tell me how my service will be down WILL piss me the hell off.As for AT&T calling to tell you the internet is going to be down? FUCK AT&T. I dont WANT them calling me cause Im pretty sure that if the Internet goes down I will be able to figure out its offline.
You conveniently forgot the second half of my statement. All you'd know is it's down. You wouldn't know if it was the router, their service, an act of God, a car crash, flooded phone lines, nothing. Me? I'd know exactly why it was down and how long until they get it back up.
Well Im not spazzing over anything. Im simply disagreeing with you. As for AT&T respecting anyone or anything, as someone who once worked for them, I call bullshit on that because I have seen just a glimpse of their inner workings. Also, it does not matter why they are calling, If you gave them your info be it phone number, email address anything, you still perpetuated the precedent and that is WHY there is a problem in the first place.The funniest thing about it? You're spazzing out over absolutely nothing. All I have to do is tell them to bugger off with the calls and they delete my number. They actually respect their customer's wishes in that regard, they only call you if you want them to call you, and only on things you want them to call you about....and if the account's not paid up.
Its your problem, and that problem is not representative of most people in this country. Ive lived over 60 miles away from a town with a population that barely topped 30k, and was still able to get cable broadband since 2000, and Im fully aware that ANYWHERE in the US is accessible to Sat based DSL such as WildBlue who specializes in rural broadband that has nothing to do with phonelines whatsoever.And you DO have a choice because if you are not compelled to provide that info, you do not have to get service with them. You want to run a competitor's lines out here? I'm out on the edge of DSL service. I am, quite literally, the last person on the node. DSL service stops at my driveway. There is NOBODY ELSE! It's either ATT or Dialup......which uses the home phone line as well.
I don't have a choice. It's either they have a home phone line, which I may remind you is kept only because it's required for internet service and isn't used, or we don't have internet. It's quite literally as simple as that, and unless you want to shell out the money to run competitors out into Bumfuck, Egypt, shut the hell up about it.
It might be more expensive than a traditional broadband connection but Im pretty certain it is cheaper than having a DSL connection plus a phone line and last I checked it can get signal to the poles of the planet. Again, your specific issue is not representative of the largest bulk of people with broadband internet access.
I could only speculate as to what the meaning of a tosspot is without having to look it up. Never heard that one. Kudos. But Id say it would be hard for me to call anyone something I was not aware that existed.However, on this you are right. People SHOULD be pissed about these organizations asking for this info and SHOULD be fighting against invasions of privacy. I did not suggest that people should not be fighting against it.
Then stop spazzing out and calling all of them tosspots already.
Im not spazzing or attacking anyone or anything here. I expressed that I have no sympathy for those who created the problem complaining about it when the problem grows. I have done my part and continue to do so, practically no information about me on the internet is real outside of a few references to my name, most companies I deal with have next to no actual information about me, nor do I give it out. About the only thing thats about me online that I can think of is the news report where I got shot and honestly even that was done against my will, however I was unable to stop it as it was posted while I was still being stitched up.So again, No. I have no sympathy for people complaining about a problem they created.
You're sitting in it too. Stop spazzing out and get to fixing. It won't get dealt with if people like you can't calm the hell down for five seconds and realize that pointlessly attacking one group isn't going to accomplish a damn thing.
No different than watching C-span, I swear.
Now I have said what I intended to on the matter as well as disagree with your disagreements. Nothing else I can say on this subject would be really adding anything to the conversation. So I respectfully agree to disagree and wish you well as I have other things to attend to today and honestly keeping the [ quote ][ / quote] formatting straight is getting to be a job in and of itself