Console exclusives: are they really necessary?

arber man

New member
Feb 16, 2010
I feel as though I've missed out on some pretty spectacular games because of my lack of PS3 ownership. It seems crazy to me that if an individual wants to have the opportunity to play all of the current generations best titles they have purchase something like 5 different gaming systems and upgrade the crud out of their PC, I'm all for a little competition in the market between companies (at least it's a buffer against a gaming monopoly) but our current system seems pretty flawed. What do you guys think?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
yes they are necessary . why? because if not whats your incentive to buy a console over the other ? i mean if ps4 and xbone had the same games , there no reason to buy one over the other of both.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
The reason I like exclusives is that they really kick the system up to 11 and squeeze's everything it can out of the system.

For example, a game like "The Last of Us" is a game that I'm not certain the 360 could handle. That's not to say that graphics are everything but LoU is a VERY purty game. If it was developed on both systems, I don't think it would be nearly as good as it was.

Exclusives are seen as system sellers because they are very very good. Usually, they are very very good because they take advantage of what the specific system does.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
They aren't necessary, because consoles aren't necessary. But I am glad its not like it used to be.

It used to be you had a Nintendo, or a Sega. And if you had a Sega you were dead inside, or so its been relayed to me.

I mean other than if you were a diehard Sonic fan, you were pretty much fucked if you didn't have a SNES.

Now though, there are maybe 5 exclusives per console that would seriously warrant choosing one over the other as opposed to almost zero multiplatform titles of the earlier gens. And even fewer in the launch titles of the new gen.

I imagine that the dev costs for these titles would drop drastically if they weren't forcing themselves to essentially double or triple (in rare cases where Nintendo's consoles are remembered to exist) their work by having to develop the same game for multiple consoles.

Especially aggravating is Nintendo's refusal to make their VC titles available on all their consoles. If the DS can handle Chrono Trigger, then why can't I DL the Secret of Mana or any other SNES VC title on my 3DS? Where is my Earthbound? Super Metroid?

Oh thats right, they need them exclusive to their Wiis so that someone will HAVE to buy them for something. It certainly isn't for the NEW games.

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
I like exclusives. They're not necessarily better than multiplatform games, but more like a specialty.
They make people who can only afford one particular platform feels like their purchase was worthwhile too, so there's that.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
They are for console makers, otherwise they hurt the market all around, devs and users get shafted just the same.
Also seems to encourage wild delusional theories and turn people even more fanatic toward their choice of hardware... I can't even begin to describe how awful that is.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
I despise them and the console war bullshit it causes.

But it's necessary for the current "you have two choices which franchises do you like better" console landscape. As consoles become more and more like PCs and hopefully a standardize "console PC" landscape comes about exclusives won't be required, but at the moment they certainly are.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
Well from a first party standpoint (mircrosoft, sony and nintendo) yes they are necessary because otherwise there would be little if no incentive to choose one console over the other. Granted the necessity does feel a bit artificial since now a days consoles use virtually the same technology (at least with XBOX and PS), and unlike back in the cartridge era it feels more like they are holding your favorite games hostage.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
All exclusives do is ensure the producer/developer is excluded from accessing my money. Should the game be released on PC I would purchase it, if it isn't released on PC I will not purchase it.

They do allow the developer an easier time making the game with kickbacks from the console they're making it on... but they also essentially alienate them from ~75%~ (in theory, how many people own every type of console + PC?) of the marketplace.

I'm hoping games like Grand Theft Auto show developers that they need a clause in their contract of "Exclusive for 6 months with no announcement 2 weeks prior to launch" for everyone to be happy. That way they can gain the benefit of first week sales for multiple platforms and users of non-exclusive platforms can have some idea what they're going to see before buying blindly.

I mean, how awesome would it be for Naughty Dog if Last of Us was released on PC in 3-4 months time? How much money would they make from those sales? I mean, how many sales would Sony miss out on then? Next to none because all of those who were going to purchase it have already purchased it or have it second hand, but Naughty Dog would potentially see a million more sales... everyone wins, nobody loses.


Tech Head
Oct 18, 2009
krazykidd said:
yes they are necessary . why? because if not whats your incentive to buy a console over the other ?
How about one console being better, objectively or otherwise, than the other? If a game can easily be ported to a number of platforms there isn't any reason (from a consumer standpoint) to restrict it to one. If it requires an amount of processing power not offered by all consoles, relies on a specific peripheral like the Kinect or WiiMote, or the developer can't afford to port to multiple platforms then making it 'exclusive' is really the only way to go about it but for the most part the actual console should be judged on it's own, not by the games that the manufacturer buys out.


New member
May 19, 2009
I hate console exclusives. Missed out on a lot of good games thx to them. I guess they are necessary but i still hate it.


New member
May 14, 2011
KoudelkaMorgan said:
They aren't necessary, because consoles aren't necessary. But I am glad its not like it used to be.

It used to be you had a Nintendo, or a Sega. And if you had a Sega you were dead inside, or so its been relayed to me.

I mean other than if you were a diehard Sonic fan, you were pretty much fucked if you didn't have a SNES.

Now though, there are maybe 5 exclusives per console that would seriously warrant choosing one over the other as opposed to almost zero multiplatform titles of the earlier gens. And even fewer in the launch titles of the new gen.
While certainly not as many as we have today, there were TONS of crossplatform titles in the SNES/Genesis era. There were also a few "almost" crossplatform titles, like Turtles in Time/Hyperstone Heist. There weren't as many on the NES/SMS, but that was due to Nintendo's third party policies.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Well, yes they are. They aren't good for the consumer in the direct way, but if we look at the more indirect paths then well, yes it might be.

I did until recently own a Wii, a wii U, a 360 and a good gaming PC. Sadly this means I missed out on great titles such as Tales of Graces F (that and Tales of Xillia made me buy a PS3) Valkyrica Chronicles and probably some other titles too. Obviously this is a negative thing for me since I had to buy a console at the end of its lifespan rather than buy those games which aren't exclusive for the one platform I had.

Then we'll take a hypothetical situation where console exclusives don't exist. Then what will happen? Well first off I will get rid of all consoles except one to save place and maybe have a PC just to play those games best fit for PC and let my console be for titles I like playing on console and for travelling. It sounds great, no need to buy more than one expensive thingy to occupy my HDMI ports.

Well what will happen on the console market? Consoles can't compete with exclusives anymore and no console with have an edge simply because of games. One console is likely to become dominant either for price or convenience. While the others might fail one will come out on top. We will be reduced to having one console. No competition, no reason no impress us because we don't have a choice.

That is when the only console maker got the chance to royally screw us over. You know why the Xbox One dropped DRM? It's not because customers complained, it's because customers would buy the other console. The kind of shit that Microsoft tried to do could actually happen somewhere down the line if we abandoned console exclusives.

This might be a stretch and it's a worst case scenario, but it is certainly possible.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Yes, they're necessary.

None of the consoles are really all that special in any way when looking purely at the console itself. Note, I'm not saying they're bad, I'm saying they're not unique.

As such they need exclusives to distinguish themselves from each other and from the PC, especially now when you've got console game that need to be installed, firmware updates to download etc.

It's so special it can be run on Windows 7 with a NVidia card...


New member
Mar 16, 2013
All I know is that I'm missing out on two apparently truly special games, The Last of Us and Journey, because I don't want to buy a PS3 just for them, and that's a bit sad.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
It goes both ways.

There are exclusives I'd like to try on consoles, but I have a whackload of PC exclusives at my disposal, so my sadness never lasts for too long. If games were all designed with cross-platform in mind, then consoles wouldn't get the excellent fighing games and platformers that they do, and PC gamers wouldn't get things like Dwarf Fortress or Uplink or the various Tycoon games.

As for between consoles... I dunno. Ask Sony.


New member
Mar 30, 2013
It seems to be the easy way out for driving console sales, instead of ... you know making a better service for your platform, finding new ways to accommodate newcomers by being attractive (like special multiplayer features, distribution, quality etc.) without limiting the fanbase of certain titles (which is bad for consumers and developers to some extent) they just make shit exclusive... wanna play it? Tough luck.

Anyway, I for one hope, since the hardware in the new platforms is increasingly standardized as the PC hardware market, things go the way of the digital distribution services present on PC which rival themselves with great customer service (Steam, GoG, Amazon etc.) rather than limiting access to game software (E.A. and their Origin, even VALVe is guilty of this with their games, but at least they're available on the same platform) and attractive prices, amongst ease of use and accessibility (gotta respect CD Projekt and their GoG service for that, and VALVe's increasing support of modders with their Steam Workshop).

There are always ways of doing things without limiting access, it only depends on the quantity of laziness and time schedule/investment in these Corporations, which has got fuck all to do with our enjoyment of the medium... tough luck it seems.
