Craziest thing you've done in a Strategy game?

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
My current campaign in Galactic Civilizations 2 is pretty epic, even though I suspect my valiant last stand shall not last much longer. The Krynn send endless fleet after fleet against my planets, one wave after another, and although my technological superiority means that any one of my ships could withstand countless battle, the sheer numbers have been wearing my defenses thin. Still, I persevered and even fought back. My massive juggernaut surging forward into Krynn territory and taking the fight to them and away from my coalition of planets. I designed huge mothership with weaponry and defense unmatched by the Krynn and all but impervious to their weaponry. It cost a fortune to build even one, and the time and effort required to field these ships was enormous, but I felt it was worth it as nothing of Krynn build or design could stand against them. NOTHING!

Then... hell... then the Krynn found something. A derelict ship of unknown design. Larger and more powerful than anything seen before, a relic from some ancient long extinct race left floating, derelict, till a group of Krynn explorers found it and managed to bring the old beast back to life.

Now my future is uncertain. The ship is unstoppable. I've never faced anything like it, and not even the most powerful of my ship can stand against it. With that ship as their spearhead the Krynn once again push into my territory and this time... this time I'm not sure I can stop them. Even as I type this countless fleet fly into my space, heading with terrifying portent straight for my homeworld. In desperation I've assembled the most powerful of my ship and recalled everything from the outer reaches into one concentrated force but... but I fear it is not enough.

This could be the end of the Altarian Resistance. Wish me luck!

Screenshots, so you don't think I'm making this up:



New member
Oct 15, 2009
Making history...

I was USSR and me and Korea was the only ones who wasent either Allied or axis... Yet we formed up and took on the axis and ended up contoling all of asia, Africa and europe.. (exept Britan T_T)


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
stinkychops said:
Trivun said:
Tommy T. said:
Created fuckloads of dudes and rushed. Occasionally throw a super weapon or two to the mix. That's what I alway do.

Yes, I'm not exactly a genius mastermind.
Aaaaarrrrggghhh, that's exactly the sort of enemy I hate playing against!

No offence meant to you, of course. It's just that even when I try turtling I can never defend against Zerg rushers no matter what game I'm playing. And half the time my opponent does just that. As I say, no offence meant, it just grates on my nerves that so many people who play Real Time Strategy games completely omit the strategy part and just spam as many troops as they can. I always try and play as though I have an actual army, with as few casualties as possible and using military tactics. Works a treat when I'm facing like-minded players or AI, but when I'm facing Zerg rushers I just end up having to turtle and use my allied players as meat shields until I can get the top tech level troops and whatnot, and launch a counterattack... :(
From my experience you have to use tactics that don't make sense in reality. No doubt he's clicking on your strongest units etc. I just micr like carzy and mone whatever guy hes attacking out the way. Place unimportant buildings close togethor and wedge melee/worthless troops inbetween them etc. Its the best non-entire game plan method of defeating zerg rushers usually they aren't great at micro.
I'll have to try that sometime :). That's what I like about the Total War series, if you try and Zerg your opponents you just get wiped out. Micromanagement is the whole key to that.

The main game I have problems with Zergers in though is Dawn of War, so I just develop a strategy to combat it. I just turtle and make sure that any bases I set up only have one or two entry points. Turtle with turrets, playing as Imperial Guard, and I can just hold out until I get the Mars Pattern Command. As soon as I can build a Baneblade I am literally unbeatable then :D.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
sizzle949 said:
In Red Alert 2 I got an army of around 50 prism tanks and blew up every thing on the map on my way to the other Soviet base.
Oh, you madman you!

Who builds up forces in an RTS and then uses them to attack a base?


Optimus Hagrid

New member
Feb 14, 2009
Marine Mike said:
Warhammer 40k, I had my squad of 10 Chaos Space Marines charge into close combat with 5 Grey Knight Terminators... and I actually won.
Trivun said:
The Space Marine player managed to get first turn, and ended up taking out a Monolith, which accounted for most of the Necron guy's troop points, in the first turn. With a single Lasrifle shot. He got exceptionally lucky with the dice roll...
I was always the victim of shit like that :mad:

In a single turn, I crashed my looted Hellhound, my Zzap gun exploded, my Wartrukk was blown up by a bolter, I made one hit against a Space Marine squad when I had five big shootas and the opponent saved the wound - I was disgustingly unlucky. It put me off the game.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
OptimusHagrid said:
Marine Mike said:
Warhammer 40k, I had my squad of 10 Chaos Space Marines charge into close combat with 5 Grey Knight Terminators... and I actually won.
Trivun said:
The Space Marine player managed to get first turn, and ended up taking out a Monolith, which accounted for most of the Necron guy's troop points, in the first turn. With a single Lasrifle shot. He got exceptionally lucky with the dice roll...
I was always the victim of shit like that :mad:

In a single turn, I crashed my looted Hellhound, my Zzap gun exploded, my Wartrukk was blown up by a bolter, I made one hit against a Space Marine squad when I had five big shootas and the opponent saved the wound - I was disgustingly unlucky. It put me off the game.
Heh, it's what put me off Space Marines too. I was always told that Space Marines were the best army for a beginner, yet I would always lose. As soon as I sold them all on eBay and started up a Tau army, I almost always won! I even managed to hold out against a massive horde of Tyranids once, though I did lose in the end (such a great battle, that was) as Tau.

That said, I haven't played the game in a couple of years now. When I started uni I didn't want to take my models and stuff with me, so they stayed home. As soon as I can afford a bigger army (only 750 points right now) then I'll start playing it again, I reckon...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Trivun said:
stinkychops said:
Trivun said:
Tommy T. said:
Created fuckloads of dudes and rushed. Occasionally throw a super weapon or two to the mix. That's what I alway do.

Yes, I'm not exactly a genius mastermind.
Aaaaarrrrggghhh, that's exactly the sort of enemy I hate playing against!

No offence meant to you, of course. It's just that even when I try turtling I can never defend against Zerg rushers no matter what game I'm playing. And half the time my opponent does just that. As I say, no offence meant, it just grates on my nerves that so many people who play Real Time Strategy games completely omit the strategy part and just spam as many troops as they can. I always try and play as though I have an actual army, with as few casualties as possible and using military tactics. Works a treat when I'm facing like-minded players or AI, but when I'm facing Zerg rushers I just end up having to turtle and use my allied players as meat shields until I can get the top tech level troops and whatnot, and launch a counterattack... :(
From my experience you have to use tactics that don't make sense in reality. No doubt he's clicking on your strongest units etc. I just micr like carzy and mone whatever guy hes attacking out the way. Place unimportant buildings close togethor and wedge melee/worthless troops inbetween them etc. Its the best non-entire game plan method of defeating zerg rushers usually they aren't great at micro.
I'll have to try that sometime :). That's what I like about the Total War series, if you try and Zerg your opponents you just get wiped out. Micromanagement is the whole key to that.

The main game I have problems with Zergers in though is Dawn of War, so I just develop a strategy to combat it. I just turtle and make sure that any bases I set up only have one or two entry points. Turtle with turrets, playing as Imperial Guard, and I can just hold out until I get the Mars Pattern Command. As soon as I can build a Baneblade I am literally unbeatable then :D.
Turtle using autocannon teams, horde armies struggle against those. Try moving now puny orcs!

And then run out and crush them with the baneblade, MWAHAHAHAHA!


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Medieval 2 Total War:
Because the Pope always excommunicated me, after I had conquered western Europe I decided to shut him up. I invaded Genoa (under the control of the Papal States). He then made peace with every other country he was fighting to concentrate on me. I was flattered.

I had a few spies in each of his territories, so I knew what sort of defence he had, and it was strong. I had too many enemies to risk losing my military power, so I just defended Genoa until he wanted peace.

Over the course of about 20 turns, 15 armies attempted to capture Genoa. The same army, Feudal Knights and Longbowmen, repelled each one. At one point, the Pope himself led an army, and I chased him off the battlefield.

By the time they surrendered, the walls had been broken in about six places, and my army still stood strong after numerous battles against superior numbers, but none could stand against the might of England!


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
realbillcosby said:
Was getting my ass handed to me in Red Alert (or RA2? Can't remember) as the Allies against a friend playing as the Soviets. My pillboxes and turrets were getting busily annihilated by his mammoth tanks etc. Decided to make a pre-emptive strike and got my GPS up and running just after I'd finished building three APC's full of engineers. As he had the majority of his forces up and at this point was starting to fuck up my base pretty solidly, he didn't expect that in mere minutes I would have unloaded two APC's worth of engineers, taken his construction yard, barracks and weapons factory, and be fucking up his base with hostile tesla coils.

of course, this barely ever works and i wouldn't recommend it, but it came off for me this once because of the allies glorious GPS.
Ah, the wonders of an engineer rush. All my mates refused to play me unless I promised not to do that as I managed to become too effective with it.


De Ronneman

New member
Dec 30, 2009
SpireOfFire said:
it wasnt me, but i did watch a guy in the same game of starcrafe spell the words "FUCK YOU" in nothing but space marines.
Both your reply and your avatar made me smile:)

Best thing I ever did was playing a siege on Stronghold, years ago, having no troops left but 2 bowmen, 2 macemen, a pikewielder and a knight.
I decided to have the bowmen snipe everything that came close, the pikewielde to stand by them and wait it of. It worked, it killed out 40 out of the remaining 50 troops, mostly macemen and spearmen, then charged in with the knight, letting him distract all troops whilst my macemen took out the lord.

If I could only see my oponents face then..


New member
Apr 12, 2010
when i used to play warlords battlecry 3 alot, in online play i use to fk over turtle players by suiciding spam, i would usually create 8 teams of mixed units to send out to make a nice hole in their base, even kamikaze my titan, then send my hero end after (he was a lv 50+ pyromancer) and cast armageddon detsroying everything that was left usually even enemy heroes, lol it was always so fun casting armageddon but since i focused on radius besides power, it's aoe was substantially large besides powerful (lv 1 is a 100 damage fire attack within yur radius with each skill lv increase adding another 100 fire damage, and since quite a few units were weak against fire made my high lv hero op)


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
LordBane999 said:
when i used to play warlords battlecry 3 alot, in online play i use to fk over turtle players by suiciding spam, i would usually create 8 teams of mixed units to send out to make a nice hole in their base, even kamikaze my titan, then send my hero end after (he was a lv 50+ pyromancer) and cast armageddon detsroying everything that was left usually even enemy heroes, lol it was always so fun casting armageddon but since i focused on radius besides power, it's aoe was substantially large besides powerful (lv 1 is a 100 damage fire attack within yur radius with each skill lv increase adding another 100 fire damage, and since quite a few units were weak against fire made my high lv hero op)
Ahh, suicide spammers are worse than Zerg rushers in my book. Sorry about that, it's just I hate playing against them. Although I admit they can be useful tactics against turtlers, though I usually play defensively anyway. Expanding outwards slowly but surely is the way I like to go. Several lines of defence are also pretty useful, several sets of turrets to form a gauntlet can beat back even the worst rush tactics.

Easiest way for me though to kill suicide spammers is to basically have a set of firebases spread out. If I'm playing with allies, whether friends, online or AI, I can set up firebases near them for support and also have guaranteed support if those bases are attacked. Then I focus on building a main force behind my own lines, expand outwards, and build further defensive lines as I move. The more bases I have and defensive lines there are then the tougher it is for suicide spammers to make a massive dent in my defences. It takes a long time, but it's worth it :). And if I'm controlling most of the map, then I can pretty much do whatever I like...


New member
Jan 16, 2010
In Rome Total war i like to leave my cities with peasants so more important units can do other things. Anyways one of my cities got sieged and invaded, somehow my peasants held off the attack. If you've played the game you'll know that peasants have a bad habit of running really quickly.

In command and conquer generals its really unsettling with my friend cause he always tries to use rush tactics on me, so we both end up selling our command centers meaning anything can be killed in only a couple of shots.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Rome: total war
barbarian expansion

I had

an army of around 400
with hopeful reinforcements of around 2000

guess what?

they don't turn up

so I am left attacking 2000+
with 400 guys?

I won!

with maybe three guys living, not units, guys -.-


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
The Disk Thrower said:
Rome: total war
barbarian expansion

I had

an army of around 400
with hopeful reinforcements of around 2000

guess what?

they don't turn up

so I am left attacking 2000+
with 400 guys?

I won!

with maybe three guys living, not units, guys -.-
Bloody hell, how in Offler's name did you manage that! Details, man, details!

Wait a minute, didn't I use that same phrase earlier in this thread...? <_<


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Trivun said:
The Disk Thrower said:
Rome: total war
barbarian expansion

I had

an army of around 400
with hopeful reinforcements of around 2000

guess what?

they don't turn up

so I am left attacking 2000+
with 400 guys?

I won!

with maybe three guys living, not units, guys -.-
Bloody hell, how in Offler's name did you manage that! Details, man, details!

Wait a minute, didn't I use that same phrase earlier in this thread...? <_<

it was a river map

so as a GLORIOUS SAXON I FACE MY ENEMY HEAD ON (read, fucking not)

I set up a Shield wall on one of the way's across

archers behind


I send my horsemen on the top, with a mercenary band of swordsmen

I launch the horsemen down onto a group of peasants, retreat them,

[edit for fail on my part] send the swordsmen to clean up the spearmen retaliating

rinse, repeat on archers

until the end where i marched my sheild wall across,



of course, i backed off, i mean, i had 3 guys :/

1 archer
1 swordsmen
1 spearmen