Countries you've never visited, but want to.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Japan here as well, Akihabara more specifically.

It would be a dream for an anime fan like myself. I have a feeling that I will never get the necessary income to go there though, but one can dream.


8 miles high and falling fast
Mar 31, 2008
viscomica said:
Even so, it would be pointless for me to speak English when I actually want to practise french :p
In my experience, simply explaining that you're trying to practice the language usually gets a positive response. Most people are happy to help. At least, that was the case when I was learning French and Portuguese.

So, places I'd like to visit? My first choice would be the Netherlands. Mostly because every Dutch person I've met has been awesome, and it looks like a lovely place. And I really like the language. There's lots of other places I'd like to go, but my next holiday will almost certainly be a weekend in Amsterdam.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Lots of 'em. The United States for one (or fifty?), which indeed is probably on the top of my list. The country is huge, of course. Gotta know where to go there. On the other side of the globe: it would be cool to go to Borneo and say hello to our orange-haired cousins.

A "bit" closer by are the Baltic countries Latvia and Lithuania (everyone's been multiple times to Estonia, duh). I'd especially like to see the little of what remains of Livonia. And then there's Saint Petersburg which is only three and a half hours away by train, but you need a visa. Have to learn some Russian as well so the locals can't treat me as another oblivious Finn (not saying this happens to everyone, but it's a huge city, and my Finnishness can be spotted from space).

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
lee1287 said:
Scandanavia. The life seems awesome and chilled and who doesn't love Cool sweaters?!
Funny, it is hot as fnck up here right now, 35 degrees in the sun, i can barely wear a tshirt

I am starting to wonder if i could actually take the heat of my old idea of going to west USA
Otherwize, i want to visit the netherlands, see rotterdam
Go to egypt and see the last wonder of the world
I would also like to visit thailand
Greece, france, syria, iran, germany, peru, what country would i not like to visit

McElroy said:
my Finnishness can be spotted from space).
I live right next to finland, vas very fun actually, going over there, mom is in Hap/torneå IKEA right now buing me a book shelf

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
I want to go everywhere, but I guess I'll have to narrow it down a little bit. I would love to go to Greece and Italy for the country side, coast, and food for three birds with one stone. I want to go to Spain for the same reasons, but they have a really cool aquarium I want to visit, being a Marine Biologist. I would love to go to Peru for the mountains and ruins. Really want to go to the Galapagos, because of all the really cool animals that are there. Would love to go to Egypt for the pyramids and the Nile. Would also love to go to Russia as well. Those are the ones at the top of my list at the moment, but anywhere is really fine for me, because there's always an adventure waiting where ever one goes.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Actually been to a few countries that I wanted to see, but the ones that elude me so far:
Germany. Awesome land/history/culture, and the language sounds badass. Plus it's where my family is descended from.

Britain. I wanna drink a British beer in a British pub, watching British football, all while my powerful imperialistic navy subjugates another people. The quintessential British experience.

New Zealand. Land of everything awesome-looking wilderness wise? Sure, good for a vacation.

It for now, but sure there's more.

As for those wanting to see the U.S., may I suggest Washington D.C. Went there once, and dear lord, so many museums and memorials, I wasn't able to fit it all in the few days I was
there, and I TRIED! Definitely left with love of my country.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Japan and Canada.
There will probably be other among that list, but I can't think of any other then those ones.

Japan for obvious reasons, but even more than that. It's setting and environment seems like a writer's dream, and it's culture is so very awesome. While I am not obsessed with it, I respect it for looking beautiful and graceful.

Canada, I don't know why.
You just seem so awesome that I want to go to you. That and you have snow, which I have barely seen in my lifetime, thanks to Australian weather and such. One day I shall be over there, tasting your marvelous bacon and syrup. XD

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
StormShaun said:
Japan and Canada.
There will probably be other among that list, but I can't think of any other then those ones.

Japan for obvious reasons, but even more than that. It's setting and environment seems like a writer's dream, and it's culture is so very awesome. While I am not obsessed with it, I respect it for looking beautiful and graceful.

Canada, I don't know why.
You just seem so awesome that I want to go to you. That and you have snow, which I have barely seen in my lifetime, thanks to Australian weather and such. One day I shall be over there, tasting your marvelous bacon and syrup. XD
I went to Japan for 2 weeks when I was in High School, and it's a great place. There is lot's of neat architecture to see, the shrines and castles are also really neat to see. If you ever go, I suggest also trying to see the country side as well, and not just the big cities. The country side is beautiful, and the small towns have some nice hotels that aren't modernized.

Can't say much about Canada, as I only went there for a few days when I was little, and that was just by Niagra Falls. I've heard some of the places farther away from the US border are really nice.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Yurp in general.

I had a chance to go this summer but my friend couldn't get out of work long enough to make the trip worth while.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Super Cyborg said:
I went to Japan for 2 weeks when I was in High School, and it's a great place. There is lot's of neat architecture to see, the shrines and castles are also really neat to see. If you ever go, I suggest also trying to see the country side as well, and not just the big cities. The country side is beautiful, and the small towns have some nice hotels that aren't modernized.

Can't say much about Canada, as I only went there for a few days when I was little, and that was just by Niagra Falls. I've heard some of the places farther away from the US border are really nice.
Thanks for the tips.
The countryside to any country could always be a hidden jewel, especially for such countries as Japan and Italy.
I'll make sure to visit all of these places. Of course when I'm ready and have the supplies, flights ain't cheap in Australia unfortunately.


So many places to visit.
If I could count them, I would also visit many countries I have already been to but barely touched.
Places like New Zealand, Italy, and the US.


New member
May 4, 2013
wooty said:
Either China or the U.S. I've already achieved going to my number one dream destination (Japan), so now its time to try and complete the top three.

I've got a friend who now lives in Shanghai and another friend who now lives in Seattle. I've got enough money to go and visit one of them, but its hard to decide which....
I would recommend China myself. Sure, the environment in the U.S. is less likely to give you lung cancer (kidding, of course), but China is much more exciting. It looks much more majestic out in the country, and the food is great. The cities are...much more cramped than the US, which holds a certain charm to it (at least for me, but I might be weird). If you've got a friend who's very familiar with the local environment, even better. I haven't been to Shanghai myself, but I don't expect that it's any less exciting than the rest of China's major cities. Except for Beijing, that place is just dull.

Seattle, I personally really disliked it. You go to the Space Needle, and then nothing. :/ Of course, I live in the US (albeit on the east coast), so I might just be extremely biased towards the US of A. Yellowstone and the Sierra are really nice, though. My own two cents on the topic.

OT: All the major European countries. And Japan, if I've got the time. I love cities, so to visit the world's largest city holds a certain appeal. That, and, y'know, the obvious reason, which is food; I want to try the local tuna at least once, as well as some fugu, if I'm getting on in years (I don't want to die young), along with the rest of the local foods. And then I'm basically an otaku, too, so Akihabara is a must.

Europe, I want to go there for the scenery and food as well. Scenery in the northern countries, specifically, since I've always liked snow and mountains, and food everywhere, because every country's got at least one food worth sampling in a lifetime.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
MetalDooley said:
Off the top of my head - Egypt,Peru,Greece and Mexico.Why?Well I love visiting historical places and would love to see the likes of The Pyramids,Machu Pichu,The Parthenon and Chichen Itza

Surprised so many of ye want to visit Ireland though.We're annoyingly expensive,the weather's shite most of the time and we're not as friendly as everyone seems to think(I'm really nice though)

Shoggoth2588 said:
the British Isles...I want to visit enough of Wales, Scottland, Ireland and, England (specifically Ireland since my family is apparently from there).
Just a heads up if you ever do make it to Ireland.Avoid referring to Ireland as part of the British Isles.Doesn't particularly bother me but there's a lot of people in this country that would take offence at it
Ah I think we're actually rather welcoming to tourists compared to places I have visited. Can't argue the weather or the price thing though. For a country so famed for producing alcohol, pints are sickeningly expensive.
If anyone does visit Ireland, make time to visit Galway and Connemara. It's absolutely visually stunning, and the nightlife is brilliant.

Anyway, OT I'd like to visit Canada, USA and Australia. Places it's fairly likely I will visit one day I guess. Of those, I would probably most like to live in Canada.
I have no real desire to visit Japan or China, but Cambodia, Laos and Cambodia sound great.


New member
May 20, 2009
ThreeName said:
Cuba. I'd love to step back in time, it seems so awesome.
ive been. Its amazing. One of the best countries ive ever visited. Havana is so unbelievably cool its almost unreal

theres all these old cars and old buildings and you just chill out watching it all with a big cigar and a mojito.

Id love to go again its such a nice place


New member
Jan 25, 2012
Iceland. We've got a heatwave at the moment and I could do with going to a pretty, cold country that is pretty cold. Looks tranquil, peaceful. And cold.