Command & Conquer Generals 2 confirmed!

Alexander Aulin

New member
Dec 6, 2011
Worgen said:
Sunrider84 said:
Worgen said:
Sunrider84 said:
Worgen said:
Lately ea has really fucked up rts games.... so I'm expecting them to fuck this up also. Why the fuck is bioware involved in this? I mean where are the people who did red alert 3, that was good shit, or better yet, go back in time and don't dissolve westwood.
Bioware recently opened up a new studio, so it won't be the Dragon Age / Mass Effect people working on this.
Thats not that inspiring, I mean bioware does some good stuff but ea is starting to push them into a whole bunch of game types that they have no experience with and just using their name as a marketing tool... ea is trying to make bioware ea's blizzard.
What I meant was "It's hard to expect anything, since this will be the first game coming out of this studio". Not saying it will be good or bad because it carries the name Bioware.
I just fully expect ea to fuck it up, lately they have been doing allot of that, the backend of bf3 sucked, the last rts they published was an abomination, lots of people were pissed off about dragon age 2 for some reason, and they seem to be banning people from their games on origin if someone else even curses and says your name.
Really? People complained about DA2? It's one of the few games I can play over and over and still have tons of fun with. Anyways, I agree with everyone else that the potential failure of Generals 2 is not to be underestimated... Still, it would be awesome if they made it like the first Generals, except better, with more content (WITHOUT having to buy boatloads of DLC's).


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Red Alert 3 was crap compared to Red Alert 2
C&C 4 was shit compared to everything

EA doesn't know how to make C&C games. I highly doubt this will change soon.

Even though I own every C&C game ever released apart from the aforementioned pile of shit it would take quite a lot to get this game.

But hey at least its not a FPS.

Mister Eff

New member
Apr 11, 2009
As long as this doesn't interfere with Bioware's other properties (i.e RPGs) then I'm fine and if I understand correctly, it's a different Bioware studio working on it so that's fine by me. I'm not interested in the game, never been a C&C fan myself. However, I hope it rocks for all the fans out there.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Yeah, that was disappointing to me. But at least RTS fans will be happy...
Absolutionis said:
Oh come on.

EA hurt Red Alert with the laughably forgettable Red Alert 3.
EA destroyed C&C proper with the abominable C&C4.
Now EA is trying to make a sequel to Command & Conquercraft?

That series was the red-headed stepchild of C&C fans. It was nothing more than an attempt to replicate Starcraft's playstyle. With Starcraft 2 dominating the RTS field, EA doesn't stand a chance.

Plus, it'll probably be on Origin and it'll probably have no in-game search and it'll have chunks taken out to make room for DLC and mappacks.
EA also doesn't seem to understand what the "modding" community is.

No tank you. Give me a proper C&C Game.
...Nevermind. Happiness is a lie.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Worgen said:
Lately ea has really fucked up rts games.... so I'm expecting them to fuck this up also. Why the fuck is bioware involved in this? I mean where are the people who did red alert 3, that was good shit, or better yet, go back in time and don't dissolve westwood.

Worgen said:
go back in time and don't dissolve westwood.

Let's hope Bioware have fans of the series in their.

I enjoyed Generals to a point, it got a little boring for me after a while however.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
When they posted a preview art of the game a couple weeks ago, I would never expected it to be a C&C game.

I still want another Jade Empire game BioWare!


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I always considered myself more of an Red Alert fan (with its tongue-in-cheek humor and campy cinematics), it also introduced me into the series. But I also enjoyed the other installments, even Generals, which I thought had strong game-mechanics but bad story. The only C&C game I didn't enjoy, was C&C 4 ... but I thing I'm not the only one that things this way.

Bioware was always strong with storytelling, even if it's a new studio that will develop the game, they will still be supervised by their parent company, so my hopes are high that the story won't be a mess this time. Let's just hope they don't mess up the game-mechanics.

Also, I'm positive that they only opened a new studio for case the game bombs, so they can close it to minimize the losses.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Baldr said:
When they posted a preview art of the game a couple weeks ago, I would never expected it to be a C&C game.

I still want another Jade Empire game BioWare!
Ohh, yeah that makes sense now. That's an Arab League pickup with mounted gun getting blown the fook up. Still, I wasn't expecting that either.

My little brother will be happy, he loves Generals with a passion that possibly equals even the OPs. And, I always enjoy a good campaign mode so it looks like I'll get to play it.

Darh Abdomino

New member
Sep 20, 2010
Absolutionis said:
Oh come on.

EA hurt Red Alert with the laughably forgettable Red Alert 3.
EA destroyed C&C proper with the abominable C&C4.
Now EA is trying to make a sequel to Command & Conquercraft?

That series was the red-headed stepchild of C&C fans. It was nothing more than an attempt to replicate Starcraft's playstyle. With Starcraft 2 dominating the RTS field, EA doesn't stand a chance.

Plus, it'll probably be on Origin and it'll probably have no in-game search and it'll have chunks taken out to make room for DLC and mappacks.
EA also doesn't seem to understand what the "modding" community is.

No tank you. Give me a proper C&C Game.
You just made me very, very happy to be a console gamer. What is this "origin" you speak of?


New member
Jan 20, 2009
And its being created by god damn Bioware. If anyone can do something new and interesting with the series, its them.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Oh well, at least now MDK 2 won't be the most uncharacteristic game in their lineup.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
sry but no interest, Bioware making something completly out of their usual genres(ME is kinda different because you can clearly see an organic development from 1 to 3) is just EA trying to tag the name of their most beloved studio to a new project.
And the game will be origin exclusive so no


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Do not know if want...

On the one hand, I was fairly sure C&C had died with their main franchise coming to a definitive and blockbuster train wreck end with the fourth installment. It just didn't work for so many obvious reason. I'm not as downtrodden about RA3 as most people seem to be and I had fun with the game and found it enjoyable. Comparing it to RA2 is like saying any other Terminator movie will be better than the second, because it won't and we all know everything will be shadowed by just how well done the game was and how well timed considering there was nothing else like it around at the time. In the end, however, the C&C franchises have been steadily going down with C&C4, to me, having been the final nail in the coffin.

On the other hand, we have fresh eyes on the series now. A brand new studio in one of the most prestigious developing companies out there, BioWare, has decided to help C&C rise from the ashes. Hopefully they'll understand that C&C does not lend well to capture point based systems, or mobile bases, or any other gimmick outside of the old RTS trappings of "build fast, get death ball, face roll enemy".

I just pray BioWare's new division can do something right with a series that's had a few wrong turns these past few years.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Nimcha said:
Sunrider84 said:
What about the rest of you? I for one loved the first Generals.
As did I.

Is it ok to be skeptical?
Totally, Westwood is gone after all, the people that made the first C&C: generals are gone, too.
Dustin Browder (lead designer) now works for Blizzard.

Btw, it seems EA have to put Bioware's name in every single studio they own now.
Bioware Victory was not even a part of Bioware, it is a new studio called Victory games. EA probably thought put Bioware in the name will sell better due to Bioware fans base think it is made by Bioware.

I think this post proves my point:
Kellerb said:
And its being created by god damn Bioware. If anyone can do something new and interesting with the series, its them.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I've been slightly skeptical since I noticed the Frostbite 2 logo in the trailer.

Considering the engine's history of shooters (And the cutscenes in NFS: The Run IIRC), I don't know how good of a C&C game it'll make.