Why? Why is this being done? Do you have any idea how impractical a computer like this is? Its running in units measures in seconds when normal computers run in units measured in milliseconds! All you guys wanted to play "minecraft in minecraft" do you know how long it would take for the system to render even a single screen? It would take months to simply boot up the game. Ah god, ah this is so stupid.
I respect guys who are so determines to do this but this is doing something for the sake of doing it and has no practical application. God, when all you have is a hammer needs to be replace with when all you have is Minecraft. There are better ways to build some things you know people. Lets not turn Minecraft into our all purpose build engine when we have other avenues. God, Minecraft is turning into a singularity. Easy to build != practical or the right way to do it. Ah, this is giving me a headache.