Convince Me To Buy Overwatch...


New member
May 24, 2011
So until the beta was released I'd actually heard exactly 0 things about Overwatch. I figured a free beta is a free beta and tried it out. I despised it.

I despised it because I didn't know what it was. I despised it because it was a horrible version of the game I thought it was (generic FPS with fun colors).

The more I read from you folks the more I realize I went into it in completely the wrong mental state.

I didn't realize that different characters played completely different classes and styles and that these things could all coexist (I never played TF2, just wasn't my thing).

So as soon is humanly possible I plan to rent it for a couple of nights and find out what all the hubbub is about.

What I need from you!!!

Give me a quick run down in your own words of how each character plays, what role they inhabit, and whatever else I may need. Give me a bio on just the one you play, give me a run down on 3 or 4. Give me all of em. I'll try em out as soon as I can.


New member
May 25, 2016
I can't give you a rundown of every single character, but I'll pick from a couple that I've played quite a bit.

Lucio (Support)- Fast-moving healer who lets you have fun on the offensive side as well. He can toggle his AOE buff from a speed boost to a passive heal that affects all allies within a certain radius. He can further boost this every 10-12 seconds (can't remember the exact cooldown) for an added bonus to movement speed or heal rate. Some players can find healers to be boring, but Lucio keeps your attention because his attack isn't entirely useless and his alternate fire (right click) acts as a shockwave that pushes nearby enemies away. This is especially fun (and highlight reel material) as you can launch enemies off of edges on the map to their death. He is especially effective on King of the Hill formats where a lot of allies are clustered in close proximity, allowing him to heal several teammates at once. His ultimate provides a massive AOE buff that, when correctly timed, can win a team fight.

Widowmaker (Defense/Sniper)- Mobile sniper. She uses a grappling hook to get around and her headshots are deadly for all non-tank characters. Her ultimate provides vision on the enemy team (basically wall hacks). She also can throw down a poisonous mine that causes damage over time. She is a pretty straight forward character, so someone coming from a more traditional FPS background should be able to get used to her pretty quickly. Her sniper rifle functions as an assault rifle when not scoped as well making her not entirely useless in close range, though you still want to avoid those engagements.

Roadhog (Tank)- Tanky with a punch. Roadhog is frustrating to play against when controlled by someone with skill. He can hook opposing characters (similar to Pudge from Dota) and then finish off squishy characters with a quick shotgun blast to the face. The hook is something that takes some getting used to, but when mastered he is a very effective character. He works well in close with his gun, but his alternate fire is also fairly decent for whittling away the defenses of other characters from a distance. He can also heal himself for a large portion of his overall health with an ability every 8 seconds (though he is immobile and unable of any other action while this ability is being used). His ultimate is a machine gun that deals decent damage and knocks back enemies that are hit.

Tracer (Attack)- Though I'm pretty useless as Tracer, she is a very fun and unique hero to play when picking up Overwatch. She can dart (or blink) in any direction that she is facing (holds up to 3 charges and recharges fairly quickly). Her second ability essentially "rewinds" time and recovers any damage that she took. So, if Tracer finds herself in a jam she can essentially rewind the damage dealt and also return to the position on the map that she was before she got into trouble in the first place. Her ultimate (sticky grenade) is somewhat weaker than others, but if used correctly (in combination with her blink or rewind ability) it can do quite a bit of damage. She attacks with dual pistols that hold small clips, but when up close and pumping a full clip into the enemy, she can make short work of pretty much anyone.

Those are four different characters from four different roles in the game. Hope that gives you some idea of these characters meanwhile I'm sure others will be able to help you out with the rest.

I've had quite a bit of fun with Overwatch so far, and I played during the Open Beta as well. I have the most fun when playing with a group of friends though as it is a very teamwork heavy game so communication is always a benefit, especially when coordinating team compositions. So, if you know others that are playing, that would make it all the better. That being said, it is still a fun game running solo, and when you play well it's easy to get other players to add you for a regular group to queue up together.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
2HF said:
So until the beta was released I'd actually heard exactly 0 things about Overwatch. I figured a free beta is a free beta and tried it out. I despised it.

I despised it because I didn't know what it was. I despised it because it was a horrible version of the game I thought it was (generic FPS with fun colors).

The more I read from you folks the more I realize I went into it in completely the wrong mental state.

I didn't realize that different characters played completely different classes and styles and that these things could all coexist (I never played TF2, just wasn't my thing).

So as soon is humanly possible I plan to rent it for a couple of nights and find out what all the hubbub is about.

What I need from you!!!

Give me a quick run down in your own words of how each character plays, what role they inhabit, and whatever else I may need. Give me a bio on just the one you play, give me a run down on 3 or 4. Give me all of em. I'll try em out as soon as I can.
You despited it. Why should you even want convincing. Fuck Overwatch and fuck trying to force yourself to like a game you think blows. There are literally thousands of over games you would enjoy spending time with more that Overwatch.

If you didn't like TF2, Overwatch is only an evolution of the core gameplay and isn't going to wow you or win you over. It is an arena shooter, with only two game types. Find something else, or at very least wait until the game expands, and gets cheaper.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
I'm with CriticalGaming - If TF2 wasn't your thing, I doubt Overwatch will be. It's essentially a 'busier' version of TF2, plus waifus. If you can imagine TF2 with those, and you think you would like it more, then go with it. If not, then save your money.

As for your question, there's an absolute ton of characters, and Blizzard has done a pretty good job of summarizing them. You need not lean on your fellow gamer to get a good picture of what each one does.


New member
May 24, 2011
CritialGaming said:
You despited it. Why should you even want convincing. Fuck Overwatch and fuck trying to force yourself to like a game you think blows.
Dude, count to 10 and catch your breath. If you read the entire post you'll see that the "despised it" sentiment was a qualified one. It's like despising the vanilla pudding I was served when I was expecting chocolate. Doesn't mean vanilla isn't good, I just went in expecting something else.

Lennac said:
Thank you, this is exactly what I'm looking for.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
2HF said:
CritialGaming said:
You despited it. Why should you even want convincing. Fuck Overwatch and fuck trying to force yourself to like a game you think blows.
Dude, count to 10 and catch your breath. If you read the entire post you'll see that the "despised it" sentiment was a qualified one. It's like despising the vanilla pudding I was served when I was expecting chocolate. Doesn't mean vanilla isn't good, I just went in expecting something else.
Ok ok ok. Sorry. I hate Overwatch though, and I bought the damn thing.

Still though, it is an arena FPS, that lacks content and progression. It is a game designed to entice you to spend money on rng loot boxes filled with an overwhelm amount of junk.

You want people to convince you to buy Overwatch right? That's what the title says.

I'm tell you don't.

Not right now. Wait for more characters to come out, more game modes, and even a price drop, because you are NOT getting 60 bucks worth of game right now.

Ask yourself this. Do you like King of the Hill or escort game-types in other FPS's? Because if the answer is no, then no amount of unique character classes are going to distract you from rather boring game types and simplistic map design.


New member
May 24, 2011
CritialGaming said:
Ask yourself this. Do you like King of the Hill or escort game-types in other FPS's?
I actually do fondly recall the king of the hill matches I played back in my Halo 2 days. Frenetic and fun. So... point for I guess. As for the enticing me to spend money thing, never gonna happen. I'm purely a function over fashion kind of guy. I'll never drop a dime on a cosmetic change.

The price issue is a fair point. I don't plan on paying full price though.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
2HF said:
CritialGaming said:
Ask yourself this. Do you like King of the Hill or escort game-types in other FPS's?
I actually do fondly recall the king of the hill matches I played back in my Halo 2 days. Frenetic and fun. So... point for I guess. As for the enticing me to spend money thing, never gonna happen. I'm purely a function over fashion kind of guy. I'll never drop a dime on a cosmetic change.

The price issue is a fair point. I don't plan on paying full price though.
Then it sounds like you are convincing yourself mate. :)


Dec 16, 2011
Ok a run down on a few of our regulars eh?

Reinhardt a massive knight with a two handed rocket hammer. Can project a massive translucent shield that blocks enemy fire but your team can shoot right through. Also has long range charge that kills anyone not a tank if you crush them against a wall with it. And has a kind of a medium damage on a cool down hadouken thing that goes through enemy Reinhardt's shields. If you can get your team to stick to you and use your shield he's blockade buster like you wouldn't believe. Not super amazing if it's every man for himself though.

Phara's a very Unreal Tournament with low gravity enabled kind of character. Can high jump then maneuver with a jetpack and packs a fairly rapid fire rocket launcher for her weapon. Also has a long range knock back explosive that's good for knocking people off maps. Us her to flank and lay down fire support from the air. Can completely hard counter certain short range characters. She's also very good for popping annoying turrets. Gotta watch out if an enemy sniper gets on your case though because they will make it their job to play whack a mole whenever you jump.

Junkrat throws all the bouncy grenades all the time. Also packs a bear trap and a remote activated concussion mine that does good damage and can be used to rocket jump without damaging yourself. Great for harassing dug in positions with nonstop explosions. Takes a bit of getting used to though.

Torbj?rn is a Swedish dwarf man who can quickly erect fairly damaging turrets but on one at a time. He packs a gun that either fires a decently damaging but slow moving single rivet or a devastating shotgun like blast. Also he can drop armor packs for the team off a resource that drops from dead players. Has an ultimate that turbo charges both him and his turret an makes them stupid durable for a limited time. Great on defense and pushing payloads. If the enemy team makes a concerted effort to rid the match of your turrets you may need to switch off him as he's just ok without his automated buddy.

I'd say the renting before you buy plan is a good one as it's going to be very much your thing or I doubt you'll like it at all. Not hearing a lot of meh reactions.

And if you don't plan on paying full price you might give it a pass because blizzard games often take years to drop in value.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
I would say the roles play more like Dota or LoL. You have some (heroes?) who are great at shredding tanks(reaper, McCree right now), some great at area denial (junkrat), some great at pick offs (Roadhog), you got flankers, harassers, heal supports, dps support, trap/utility support, tanky assassin, snipers, etc.

Also, it is a game made by Blizzard, and they have a great reputation for quality games, continued support (they still have diablo ladder seasons running). Blizzard is one of the best game developers right now in my opinion.

It is true, it is fairly light on maps and game modes. However, I still play Dota which is one map. The fun of the game is not the amount of content numerically (ie. number of maps) but in variation between games. Regardless, I have no doubt they will create more maps and modes.

To be honest, I am surprised this game didn't get shit on like Street Fighter 5. Basically the same in terms of content. Idk.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Glongpre said:
To be honest, I am surprised this game didn't get shit on like Street Fighter 5. Basically the same in terms of content. Idk.
I was thinking the same thing and I have Overwatch and Street Fighter V. The only things I can come up with are that Overwatch has all its gameplay altering content in the game and will apparently be providing more free of charge unlike SFV which is doled out regularly and requiring in game money to purchase (which is easy to get at first but quickly dries up) or real money (except you cannot get them like this atm as they still havent got the shop running) atm though all SFVs characters are free due to them messing up the shop although it is only 2 extra.

Next SFVs servers crashed hard on release despite the betas and while some could play as soon as a day later many including myself could not play online until a week after release and some even longer.

SFV and fighters in general also carry expectations in game modes which SFV failed to deliver on while games like Overwatch tend to carry less. It also probably helped that Overwatch was clearly marketed well I dont think many would have bought the game and been shocked to discover it was an online only shooter with pitiful single player content while I think many were shocked that SFV did not even have an arcade mode with the only real single player content beyond the laughable story snippet being a bizarre survival mode that many do not like.

There is also the rate of acquisition and how you acquire stuff while there are understandable criticisms of Overwatches loot system if you play win or lose you gain XP to get a box in SFV getting Fight Money by fighting people is painfully slow after a while and if you lose you get nothing. Likewise you are forced to play survival (a mode many dislike or despise) if you want more character colours and you have to beat it on all difficulties (exc Hell) with every character and every costume if you want all the colours and this is the only way to access that content.

SFV has also had more problems with them not rolling out content like they said they would and a general lack of communication not to mention more minor but still potentially serious concerns among its dedicated players about things like it having more lag (as in built in lag) than any other fighter out there.

Finally I feel Blizzard have better PR than Capcom because Capcom have not exactly done themselves many favours in accruing goodwill towards them the last 10 years or so whereas Blizzard still have a fair bit to burn. Capcom just seem determined to annoy its fans it was only recently for example that they announced there would be a special announcement at a tourny on SFV which led many to suspect maybe they would release 2 characters at once for apology of messing up so hard before but no while they did announce the next character (as expected due to their announced plans ages ago) their special announcement was we would not be getting a character this month for ...reasons. Then later at another tourny they came on stage and announced a plain white dress costume for this character which we cannot play. Why they would mislead people into potentially getting excited for bad news is baffling but I think it shows a glimpse into why people came down on them so hard before. Many peoples patience has just been worn down by them.

So while both are light on content I feel they differ in many other ways.

as for the OP I dont want to convince you to buy Overwatch and I am not skilled enough to givea good breakdown of the heroes I tend to play but I will say it is a very polished game with fun characters and solid gameplay but it is also very limited in content.

You say you are going to rent it for a few nights which I feel is wise as that is plenty of time to see if you will like it or not. If you want indepth character breakdowns I suggest checking Youtube or doing a search and see what far more knowledgeable people than myself have to say about each character.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I'll mirror the "If you didn't enjoy it then, why would you enjoy it now?" sentiment, but I'll add that you can get a refund if you haven't gotten to level 5 or higher yet if you do choose to buy it.

As for heroes, I'll give you the short version on each one I know:
Soldier 76: Jack of all trades, master of none. His gun works well at just about any range, so try and keep to whatever's least convenient for your enemy. Has a surprising amount of staying power thanks to his deployable healer. Doubly so if you've got several S76's working together.

Junkrat: Grenade spam ahoy! Can "mine jump" with his mine ability (which doesn't hurt him. Somehow) and between his grenades, mine and ability to place bear traps he makes a great area denial.

Torbjorn: The standard engineer, place turret, hit turret with melee weapon, you know the drill. Has some support capabilities thanks to his ability to loot dead enemies for scrap which can then be used to armour up your teammates. Don't think him helpless outside of the turret either, his gun is a beast, doubly so if you can reliably headshot.

Winston & D.Va: Listing them both together since they basically have the same role: A sort of tanky flanker who excels at constantly harassing enemy medics, snipers & other back-liners, rather than being a "true" tank. Winston is better in most situations, but hopefully D.Va's upcoming buff will change that.

Reinhardt: The standard tanky tank. Not particularly interesting to play, but his deployable barrier is a game-changer.

Roadhog: A sort of "Anti-flanker" thanks to his ability to hook people in and then finish them with a Shotgun blast to the head. He's also fairly self sufficient thanks to his self-healing power.

Zarya: Borders on being a support due to her ability to create shields around her teammates. Like Roadhog she's fairly self-sufficient as most of her health comes from shields, which regenerate.

Mercy: Basically the Medic from TF2, but she is rather dependent on her teammates to protect her. Make sure to use her damage-boosting secondary fire if nobody needs healing, even heroes with lackluster damage become potent when boosted, and if you boost one with good firepower, well...

Luccio: Unlike Mercy he can attack while healing since he does so via a passive Aura, swap said healing aura for a speed-increasing one and back whenever he likes and his Ultimate can let your team basically no-sell almost anything the enemy can throw at you for a few seconds. A safer bet than Mercy if you keep dying.

Symmetra: Good for the first half of defense maps, but outside of that is average at best. She's also a tad boring to play as once you've set up her turrets, shielded your allies and placed your teleporter there isn't much to actually do. Works best alongside an existing support, but good luck finding someone willing to do that in your average PuG.

Zenyatta: In kind of a bad spot atm, due to his low health and lackluster healing, although his ability to make enemies take more damage is amazing. Like Symmetra he works best as a Secondary Support.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Just do some Youtube searches dude.

"overwatch [character] gameplay"

You'll get more info more efficiently than you will reading walls of text on a forum.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I'm having trouble seeing what all the hype is about as well. Then again, I couldn't play the beta. For now I just see another CoD/TF2 clone with actual color.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
All I can say is I thought I'd hate it. I'm not a TF2 fan and I really don't like multiplayer games. However after playing the beta I pre-ordered the game, and do not regret doing it, I'm having a ton of fun.


Dec 16, 2011
RaikuFA said:
I'm having trouble seeing what all the hype is about as well. Then again, I couldn't play the beta. For now I just see another CoD/TF2 clone with actual color.
I'd say what makes it so good is the intangible game feel. Like just almost every characters weapons and abilities feel effective and exciting to use. Which unfortunately is almost impossible to convey via watching video's of others playing. If you can lay hands on it either via rental or playing quick on a friends machine that has it do that and you'll know pretty quick how you feel about it.

Also the lore and vast array of characters and play styles are a big draw to some people.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Final7111 said:
All I can say is I thought I'd hate it. I'm not a TF2 fan and I really don't like multiplayer games. However after playing the beta I pre-ordered the game, and do not regret doing it, I'm having a ton of fun.
Same here. I stayed as far away from anything multiplayer as possible and was never interested in trying it out. The art design and the fact that it's made by Blizzard (let me explain first) drew me in. Say what you want about Blizzard but at least they are making an effort to ease you into genres you never wanted to try first. In the long run their mechanics may be simplistic, but as a newcomer you couldn't ask for a better start.

So, I figured I could dislike the game after the free beta anyway. Tried it and had a blast. I think I haven't been playing anything else for more than five minutes since the launch. There's just something so simple and yet compelling about the presentation and the way matches play out.

Now, if only other players around level 20 to 30 would realize that you have to change heroes when you can't breach the enemy defense for five minutes and possibly group up behind Reinhard... that would be great!


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Kibeth41 said:
Glongpre said:
To be honest, I am surprised this game didn't get shit on like Street Fighter 5. Basically the same in terms of content. Idk.
Differences being
-Overwatch microtranstions are used for cosmetics ONLY. SFV's microtransactions are used for playable characters
-Overwatch is getting free content updates regularly. Liao and Sombra are already being hinted as the next heroes. SFV gets sporatic content, and you either need to pay or grind to unlock it.
-The servers actually work
-Overwatch was expected to have the same amount of content as TF2 (it has more). SFV was expected to have at least as much content as SF4 (it has less).
-Overwatch doesn't have an extremely tanked progression system to get players to spend real money. I get around one loot crate in Overwatch every 5 games.

Regular updates? Dude have you met Blizzard? They don't do regular anything. They can promise all they want, but are notorious for taking their sweet ass time patching and adding content to their games. Character's haven't even been announced yet.

At least in SFV you get to pick exactly what you want to get with your microtransactions, instead of Overwatch's RNg slot machine bullshit. Oh you want a skin for your favorite character? Give me money. Oh, that box didn't have the skin you wanted and instead only had bullshit sprays. Oh well better give me more money and try again. Still nothing? Fuck you give me money.

There is no way you are getting a loot crate every 5 games, unless you are still below the exp cap. At 22K experience required per level, and about 3500 exp given for winning a game, you would need to play 7 games per box. ASSUMING you win every game. So typically it averages around 10-11 games per box. Which since each game is about 7-10 minutes long in average you are looking at one box for every 1.25 hours of play, but let's round that up to factor in loading and post match screens to one box every 90 minutes. Then add up the incredibly low odds of getting something you want and you'll find yourself better served smashing your face with a bat.

But let's not stop there. Let's look at the best case scenario. If you were extremely lucky, and only ever got new items every loot box. It would take you 500 loot boxes to completely unlock everything in Overwatch. 500! Now since you only get one box every 90 minutes, let me do a little math here.... 90*500=45000 minutes or about 750 hours of play, give or take 5-6 hours based on skill for extra exp.

And you are going to tell me Overwatch isn't enticing people to buy boxes? The whole purpose of loot boxes is to get people to spend money.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
That's Blizzard's job, not mine. But feel free to google "[game] gameplay". It's what I always do.