Confess your nerd sins


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
I did not like Ghostbusters. I love damn near everyone in that movie but Ghostbusters itself did nothing for me. Everyone else seems to view it as a timeless classic but I just don't like it.

For games, I am an old school Final Fantasy fan and I am of the opinnion that there has not been a good one since X. I replay at least one (IV, VII, VIII, IX and X) every year. But I really don't like VI. The last time I said that to an old school fan in person she had a look on her face equivalent to if I had just taken a whiz on her favorite Grandmother.

Those are my to big confessions what about you?

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I hate every Final Fantasy after 6, with the expection of 9 because it was all right. Hated 7. 8. 10, 13, 13, 13, 13, all of them.

I can't sit through Pulp Fiction in one sitting. I can vaguely remember something about Samuel Jackson kicking ass. Oh, wait, he always is, because he's never not kicking ass.

I can't stand moe anime. Hate it. From the impossibly skinny legs (the thighs being narrowed than their necks is my favourite) and ridiculously massive dinner plate eyes, and the... Ugh, they make me cry out of misery.

I'm going to nerd hell.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I've only ever read the first chapter of Fellowship of The Ring.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
I actually really like certain sports and am not really of fan of comics at all.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
Someone Depressing said:
I hate every Final Fantasy after 6, with the expection of 9 because it was all right. Hated 7. 8. 10, 13, 13, 13, 13, all of them.

I can't sit through Pulp Fiction in one sitting. I can vaguely remember something about Samuel Jackson kicking ass. Oh, wait, he always is, because he's never not kicking ass.

I can't stand moe anime. Hate it. From the impossibly skinny legs (the thighs being narrowed than their necks is my favourite) and ridiculously massive dinner plate eyes, and the... Ugh, they make me cry out of misery.

I'm going to nerd hell.
You cannot get through Pulp Fiction in one sitting? it took me 12 sitting to watch it all the way through and I hated it. The only reason it was not in my OP was because I figured having one beloved movie was enough but seeing as you mentioned it.....


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
But ... but X-2 came out after X.

OT: It took me until last years to watch Star Wars. That's apparently not a good thing.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
I have never been interested in the Castlevania games.
I think Spawn still looks cool.
I liked the Watchman movie.
I don't care about Harry Potter.
I think Richard Rodriguez movies are over praised.
I like the way Navi says, "Hey Listen!"
I just bought Advanced Warfare.
I teared up during Sisterhood of the Traveling pants.
I do not believe in the possibility of wormholes.
None of the songs I write have ever mentioned Tolkien elements.


Aug 3, 2008
I haven't seen episode VI of Star Wars and I'm not even into the movies.
I haven't read any LOTR books and only seen the first two movies, I did enjoy them though.
I don't watch GoT.
I've never played a Zelda game.
I don't play a lot of games actually, never been into COD or WoW. I think I fit more into the "otaku" side of geeky.


New member
Sep 15, 2013
Please, son, I think every Final Fantasy -but- IX sucks and X is one of my most hated of them all. I'd even take XII (That's twelve, not X-2) over VI, VII, VIII, and X.

I like Naruto quite a bit.

Origin is a fine digital distribution system.

I hate watching subtitled anime. Dubs or bust.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I think Lord Of the Rings is unforgivably tedious and dull

I dislike high fantasy in general

I am completely and utterly "meh" about all of marvels output

I may have loved doctor who before it was cool but I cannot be assed these days

I actually think its unhealthy to invest yourself to a huge degree in a lot of nerdy things

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I hate ponies.
I'm not tired by Batman at all.
I don't think Marvel is the best thing ever.
I don't know the first thing about Magic: The Gathering.
My favorite anime is Cowboy Bebop. Nerds seem to find this pedestrian.
I've never seen an episode of Star Trek or Doctor Who, and I don't particularly care to either.
I've never played any Legend of Zelda games, and the only Final Fantasy I ever played was the first one.
I'm not a fan of fantasy novels and mega best-selling series like Jim Butcher, Terry Pratchett, George R. R. Martin and Neil Gaiman's.
I think their books are the literary equivalent of a Big Mac.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
I don't care for Harry Potter at all, and it's not from a lack of trying either. I think it's highly over rated.
I've never played a Metroid game. Like ever.
I find most anime to be terrible with Kill La Kill and Cowboy Bebop are the recent exceptions.
I don't care for the DC universe and specifically Superman. Batman is the exception since I think he's better characterized, doesn't have some BS weakness, and has some cool villains.
I enjoy sports.

And my greatest sin of all is I enjoy the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy.

You may now crucify me.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
The only Final Fantasy game I liked was Crisis Core.
I learned Japanese just so I could play iDOLM@STER.
I've never seen a Star Wars movie except Episode 1 and I fell asleep halfway through it.
I like Naruto.
I only started watching Doctor Who this season. I think it's "kinda okay I'm drunk anyway"
I Pokegen event Pokemon.
I hate comics but love manga.

And apparently worst of all:
I don't give a shit about the gender gap in gaming. I only care about the skill gap between me and my opponent.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I consider Spawn to be one of the greatest comic books of all time. Right from the start, it was excellent at what it did.

I think the prequel trilogy was a great series of movies.

In my opinion, most manga has horrible, horrible pacing.

I think that fantasy and SF in general is more about telling a good yarn than about being deep in any way. It's the literary equivalent of candy. Fun, but not satisfying on any deeper level. Not saying SF or fantasy novels can never be literary novels, I'm just saying they rarely are.

I consider yaoi and yaoi fandom to be deeply homophobic.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Mine is mostly in TV series, both live-action and animated.

-I have no plans to watch Neon Genesis: Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, nor Tri-Gun any time soon at all.
-I have no plans on watching any of the films that... the famous anime director makes. That should tell you how little I care.
-Harems have the potential to be great and people just don't give them a chance.


-Watched one season of Doctor Who, didn't care to continue it.
-Watched one episode of Supernatural, didn't care to continue it.
-Watched one episode of Sherlock, didn't care to continue it.

Not really any for video games or movies. I haven't seen Bladerunner or played any FF other than 13, if that counts.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Going by the way the internet acts-
[ul][li]I like Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX. IX in particular is one of my favorite games ever, while VII is one of the first games that ever got me into playing RPGs.[/li]

[li]I like Sonic the Hedgehog. Not enough to buy a new game sight unseen anymore, Sonic '06 saw to that, but I'm still an unrepentant fan of the little rodent and honestly think a lot of the games in the franchise get a harsher reception than they deserve.[/li]

[li]I think The Phantom Menace is just as enjoyable a film as any of the original Star Wars trilogy, albeit with a more blunt and juvenile script. I also think Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are fun action films with really terrible writing.[/li]

[li]I love Halo. It's not enough to convince me to purchase an Xbox One over a PS4 were I to get a new console, but I'm still pining for the day that Halo 3 and Reach come to the PC alongside re-releases of Halo and Halo 2--even though I still own all of the games for the Xbox 360.[/li]

[li]Every time I think I couldn't care less about Marvel's films, the internet proves me wrong. I liked The Avengers. But holy hell, it didn't redefine summer Hollywood blockbusters and change the landscape of film forever. It was just a fun action flick with some typical Whedon quipping.[/li]

[li]Conversely, I think Nolan's Batman trilogy is fantastic, and it is alongside The Animated Series as my favorite representation of Batman. Since starting to read comics, I've also found that I'm far more interested in DC comics than Marvel just in general.[/li]

[li]I think DmC is one of the better Devil May Cry games. Its gameplay is stiffer than DMC3, but the control scheme is a lot more intuitive to actually use and the levels are far more visually interesting as someone who doesn't get particularly wowed by all of the Neo-Gothic architecture in the older DMC games.[/li]

[li]I think Blizzard still makes great games. Admittedly, I'm really frustrated by this new tactic they've taken whereby everything they make needs to be always multi-player all the time, because I honestly have extremely little patience for multi-player, even less so when it's competitive. But Diablo III is one of the only isometric ARPGs that's managed to actually hold my interest, Hearthstone has sucked away many hours of my life, I played WoW for five and a half years, and Starcraft II/Warcraft II/Warcraft III have pretty well made me find a new interest in RTS games. (Just as a bit of clarification, WoW and Hearthstone are also pretty close to the only actual non-co-op multi-player gaming I've done in the past decade.)[/li]

[li]Even though I've quite enjoyed the books, I really don't care to watch Game of Thrones. I don't actually watch much television in general these days.[/li]

[li]I liked Dragon Age II and loved Mass Effect 3.[/li]

I think that'll do for now. I'm sure I could come up with at least fifty more without much issue if I wanted to sit here all night typing.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
I like Final Fantasy X-2. Yes the story plays out a bit like a Saturday morning cartoon, but I'm okay with that. Plus the dressphere system is fun.

I don't think I ever saw Return of the Jedi, or if I did I have absolutely no recollection of it whatsoever.

I have no interest in anything Evangelion and I thought Akira was okay at best. Pretty, but I didn't enjoy it as a story.

I don't like any Dragonball series and think the character designs are ugly as hell.

I have never finished a Zelda game.

I found the graphics of WoW to be ugly as hell compared to Final Fantasy XI: Online (and still do).

I have never even touched the following games or franchises: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto, FIFA, Metal Gear Solid, Metal of Honor, Battlefield, Counter Strike, or Hitman.

I stopped playing Ico because I found the "dragging the lifeless girl with no survival instincts around by the arm" mechanic to be both frustrating and degrading.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
I've never seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies and I've only played one Legend of Zelda game. Pretty sure I'm going to nerd hell for those sins.