Columnist Deems Enslaved Racially Insensitive


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Wonderful. Another example of misdirected political correctness running rampant. You know what, Mr Harvey? If this is all you got from the game you missed the point. I suppose we should count our blessings that video games as a medium are, at least for now, protected under the first amendment. God help us all if the Supreme Court should rule against us come November - twats like you will be able to scream the very idea of a game into oblivion before it even hits development if anything about it offends your ludicrous standards of moral decency.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
This is as bad as that politician who accused Left 4 Dead 2 of discriminating against African-Americans. It's just baseless and a lame attempt to "pick a fight when none actually exists."


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Susan Arendt said:
Therumancer said:
The problem is that racism is pretty much dead in the US, and the Western First World for that matter.
You are very fortunate that you apparently live in an area where you can go through day to day life and believe this to be true. But I assure you, racism is alive and well in the US. Having lived the majority of my life in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and now living in Durham, NC, I see it quite frequently.
All I'll say is that I worked 10 years in casino security, with that time split between casinos on two differant Indian reservations. I also tend to be a militant, a cynic, and an extreme pessimist. If I believed racism existed as anything but a tiny fringe, I'd be all over it a lot more frequently than I am as a matter of course.

Then again a lot of it might be simply on how we both interpet racism. I for one consider racism and bigotry two seperate things. Reality also being what it is, with differant subcultures, I believe a conflict can wind up being divided along racial lines without it actually being racist.

See, racism is when a group of people believe in the superiority or inferiority of one race compared to others as an intristic state of being. Truthfully not being a racist tends to lead towards bigotry where due to everyone having the same capabilities, people can expect the same kinds of behaviors ideals of conduct of others that they expect of themselves. While they can end of seeming similar, I believe there is indeed a distinction.

Being casino security is not an action packed job like in the movies. Despite what the casinos in an "Oceans 11" might seem like it's by and large a dog and pony show. Things are interesting occasionally, but it's largely a rut job like anything else.

On the other hand as part of that rut job, Security Officers are called in to do things like escort terminated employees out of the building. In such situations routine complaints are made about racism in connection to the firing. It falls upon Security and/or Suerveillane to investigate such claims in many cases, not because of any great love for the people involved, but for the simple principle of protecting the butts of our employer in case such an allegation was ever to be pursued. I will tell you flat out that in a place that is wired to the absolute gills 99% of the time when investigated it turns out to be absolute bunk, and a disgruntled ex-employee groping for any weapon they can get true or not.

The point here is not that racism does not exist at all, but that it is a tiny fringe behavior. As someone who has been part of investigations into such matters, and who has spent many long, boring hours observing people who didn't realize it for various reasons, when I am speaking here I am not doing so from the perspective of someone who has exactly been sheltered (quite the opposite as there are things I can never un-learn, or un-know sadly). Of course a big part of the problem here might be in differant interpetations. A lot of people tend to expand the definition of racism into things that I do not think it applies to. I hold to a very specific, literal definition. You'll find far more bigots than racists, and bigotry is a whole differant area of discussion.

Of course I've said more than I should already, since I'm certainly not going to argue too much with the Senior Editor of The Escapist.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I'm not g oing to go into RE5's potential racism, though I do think there were some undertones *SHUT UP SHUT UP!*

Anyway, this guy is talking complete BS. I bet you anything that he hasn't even played a single second of the damn thing, it's completely out of context. I'm playing the game right now and I can't find any hit of "racial undertones" in this.

If the character Monkey was big lipped, talked like a "gangsta", and ate watermelon and fried chicken, then yeah, I'd see his point (though that's an extreme example), but the whole point of the game is that it developers the relationship between Monkey and Trip despite the odd situation. It's really played on subtly, at least moreso than other games out there, and it's great that Trip isn't sexualized in any way and the characters emotions bounce off each other.

I'm probably giving it more credit than it deserves, but I'm really enjoying the game so far, and this guy is talking straight out of his ass. If I was being extremely lenient, I might see his point, but he's going to have to do better than "His name is Monkey! And he's enslaved!"
Mar 26, 2008
duchaked said:
coulda made Monkey Asian and then it woulda fit better with that Monkey King legend thing with the staff and...yeah but then he probably wouldn't be so big
Careful; they'll label you racist for implying that all Asian people aren't big ;-)


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Hate when African-Americans think they are the only people to be slaves, when they don't really realize they are kinda late to the party, when it comes to be the subjugated people.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
This reminds me...

Remember when L4D2 was called racist for having black zombies....and they snapped that guy in half....

These people that ***** seem to have time + money to:
1.Buy + Purchase these games/media
2.Time+Money to drum up the war bands for another raid...


New member
Apr 15, 2010
"African American-focused NBC news website Grio has posted an opinion piece on Ninja Theory's Enslaved that questions its racial sensitivity."
I've got some news for this website.
You're premise is much more racially insensitive than this game. In fact, ever mentioning the concept of racism is racist. Would it not be racist if Monkey was explicitly white?.....and you compare Monkey's skin to a black person's with no provocation?......and the game is racist?.......dumbass.
Aside from that, how the fuck is this game racist to anybody but monkeys? (even though he's apparently named, at least partially, for his climbing skills) The concept of slavery isn't even racist- it's just inhumane. Kinda like war....ya know? in all those shooting games.....


New member
Sep 2, 2007
You know how two people can look at a random design and see different things in it. A cloud for example. One might see a bunny another might see their great aunt Mipsy.

So yeah, we should probably ignore claims like this unless they have a real argument behind them.

The Brocken

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Gamegodtre said:
Jeronus said:
I hope they don't uncover early artwork depicting a dark or black skinned character concept for Monkey. Although I doubt such a thing would even exist and if it did, the team would have burned all evidence of it in order to avoid a huge shitstorm of controversy.
if anything he would have been Asian since the book is from china........
mind goes off point...........
want to put in a joke but i think it would be in poor taste so i won't say it......
Let me guess, "Why am I not surprised a black man didn't read something?" It's kind of funny but we should both feel bad.

On topic: I read through the "article" and I could make a case for this being the guy's first piece. First off is the article itself, of course. It's always a nobody who goes shit-stirring like this, and the guy was probably being impatient, like most new writers are. Second off is his terrible, terrible grammar. The title is one of the worst I've ever seen, "Is 'Enslaved' video game racially insensitive?" I can tell what the article is about and everything but goddamn, dude. All you needed was a 'the' and it's not like they ration out words. Finally, and I think this is the most obvious, is the total absence of anything resembling research. Some people have stated that you could invalidate his whole argument by checking the back of the box. He posted a scan of the box. At the top. You know, before the words. I rest my case.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
Saying Enslaved is racist seems to me like just mentioning the fact that black people were once kept as slaves is racist. It happened, and nobody is glorifying it, merely acknowledging it.
And also (A pretty big factor here), Monkey is not black. But Mr.Whoever-is-complaining-about-games-this-time considers that becuase his name is Monkey that it is somehow alluding to racism. I would consider making the link between a slave named Monkey and black people racist.

I still haven't played Enslaved and maybe it is racist in other ways but this just seems a bit of a stretch.
May 1, 2010
The thing that I find most amusing in cases of crying racism, especially with the slavery line of attack, is that the individual rarely ever knows what they're talking about.

A quick history lesson, slavery was invented by blacks - whites merely saw it as a good profit opportunity (much like how everything works these days, someone has an idea and someone else muscles in and turns it into a vast industrial engine) and copied suit, except not enslaving their own because they weren't "readily available" (the slave industry already thriving with blacks). This is a quick and careless overview, if you're interested read into it in your spare time.

Now bringing this to this instance, I expect the following occurred:

1. "Enslaved" provoked a trigger on search engine for "slave"
2. Half an hour of research was given at a push, much to the same level of research as the Mass Effect alien sex controversy
3. Correlation between supposed real world issues was found, and therefore an article can be produced.

Slavery does seem to be a faux pas to even mention, but I ask - is there anyone oppressed now? Then why is it such an issue?

The reason racism continues to exist is because it continues to be placed upon the forefront of everyone all the time. I long for the day I can call a black persona ******, and it having exactly the same impact as calling anyone a wanker. It only has weight because society as a whole persists in making it so, as soon as we let it drop we will move forward. But I won't ever see that day, with mass media now available to pretty much anyone in the colonised world, there will always be idiots to lap up any drivel of this type. People being offended because they think they should be offended because it makes them look understanding and they lack the ability to delve deeper into something.

And the trouble with idiots, is that they like to shout about something which they think makes them look intelligent. Day in, day out I see stupid people completely misperceive something and go running with it to make it look like they know what they're talking about for once. Like here, a very base level of information on this game has caused an idiot to run with it.

So in essence these whistleblowers are more evil for using something they believe to be a disgrace as a tool for recognition and to make themselves seem well informed. Irony it seems, is lost here.

I'm placing this here; it wouldn't surprise me if there are tears over my use of "******", and will only help to illustrate my point further.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Therumancer said:
Susan Arendt said:
Therumancer said:
The problem is that racism is pretty much dead in the US, and the Western First World for that matter.
You are very fortunate that you apparently live in an area where you can go through day to day life and believe this to be true. But I assure you, racism is alive and well in the US. Having lived the majority of my life in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and now living in Durham, NC, I see it quite frequently.

See, racism is when a group of people believe in the superiority or inferiority of one race compared to others as an intristic state of being.
Thanks, I'm well aware of the definition. And still I assure you, racism is very much alive and kicking, and not just amongst fringe groups like Neo Nazis and such. Many good old American middle class white folks are still very much of the belief that they are intrinsically superior to everyone else, but most especially blacks.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
The Brocken said:
Gamegodtre said:
Jeronus said:
I hope they don't uncover early artwork depicting a dark or black skinned character concept for Monkey. Although I doubt such a thing would even exist and if it did, the team would have burned all evidence of it in order to avoid a huge shitstorm of controversy.
if anything he would have been Asian since the book is from china........
mind goes off point...........
want to put in a joke but i think it would be in poor taste so i won't say it......
Let me guess, "Why am I not surprised a black man didn't read something?" It's kind of funny but we should both feel bad.
no joke was going to involve prostitution
and Thailand