Asehujiko said:
Nova5 said:
A PC is heavier, and what are they going to do? Lug the mouse, keyboard, and monitor with it?
No. That is the equivalent of also grabbing the tv and hunting down all 4 controllers.
Yes, my evil plan of only owning 3 360 controlers has finally yealded a real benifit!
The Rockerfly said:
I wonder if console thefts has gone up because more people have consoles or because consoles are considered more mainstream then 10 years ago
Cookie for anyone who gives me an answer
Both are legitimate factors. You could write a research paper on this if you wanted.
Monkeytacoz said:
why would you steal a console? steal a PC instead
Because PCs aren't liquid, in the same way a console is. If you take a console into Gamestop or a pawnshop or wherever, you can move it instantly, they're always looking to buy used consoles. But, if you try doing the same thing with a PC, good luck.
Most gamers I know assemble custom rigs, which makes things even more difficult because there's no way to assess the value without either spending a lot of time on figuring out what's in it. And a non-gaming rig is probably worth less than the console.
The same isn't true of laptops, which do get stolen.