Could you kill a person?

Sigma Van Lockheart

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Yes i could give me a gun or a nice sharp thing and i will give you a dead body and i could live with it too when it comes to morales im not the best person to go to. Oh and if anything was to happen to my girlfriend there is not a power in the verse that could stop me from killing the person who done it.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I think that under thew right circumstanses (which, mind you, is a bad thing), almost anybody is capable of killing someone. Would I do it, cant say. There is a maybe, if the situation presents itself in a way that I have no other choice than ned someone elses life, or let my own end. But unless I get drafted into the military, the chances of that situation are far less likely.

But, I would possibly end a life to save my own, selfish, yes. But I think all humans are by nature selfish, there is just varying degrees of it.


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
I could seriously injure someone without a second thought, but I don't think I could kill someone. I feel really sad if I see someone squish an insect or see a dead animal at the side of the road. Sure, some people deserve to not be alive any more because they've done horrible things, but I would prefer if someone else did the killing.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
If it was for myself, then no, I couldn't. But if someone put my loved ones in mortal peril, I'd kill them personally.

It'd fuck me up afterwards, for sure. I'd end up thinking about all the people who might've cared about that person I hurt, and how they might've done the same as me if they'd seen what I was about to do...

I don't know if anyone has the right to decide who lives and who dies.
I just know that my protective side is strong enough to override that belief, if only temporarily.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Yes, I would think that, given the right situation, everyone would be able to kill someone. As for living with myself after it. I don't have a clue, it would depend so much on why and how I killed the person.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Hang on. Let me find a gun and a hobo, and I'll get back to you.

Edit: Turns out I'm too white, Australian and middle class, so I could find neither. I suppose that makes it a "No". However, this is largely due to the fact I've been denied access to games such as Mortal Kombat and L4D2. I'm certain that the moment I am exposed to such filth I will immediately become a crazed murderer. Furthermore, unemployment rates will rise and society will descend into chaos and anarchy. We might even end up like England.



New member
Jul 14, 2009
Sure, I could do it and live with it. Well, I mean, if I had a reason like he's trying to kill me or If I was a soldier in war... Or if it's a video-game so it's completely consequence free. Hell, if someday I just went kill-crazy and murdered everyone at work I could then join some sort of assassin organization, or mafia, or something. You get used to killing AND you get payed extremely well for it. The only difficulties would be A. Getting away from the cops when killing my co-workers. And B. Finding the group so I can join them.\

Though if I didn't go kill crazy (And I am NOT joining the army) then I guess they'd have to be on a Police/FBI wanted list and I somehow hit something vital when I was just trying to kneecap them. Or they would have to be robbing me (Again fail kneecapping) or they'd have to threaten the life of me or my friends/family. That's the only reason I could think of. Though if put in the right position and the right events have happened I guess I would kill nearly anyone.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
It sort of depends on the circumstances and the way I would have to kill them. Personally, I wouldn't want to do any killing if I could help it.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Given the right circumstance I think that I could however I can't really say for sure until I'm in the situation.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
To be honest, I think most people here are bullshitting themselves.

I mean, look at any recent war or conflict in the world: the suicide rates for soldiers coming home are higher than they have ever been in the entire history of the world, or at least for as long as we have been keeping track. But just the difference between soldier suicides from WWI and the war in Iraq is huge. People come home and are unable to settle back into ordinary life, and then they think there is no other way out than killing themselves. Now, to be fair, war is different from "just" murder. In war, you see friends under fire or even getting killed. In war, youre not fighting just one person. But a murder brings its own horrible aspects. It's very personal. it's YOU taking someone elses life. You cant justify it by blaming someone else: the choice of murder is yours. No matter what someone has done to you, you can choose not to kill. Of course, the circumstances may force you to lose your calm and kill someone in pure rage, but that's beside the point.

It's like going to someone you dont know's funeral. You sit there and you realize that you feel nothing, no sorrow or pity for who ever has died. But that does not neccessarily make you cold. Not void of values, morals or empathy. You are just not part of that funeral. And it's easy to look at that funeral and think "Well, that's nothing. I dont care about death or people's lives." It's just that it does not make it so. Until you experience something like it, I dont think you can understand it fully.

I apologize for sounding angry. And, as people before me already put a lot shorter and more gallantly: "Talk is cheap" and "Yes, I think I could. But not live with myself after it."


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Physically anyone can kill a pwerson, give a coward a gun and suddenly he's Rambo. Dealing with it mentally? I don't really dwell on things or take them to heart so I'd do OK


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Killing is as easy as pulling a trigger or applying little more than a love tap to the hyoid. Everyone is capable, and indeed, most would leap at the idea of murder if they thought they could get away with it.

For myself... In self-defense, without a second thought.
Murder? I fail to see the need to kill a person in cold blood, but if the incentives were sufficient? Maybe.
Accidental killing/manslaughter? How am I going to stop an accident, so c'est la vie.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
If I had to, definitely.
I have no desire to, but if I were faced with a situation that force me to, I would do it.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I am a pacifist and yes I could, under proper circumstances, take the life of another person.

I know that sounds confusing, but I think I could deal with it mentally.