Congressman Wants Health Warning Labels on Games, Again


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
JediMB said:
"WARNING: Aggressive personalities may seek out and excessively play violent videogames."

"WARNING: Playing violent videogames does not, however, suggest that one is an aggressive person."
WARNING: Violent videogame behavior reduces stress and depression in young adults.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Wildcard5 said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Would you also like this on alcohol? Which has PROVABLE evidence rather than your made up variety?

Or Catcher in the Rye?

Or Huckleberry Finn?
I actually do wonder if there are warning labels on alcohol bottles now.....probably not.

Why not add Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet to that list. The warning label could warn parents that the former play would cause them to have absurd notions of love and relationships. As for the latter it could warn that it may cause familicide.
My Heineken bottle only talks about dangers to pregnant women and vehicle operation while intoxicated.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
No, we only put warnings on things that have actually been proven to be harmful.
So, shove it Congressman.


New member
May 15, 2009
Simple question; if links are shown between aggressive behavior and ALL media mediums, why are you only putting it on ONE media medium? Backwards thinking is backwards.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Angus565 said:
I would like a health warning label on Joe Baca...
Excessive exposure to the halls of Congress may cause:

- Psychosis (loss of contact with reality)
- Dissociative disorder (e.g. cannot remember how science works)
- Narcissistic personality disorder (inflamed ego)
- Pseudologica fantastica (pathological lying)
- Cognitive impairment (loss of intelligence)
- Megalomania (a compulsive need to be in charge of everything)

If you have been exposed to the halls of Congress for more than six hours, seek medical attention. If you have served for more than one term, seek committment to a psychiatric facility immediately. If you have served for more than three terms, seek a quickly-moving oncoming vehicle.​


Keeper of Ying
Nov 25, 2008
You know what? I think that this is finally turning out like climate change in government. There are some people who have no expertise in any field relating to climate, who will take shoddy science and flawed studies and wave it around like flags, claiming that there is some giant conspiracy and that there is no such thing as global warming and that spending money on it would be a waste blahdy blahdy blah.

Then you have the people who have no experience in any field relating to video games, nor have they probably played one in their life, and they hold up shoddy studies and claim that video games are dangerous and we have to do something now before our future is corrupted blahdy blahdy blah.

Does anyone actually take any of that seriously? Anyone with half a brain stem could go look for studies themselves and see that neither of those claims are substantiated with any great amount of evidence, nor is the view supported by the majority of scientists. I feel like they are just going to keep shouting in the wind because it is popular thing to do and when they can't do anything of value it's an easy thing to fall back on. Why do we keep electing these crazies again?


New member
Jul 13, 2010
joebthegreat said:
Nailz said:
joebthegreat said:
But also more importantly,
correlation =/= causation.

Repeat after me folks...
Which does not mean correlation disproves causation. It simply means it doesn't prove causation. But then again when do we ever PROVE causation?

So I state again. Disprove it.
" So I state again. Disprove it." ?

You know who else uses that argument? Religious fundamentalists.
Can I disprove God exists? No. Does it make it fruitful to posit that he does because I can't disprove it? No. Occam's Razor baby. Why make the stretch.

Master Kuja

New member
May 28, 2008

*Slams head repeatedly into nearest wall*

Even if most of this research weren't complete bullshit, there's one thing that always seems to fail to be taken into consideration.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc anyone? Correlation DOES NOT equal causation, Jesus Mary mother of fuck, it's logically fallacious to assume that simple correlation equals causation.

It's like referring to a correlation discovered some time back between the amount of ice creams consumed and death by drowning, does eating ice cream increase your chances of drowning? Hell no, the simpler and more logically accurate explanation would be to consider the other possible reasons why the correlation might exist in the first place.

Heaven forbid that there aren't genetic predispositions which preclude people to increased violent tendencies given appropriate stimulus.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
The exact opposite can be said about violent videogame's mental effects on people...

Hmm, anyone see the relationship between his last name and bakka, the japanese phrase the losely translates to, ohh I don't know... IDIOT!

Maybe a bit extreme, but seriously...

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Isn't California's economy in the toilet right now? Shouldn't he be focusing on, you know, THAT, instead of trying to present his obscure social norms as truth despite all the evidence against?


Oct 6, 2009
JediMB said:
Le Tueur said:
WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent videogames and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior
No....It hasn't.
There are links. Aggressive people like to play violent videogames.

There's no proof that violent videogames cause aggressive/violent behavior, though.
And aggressive people like to breathe air and eat cereal.

There is no evidence, you could just as easily link eating rye with "I know it's not butter" butter on it as the decisive link to why people are aggressive, or could just as easily say it's in there genes.

EDIT: But, yes I agree with you full-heartedly that there is no proof to his claim.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Oh look, another politician trying to get attention by riling people up over a controversial issue that isn't actually as controversial as they would like to think.

That's it, I'm signing up with the video game voter's network.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Lol, 'Baca' indeed. I hope this guy... you know what, I don't want to troll. I hope he amends his outlook on games and finds happiness for the rest of his life.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
There should literally be a law against people's own stupidity (Unfortunately that would eliminate 90% of the internet). It should be a Law or Rule, that to take any sort of media entertainment to court or to have a bill passed, you must have ACTUALLY used it yourself. It's like the 'Mass Effect' or 'GTA' controversy all over again. Fox claimed 'Mass Effect' had full and uncensored sex scenes (Facepalm), and many critics who've never owned a game console have claimed things like 'GTA gives points for killing hookers' (Wha? Since when did they switch over to a point system). Geez, maybe we should pass a Bill that says all these old F**kers in government need to be ousted and replaced by people who are actually from the last 2 generations. Cause then maybe we'd have people with common sense and who know more about the modern world then what they've heard from their hallucinations brought on by going senile.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Uriel-238 said:
So why don't we have our own damn lobbyists in Washington?...
You can start by writing your representatives (contact information of which can be Googled easily). There! You're lobbying your reps.

If you create a website with a forum, you can coordinate with like minded folks to simultaneously contact their reps as well.

And if you find you're not doing it, the answer lies before you: it's too much effort.
I live in Canada. Any representatives of mine have no sway in American politics and my own government isn't so inclined to attack the industry. It's a shame because any damage done to the American games industry is damage done to the world-wide games industry.

Any Americans should take note of that though


New member
Mar 31, 2010
*face palm* maybe put a warning label on the links between being a congressman and being dumb.