Creepiest Moments You've Had... in Non-Horror Games

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
Nomanslander said:
Terminate421 said:
Fallout 3, this building

The Dunwich Building

Seriously. This place gives me the chills:

And the basement OH GOD THE BASEMENT
Wow, don't remember this building. But FO3 did have some chilling moments. The vault leaking gas that drove the inhabitants insane, the Garry clone vault, Andale, Point Lookout, Tranquility Lane. Is the Dunwich building really more creepier than those places? Curious and would like to know. :p
Thats definitely one of the creepier bits in Fallout. Like you said, there are alot of things that are off-putting, especially in Point Lookout, (Pint-Sized Slasher comes to mind) but they're almost always in the subtext. Which I think is great, don't get me wrong, but the Dunwich building is the one part I always dread doing.

Not just because it's insanely creepy, but the place actually has teeth.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009


Man, Psychonauts got dark sometimes.

And yeah, I feel justified including this, because while the game ended up being a terrifying mindmelter, it had all been cute kids and candy up to THIS point.

Also: In The Sims, the ultimate in derpy happy fun times, I accidentally got one of them killed (stupid satellites!). The other Sim then walked around, ignoring my commands, for two days, before walking up to the deaprted's grave, screaming incoherently, and dropping dead.

I... didn't play for a few days.

Jeremy Skitz

New member
Jul 1, 2009
In mortal kombat 9 when the smily dude jumps out at you from the bottom of the screen at random moments. The first time that happened I was playing it with my mate and we had pause the game after freaking out, and we spent the next half an hour laughing. It was terrifying.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
themilo504 said:
Rayman 2 the cave of bad dreams especially the first part of the boss.
You mean the "get chased down a slope while staring past the creature's teeth" section?

I also put forth "Tomb of the Ancients" from the same game. It's basically a decrepit tomb with the usual haunted-house trappings.

But that soundtrack.



New member
Apr 19, 2010
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, when the Water Spirit goes for the 'show, don't tell' approach in explaining the backstory about the Sacred Realm. The ingenious thing is that it looks like a slightly changed version of that cutscene in Ocarina of Time, with the same music and everything. And hey, why's the music changing and the camera panning down from your childhood friend's face to her hand and HOLY SHIT WTF.

The main reason Twilight Princess dissapointed me is that while the average quality of the story is a bit better than Ocarina, Ocarina had a constant whimsical but compelling story while TP has awesome moments like this, coupled with boring, rushed or otherwise poorer parts.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I once was invited into a server on minecraft and was teleported to the far lands, where it seemed like only one person lived and had more or less set it up as a post nuclear fallout zone and it was just eerie seeing the buildings destroyed ad how "realistic" it all seemed because I was the only one there with the person.

but then again the server also had a pretty decent texture pack.


New member
May 4, 2009
Another veteran of the dreaded Dunwich Building here. There were other moments in Fallout 3 that attempted to be creepy, and some in New Vegas, but nothing at all compared to the effortlessly eerie nature of THAT FUCKING BUILDING.

I don't know what it is about that place, but no other place in any other game has ever frightened me like that building. I barely jumped at Dead Space. Only the first F.E.A.R elicited any response except tired, routine shooting. But that. God. Damned. Building. Fuck my Xuanlong assault rifle. Fuck my power armour. I felt naked in that place.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Agreed, Dunwich Building was pretty frightening. But I think stumbling into Vault 112 by accident, with no idea of what to expect, was even scarier than that. That simulation was nothing short of limbo. A 50's suburban neighbourhood populated by eight idiots, with no way out. The dreary, black-and-white plane of existance begun and ended there. Imagine that, being stuck in that cul-de-sac. Forever. I think I've found my personal interpretation of Hell.

I more or less kissed the scarred, radioactive desert soil once I finally secured my release.




New member
Jan 26, 2012
lacktheknack said:

Man, Psychonauts got dark sometimes.

And yeah, I feel justified including this, because while the game ended up being a terrifying mindmelter, it had all been cute kids and candy up to THIS point.

I loved how there were manic dark tones underneath the strange hilarities. Remember the psychotic faces in the asylum sky?


New member
Jan 20, 2012
Phuctifyno said:
Haha i was wondering when that was going to come up. Worked well on me because it was totally unexpected, and i was curious because i was SURE i had seen something in the corner of my eye in that corridor. I know the games about a killer clone, but still :p

To be honest that entire game is pretty creepy. Its scary what goes on in Mr 47's head :S


I'm stuck because demonic spider
Sep 29, 2009
Rocket: Robot on Wheels

The whole damn game. So eerie.


New member
May 8, 2011
pure.Wasted said:
Dishonored is normally unsettling enough that I don't think it should qualify for this thread, except...

If you've been paying attention to all the little background stuff like guards' chatter and the propaganda posters, you should already have a sneaking suspicion that there be zombies in Dishonored. This really seems like the place you're going to meet them. And then NOTHING happens. The house is just an eerie house, but there are no encounters with anyone past a few guards at the entrance.
But you're forgetting, there are zombies in Dishonored. They're called "weepers" but for all intents and purposes they are zombies.

As for me, I'd have to go with

The hallucinations from Spec Ops: The Line. Without spoiling anything, one creepy example involves an enemy soldier with the face of your squadmates. I could also the haunting ending sequence, but I wouldn't want to spoil anything for anyone.


New member
Oct 8, 2011
In Oblivion, when I got an awesome deal on the deed for Benirus Manor in Anvil. The atmosphere inside the place was really forbidding, and one of the basement walls was covered in strange symbols. Spending the night was not the best idea.

There was also that quest when you had to follow a pair of brothers to reclaim their family home from a group of ogres that drove their family off the property many years ago. When exploring the house, you find many skeletons, which could possibly be those of the brothers' family... The creepiest part was that they didn't dispose of the bodies after moving back in.

Also, the Forlorn Watchman. A ghost who appeared near Bravil every night, and would walk to the shore on the opposite side from the shipwreck where his body was still trapped. I remember being very nervous as I followed the ghost along the shore.


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Jan 20, 2012
Tohuvabohu said:
Theres quite a few uncomfortable things in deus ex HR. I can only vaugely remember but didn't the triads kidnap people and strip them down for augments?

I think cyberpunk in general has an element of horror to it. A sort of techno-horror.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Terminate421 said:
Fallout 3, this building

The Dunwich Building

Seriously. This place gives me the chills

And the basement OH GOD THE BASEMENT
Bethesda needed to remind people that it made Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth...they did a really good job in that respect.


While playing Wind Waker, you free Tingle from a jail cell and he quickly escapes the Island prison holding him. Later on you find him again on his own island with a pair of what I can only describe as slave boys since they're dressed like him and complain about the work he forces them to do (basically walking around a circle to make a thing spin). The creepy thing about this is that...well I think Tingle's imprisonment on the island in the first place had to do with him doing unbecoming things to, with or, to obtain children. The island he's on is full of kids after all and he seems to have been deliberately placed far away from any children's homes. I can't remember completely but I think he also makes mention of how much he loves kids or something along those lines. I'm not saying Tingle is a pedophile...but I guess I kind of am.


New member
Jul 23, 2012
I've got an obscure one for you: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the PC.

I have no idea what genre this game falls under, it's some sort of third-person... shooting... platforming... adventure? It was horrible. But considering I was about 10 or 11 when it came out, I couldn't stop playing it. There were ample opportunities to explore Hogwarts, and there were tons of secret rooms, usually containing a few gnomes to fight. The secret rooms were also buggy as hell. The gnomes' standard attack was to charge at you with their hands out and push you, because who cares, but one time I fought a group of gnomes who had glitched into one single stationary frame of them standing with their arms stretched out, and instead of running, they were just scooting along the floor, completely stationary, making no noise, just chasing me, chasing me, trying to end me. The room I was playing it in was cold and dark, so it just made everything so much worse.


New member
Jul 19, 2011
Has this really not been mentioned?

A touch to creepiness really adds to a game, gives it that Majoras Mask feel that keeps people discussing it decades later.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
OuendanCyrus said:
The majority of playing through TLoZ: Majora's Mask, I was incredibly confused and creeped out, I was only 8 back then. =V
This. I was surprised it took so long for someone to mention it: