Columnist Deems Enslaved Racially Insensitive


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Does "I find this offensive, so I don't think it should exist" really require a response much beyond "the world doesn't revolve around you, grow up" any more?

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Formica Archonis said:
I'm just annoyed people seem to assume slave = black, when history (and current events) has instances of slave = anything and master = anything.

(*I'm guessing. His profile on the website is "" so for all I know he could be a pseudonym or an AI or three white guys from the third floor.)
Exactly. Slavery is still going on in many countries in the world and historically, nearly every culture at one point has either been slave-owners, or enslaved themselves, sometimes both. Before the transatlantic slave trade took off, different African tribes were making slaves of their own people for centuries. In fact, in some African countries, slavery is still legal as long as its done according to the original traditions of the African tribes.

In short, I've said this before, but I'll say it again: a dog that walks around long enough will find a stick.


New member
May 12, 2010
I'm more offended by the fact that the game 'even considers itself to be based upon Journey to the West' when it's has too many loose ends to even come close to the actual Eastern story.

So yeah, racism is the LAST thing to consider.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Its people like this that make me want to reconsider free speech. Some opinions are so stupid they should be fined.

rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
See, this is why I hate to hear people open there mouths without knowing what thier talking about. Cries like this are really harmful to genuine cases of racial insensitivity, cuasing a constantly growing disinterest with any real pursuit of justice in these matters. On the matter of a darker monkey playing the lead, well, it might not be racist, but there is such a thing as setting yourself up for abuse.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Oh dear.

It's based on the Chinese story 'Journey To The West', which is about 400 years old, it has nothing to do with black people (or the Carribean slave trade), not intentionally either. They didn't think 'We must remove black people from this game to stop it from being racist', there never were any black people in it.

Does this mean that any piece of media involving slavery is now racially insensitive?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I am sick to death of people, especially well-educated people (who have a god-complex and simply lord it over other people), who twist anything and everything that is up to interpretation into a race issue. This author is that person, and has clearly done so. I bet he was also the same sheep who went with the "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is racist" and even the "beginning shot of Street Fighter II has to be changed so it's not a black man being punched by a white guy" crowd.

Last month, while I was working at a coffee shop, I was accused of being racist. Why? Well, a black woman got in the service line next to mine, which had a few people. I, just reporting to work that day, opened up my register and invited her to come to my line, as she would not have to wait to be served (as per the functions of my job; to quickly serve people). She then gave me an appalled, foul look and asked the rhetorical question "Oh! Is it because I'm black?" and then stormed off. As you can probably tell, it was by no means a race issue, and a nearby manager told me not to worry as I had done nothing wrong.

Seriously. I know that prejudice exists even today, and that's quite unfortunate, but some people need to chill out. Not everything is a race issue.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Here's my take on it.

The proper reaction: OK, so in this game, you play as a slave called Monkey? ...that's unfortunate*, that name there. ^Reads box^ Oh, it's a reference to the story the game's based on. OK then, nevermind that.

His reaction: OK, so in this game, you play as a slave called Monkey? RACIST! ^Doesn't read the back and types out some crap^

*Unfortunate as in


New member
Apr 14, 2009
As someone who's currently studying race, ethnicity, oppression, Critical Theory, and all that jazz, I have to ask about the article author's credentials. If he had any amount of sense in him, he'd have actually read what the game was BASED on, rather than try to create a bullshit argument that is: "Slavery? OPPRESSION! HELP! HELP! I'M BEING OPPRESSED!" The game is a readaptation of an ancient Chinese story of redemption. "Monkey" is renamed from the Monkey King, and "Trip" is renamed from Tripitaka. Whatever your opinion of how well the readaptation was done, the fact remains that all of the hype and all of the information about the game makes this obvious. Compound that with the fact that the Monkey King is, in fact, ENSLAVED by Tripitaka by a magical necklace that causes him pain when the monk chants a spell, and you have yourself a very uninformed pundit spouting nonsense.

To all would-be critics and analysts, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Before you go shouting from the rooftops about a hot-button issue you found, make sure your argument is actually valid. Otherwise, you'll get condemned by pretty much ALL of your peers.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
0 if I call this guy an intellectual midget with a sickly desire for attention - does that make me a racist?


New member
Sep 20, 2008
darkerthought7 said:
I have to ask about the article author's credentials. we really need to dig that deep? Maybe he just was incredibly offended that the whiny ***** were in control, or something.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Here was my retort. I hope it gets authorized.

Spookimitsu on Grio website said:
Gaddam this has nothing to do with "African-Americans" and the slave trade. This discomfort you feel needs to be directed by those that you still feel servitude towards. Lobby for reparations. Write your senator. Work to dissolve racial stereotypes, and uplift people cultural. Put your efforts somewhere where they are needed. Stop 'waka flocka' and 'soulja boy' from releasing their brain-numbing, culture killing albums. Get more kids in the library, and teach them Reading is fundamental, non FASHION. Put your energy somewhere useful. Not towards this video game. Its based off an old Chinese book, homey. The protagonist was LITERALLY named MONKEY. This protagonist was also MADE TO OBEY A MONK. The book is centuries old. Stop acting like an fucking and do some research. Google is your friend. Wikipedia is even friendlier.

Everytime the word "slavery" is mentioned, do we all have to cringe? This wasn't even an attack on black people. I'm black. This game isnt about hurting black people, in subtext OR context. It has nothing to do with the enslavement of the African people by Europeans. Really. I love to try find hidden meaning wherever it may possibly exist. I promise you, its not within here. Give it a rest.

I didnt see anyone crying out loud when in GTA4 all your black friends were happy to be taken to the fried-chicken restaurants, and I thought that that was a bit cringe-worthy, but kinda funny. But fuck it, because I don't really care. I don't hear about people complaining about Red Dead Redemption where the MAJORITY of outlaws and criminals you can play and interact with are black (ha-ha, Dr Lane Davies ftw, thats one cool dude). My point is if you want to make a valid point, then do some research and studies and make a VALID point. Don't just point at a picture of watermelon and grape soda and decide that some vile corporate entity is trying to hurt your feelings. Get over yourself and your over-extended feelings of entitlement.

I say Black as opposed to "African-American" because I have never been to Africa. Plus I don't see any other distinctions being made for "European-Americans" or "Asian-Americans" or otherwise, I usually just hear white people, Asians and Latinos. So lets just dispense with that bullshit of semantic segregation.

p.s. Hey, Kyle Harvey you are a fucking moron for writing this, and congratulations on looking like a joke of a journalist. Enjoy your ill begotten paychecks you soulless cretin.

Raven sorry, this isnt entirely directed at you and your ignorance... Kyle was the one who put this poison out for the masses. But yeah you were saying some pretty ignorant shit too. Congratulations on not letting go of those shackles in your mind, and never knowing why the caged bird sings. So thanks a ton for this.
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed but I dunno if they'll let it slide. I'm thinking the "stop acting like a fucking j*g" part is going to be the deal breaker, but really, that shit pisses me off. I hope I spelled 'cretin' right, I dont want to come off as being sloppy.

P.s. Resident evil 5 wasnt racist. That shit was all a marketing ploy. Honestly Capcom can throw me in any country or region that they please, and I will be glad to shoot the tits off of any infected locals.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Oh boy. Another one of these sort of accusations? Bleh...

Would anyone like some popcorn? :eek: