Common Sense Media Polls Finds Fear of Violence Running High


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Unsurprisingly, a full three-quarters of the 1050 respondents said that violent videogames contribute to real world violence, putting them neck-and-neck with easy access to guns; what is a bit surprising is that both videogames and guns rank lower than just about everything else on the list.

Now, I'm not an expert, but isn't a group of 1050 way too little for a country as huge and as varied in both beliefs and culture as USA? As far as I know, USA isn't a one big happy, united family where everyone agrees with each other. Considering the massive area that needs to be covered in order to be able to present that this data applies to the entire country, this is far too little. If this study is supposed to represent the opinions of parents in a certain state, then it'd be fine, but they claim it to be nationwide. It kind of feels dishonest.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
weirdguy said:
Wow all these misdirected posts. Maybe if the article had started with the top three, then worked their way down the list, instead of putting the sensational information on the top and squeezing the rest into the middle right after most people stop reading and start writing angry posts?

But I guess I really shouldn't be telling yall how to do your jobs since it's just about the hits amirite
Yeah, because why would a videogame culture based site want to focus on the videogame part of the story? And all those posts that do actually acknowledge the whole article are clearly misdirected.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
For the most part, i don't disagree with their suggestions, even if their source data is most likely skewed (who did they poll, where were the people from that were polled, how were the questions on said pole framed? See P&T's bullshit for a good example on how poling questions can be phrased to get the answers you want)

But, being in australia, i am unsure on the advertising practices and regulations in the US.

In Australia, the only game advertisements i remember seeing on TV are WoW, CoD, Battlefield, Halo, and GoW. I honestly can't remember seeing any others, and i saw them during prime time. That being said, i am not often in front of the TV at any other time besides 2am, where there is only infomercials as ads.

Anyways, In Australia, a trailer for a film is not rated as what the film will be rated. It is rated on it's own based on the content of the trailer. Most of the time, the film has not been rated yet, allowing for all sorts of screening shenanigans.

I saw the trailer for killing them softly at a PG film for instance... just one example, and i don't think this is a good idea personally. But that's this country.

Maybe the US should start making age restrictions on media legally enforceable as they are here... might be a good idea, just to discourage people from buying inappropriate content for small children. I dunno, just speculating.

But... tie ins with real gun makers? LOLOLOL... nothing else to say on that.

They made some common sense advise to the distribution of violent media, which is fine, but they do seem to have an agenda, which is not.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
This is not at all surprising. The mass media is absolutely set on making people afraid of all sorts of things in order to further their agendas. The drug wars, the wars over seas, restrictions on games, even regular political elections. All of these are pushed along by fearmongers - if you legalize drugs, EVERYONE WILL BE ON HEROIN! If you don't bomb the middle east, THE TERRORISTS WILL MURDER YOUR KIDS. If you don't ban violent games, KIDS WILL EMULATE GRAND THEFT AUTO IN REAL LIFE!

The same with politics. Vote for me, even though I have bailed on many of my promises and virtually am indistinguishable from my predecessor, because OOH SCARY LOOK HOW CRAZY/SOCIALIST MY OPPONENT IS! It's all about fear - nothing is positive anymore. The media CANNOT let a tragedy go to waste, and will make as many people as scared as possible so they will go along with a fearmonger's agenda.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Ah yes, the very ironically named "Common Sense Media." Ironic because between the lot of of 'em they have about as much common sense as a conspiracy theorist on crack. ¬_¬


New member
May 16, 2010
It is mid boggling that news people cannot fact check, and cannot stop glorifying the killers over the victims. welcome to the world of political spin and media manufactured hype.

just video games are new scapegoat over marylin mansion and even tho were have tons of data showing that neither movies or video games or books have any more or less propencity to cause violence and statistically speaking books lead i think both movies and video games by far when you look at the actual numbers, add to that these kids links to games some of them were very weak to say the least and any amount of actual looking at the "facts" as they are there would have been alot more questioning of many of the statements that are floating around.

facts like prescription drugs are the leading killer of people in this country, far leading baseball bats involved in violence, and then guns. and i am sure the majority of all violence is more along the lines if crimes of passion or crimes of money and not random asshats looking to go out in a blaze of glory by shooting innocent children.

and the acts of one random psychopath and some copycat wannabees are pushing a debate fueled by the media and your beloved politicians, on banning video games banning guns and blaming everyone but the media for the glorifying the killers in these things.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Kuredan said:
Fiction literature is the source of all degenerate behavior. I take that back, it's actually Jazz music. No wait, it's really moving pictures. Oops, I mean comic books. Did I say comics? I meant violent TV shows... wait... uhh Rap music? Maybe not. Hrmm... I guess I can say definitively, I has to be video games. I'm sure about it this time, I have a good feeling. Yeah, video games are certainly to blame for all degenerate behavior...
There weren't any drive-by shootings before the invention of the horseless carriage. Coincidence?


New member
Mar 26, 2012
ERMEGERD, These people think video games cause violence!?

Well, I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I'll just go burn down my local Gamestop and stop playing all games with violence in them. Damn, I really wanted to know how Bastion ended.

Alright, everyone, I guess this is it. Video games have been fun and all, but it's time to burn 'em all. Because these people's opinions have an effect on us and the entertainment we like.


EDIT: Also, "common sense" media. Yes.


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011
And yet, no mention of the glorification and overexposure of such tragedies on the news media?

Seriously, those fucking 24/7 TV News channels love violence - massacres and such are a ratings gift for them, and they'll pontificate over the causes and whatnot, meanwhile repeatedly showing footage, and exploiting victims for comment.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
Aardvaarkman said:
And yet, no mention of the glorification and overexposure of such tragedies on the news media?

Seriously, those fucking 24/7 TV News channels love violence - massacres and such are a ratings gift for them, and they'll pontificate over the causes and whatnot, meanwhile repeatedly showing footage, and exploiting victims for comment.
There's some people out there who send flowers and show sympathy/empathy to the victims that are alive and need the support, but overall there's a lot of work to be done. It seems sometimes that it takes a tragedy to make people actually care for each other and make life a happier place, albeit in the shadow of a painful situation.

I cannot stand the 24/7 news. I completely feel made to believe that if I leave my house, I'll wander through a wasteland of murders, horrific accidents, rapes, and that any second evil people will try to blow me up. That shit does in fact occur, but they go out of their way to sensationalize and drill the evils of the world into our consciousness. We could do so many constructive and helpful things with a 24/7 information channel, but that probably wouldn't get ratings and contribute to the circle of cash wank. The sad thing is that if the "VIOLENCE, you're not safe!" approach is what gets the ratings they want, then clearly that's what the people are eager to hear about. People.

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
soren7550 said:
... more prominent displays of ratings for games, movies and television and a restriction on preview trailers in theaters that would limit them to the same rating as the movie being shown.
Uhh... they pretty much already do that Mr. Dipshit Letter Writer. For most video game commercials, when it starts, there's a big ass ESRB rating with a loud voice over declaring "Rated _ for _", and typically the rating will be present throughout the commercial in the corner.

Movie trailers already act the way you want them to. You go to the theater to watch some Disney movie, you're going to see trailers for kids movies. You go see some PG-13 action flick, you're going to see trailers for similar films. Go see a horror film, you're going to see horror trailers. It's a whole "if you want to watch this flick, than may we interest you in these flicks?" thing. In other words, BASIC MARKETING 101!!! You are not going to see any motherfucking R rated film advertisements during a fuckin' kids' show, or movie, or ANYTHING, because there's no market for it!!
Incorrect, that may seem like common sense, but projectionists generally don't take Marketing 101 classes. During the last summer I watched G-Rated animated movies with kids in my family and a field trip I chaperoned. I remember watching ads for HBO programs including the very non kid friendly Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones that preceded the trailers and immediately remarking to my company how inappropriate it was. Of course there are restrictions on on what can be shown in the ads themselves such as nudity on graphic violence but a lot of that was teased. Also during the previews of the PG-13 Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises there were ads for the M-Rated Max Payne 3.

Can we once not have knee jerk reactions or yellow journalist spins to every cause celebre? Nowhere on the articles on Common Sense Media's website does it advocate for censorship or come to the conclusion that they believe that media is to blame. The link found in "the Common Sense Media group, perhaps best known to gamers for its enthusiastic support [] for California's failed effort to legislate the sale of violent videogames to minors" presents nothing that proves that Common Sense Media, a website made up of user submitted content supports such a ban.

In fact on Common Sense Media's Mission Page [], the first thing you see is this:

Common Sense Media said:
Our 10 Beliefs

1. We believe in media sanity, not censorship.
To those who actually read the articles let alone the survey reports, that's all misinformation. All Common Sense Media did was publish the reports of two surveys they held. The recent one showing that most parents believe that violent media influences violent behavior and another one showing that most parents support a law restricting the sale of M-Rated games to minors. I trusted The Escapist for fact based critical video game related news, but not any more. The Escapist should be ashamed for it's Faux News style sensationalist headlines, scapegoating, and spin. I guess the only gaming news source I can trust now is the Penny Arcade Report.

But of course it's easier to shift blame and attack a certain group than to look at things reasonably right? It's also too tempting to make jibes at a a seemingly ironic name for a group that advocates parental involvement and personal responsibility.

I frequent Common Sense Media a lot, and find it to be a valuable resource. This may seem extremely evil, lazy, or shocking to those of you who are young but not everyone responsible for children has enough time (or a sanity threshold) to screen every piece of media for a child. And you can't just sit and think that "Oh it's on Nick or the Disney Channel it should be age appropriate" because you can not believe the inane shit those networks get away with from racist caricatures that belong in the 50's to shallow messages of vanity on popular tween shows like Jessie and Shake It Up. Furthermore, it's not just great for finding out information about what's appropriate for children but other adults. As a guy who sat through 157 uncomfortable minutes of Lust, Caution with his parents it's great to know what you're walking into.


New member
Jul 11, 2012
I bet all my money i hawe on me at this time that 90% of those who said that wideo games ar the ones to blame for shootouts(and not sub-relligious nut jobs) hawent actually played anything more sofisticated than solitare or tetris... I can say that i realley hate Justin Biebers music because i hawe listened 2 disks from a to z at friends girlfreinds house and I hate him... They hawe no right to unjustley blame something that is out of theyre level of comprehension


New member
Feb 1, 2010
Oddly enough, the United States has cut their violent crime rate in half over the last twenty years (great job by the way!) So violent crime goes down and fear of violent crime goes up? It's also interesting that nobody wants to bring up the drastic crime drop, apparently that's not newsworthy.


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2008
Nimzabaat said:
Oddly enough, the United States has cut their violent crime rate in half over the last twenty years (great job by the way!) So violent crime goes down and fear of violent crime goes up? It's also interesting that nobody wants to bring up the drastic crime drop, apparently that's not newsworthy.
I agree but you know what they'll say all the violent people could be busy playing video games?

I jest but with correlational studies you can pretty much say anything. You can have a look at the in-depth stats on that website and it shows that the younger the people asked the less they think video games or movies cause violence.
It is scary to think that violent video games are rated as dangerous as guns, I suppose a controller can double as a blunt weapon? fashion game disks into some sort of shiv or chakram?...


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
I think most people in this poor are afraid to actualyl sovle the problem because then they dont have anything to complain about.

DVS BSTrD said:
Should read: Common Sense Media polls find lack of Common Sense running high.
not necessarely. from the pool its clear that over 60% of respondents fear violence from, well, basically EVERYTHING, so the fears are certainly runing high. whether its common sense or not, its still correct.

Oddly enough, the United States has cut their violent crime rate in half over the last twenty years (great job by the way!) So violent crime goes down and fear of violent crime goes up? It's also interesting that nobody wants to bring up the drastic crime drop, apparently that's not newsworthy.
because after one city mayor (i forgot which, but it was one of the big ones) tried to claim that videogames actually are responsible for lower crime rate a shitstorm came in and now noone wants to be trying again.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Also interesting is that after seeing video of both, 84 percent of parents said that an advertisement for the M-rated game Hitman: Absolution "is inappropriate to show on TV at a time when children are watching," while only 63 percent said the same thing about the R-rated movie Gangster Squad.
Was it the nun ad?


Hingle McCringleberry
Dec 4, 2012
I think I'm going to get ahead of the curve and find the next societal scapegoat. Anyone have any ideas?

My money is on Facebook. It's already been cited in several cyber bullying cases, I can attest to it leading to acrimonious political arguments, and should be indicted for the "It's complicated" relationship status alone. My solution: a good old-fashioned Facebook burning.


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011
The Youth Counselor said:
Incorrect, that may seem like common sense, but projectionists generally don't take Marketing 101 classes.
What do projectionists have to do with it? They aren't the ones who decide what is shown in cinemas - they are told what to show. Of all the targets you could have chosen, this is absolutely the worst one. Projectionists are under-appreciated, underpaid, and fast-disappearing.

Projectionists are the people who care about how a movie is presented to you, and they are being phased out in favor of automation. In no way do they have any say in what you see, but a good projectionist helps ensure that what you see is seen clearly seen and presented well.