Gaddam this has nothing to do with "African-Americans" and the slave trade. This discomfort you feel needs to be directed by those that you still feel servitude towards. Lobby for reparations. Write your senator. Work to dissolve racial stereotypes, and uplift people cultural. Put your efforts somewhere where they are needed. Stop 'waka flocka' and 'soulja boy' from releasing their brain-numbing, culture killing albums. Get more kids in the library, and teach them Reading is fundamental, non FASHION. Put your energy somewhere useful. Not towards this video game. Its based off an old Chinese book, homey. The protagonist was LITERALLY named MONKEY. This protagonist was also MADE TO OBEY A MONK. The book is centuries old. Stop acting like an fucking and do some research. Google is your friend. Wikipedia is even friendlier.
Everytime the word "slavery" is mentioned, do we all have to cringe? This wasn't even an attack on black people. I'm black. This game isnt about hurting black people, in subtext OR context. It has nothing to do with the enslavement of the African people by Europeans. Really. I love to try find hidden meaning wherever it may possibly exist. I promise you, its not within here. Give it a rest.
I didnt see anyone crying out loud when in GTA4 all your black friends were happy to be taken to the fried-chicken restaurants, and I thought that that was a bit cringe-worthy, but kinda funny. But fuck it, because I don't really care. I don't hear about people complaining about Red Dead Redemption where the MAJORITY of outlaws and criminals you can play and interact with are black (ha-ha, Dr Lane Davies ftw, thats one cool dude). My point is if you want to make a valid point, then do some research and studies and make a VALID point. Don't just point at a picture of watermelon and grape soda and decide that some vile corporate entity is trying to hurt your feelings. Get over yourself and your over-extended feelings of entitlement.
I say Black as opposed to "African-American" because I have never been to Africa. Plus I don't see any other distinctions being made for "European-Americans" or "Asian-Americans" or otherwise, I usually just hear white people, Asians and Latinos. So lets just dispense with that bullshit of semantic segregation.
p.s. Hey, Kyle Harvey you are a fucking moron for writing this, and congratulations on looking like a joke of a journalist. Enjoy your ill begotten paychecks you soulless cretin.
Raven sorry, this isnt entirely directed at you and your ignorance... Kyle was the one who put this poison out for the masses. But yeah you were saying some pretty ignorant shit too. Congratulations on not letting go of those shackles in your mind, and never knowing why the caged bird sings. So thanks a ton for this.