Well my thoughts are more or less along these lines:
#1: Why is this only a factor when it's a white guy taking the role(s)? Let's be honest over the years we've seen situations where we've replaced Marvel Comic's "Kingpin of Crime" and DC Comic's "Harvey Dent" with black guys, and very few people made serious complaints other comic purists who wanted the characters to be more like the comic originals. The most recent example of this that I can think of off the top of my head was again from a comic movie series, where people have been casting Samual L. Jackson as "Nick Fury" in most of the current marvel movies.
Yes, things were said, but not on this level. Truthfully I would have preferred a casting more true to the characters in question, especially when it came to "The Kingpin" who is mockingly called "Cue Ball" in the comics by certain characters, but overall it wasn't the deal breaker, even when the movie itself was pretty bad.
Another pretty recent example was when they decided to cast the Korean pop star "Rain" as the lead in the movie "Ninja Assasin". I asked a few questions about this because I thought it was a little odd given that the Japanese and Koreans were not known to get on especially well and I had wondered if this was going to be an integral part of the movie with all of the hype about a "Korean pop sensation", but nope, he was playing a Japanese guy. Nobody really cared, including me, I was just wondering because I thought it might have added some depth to an otherwise shallow seeming movie (which I have yet to see).
#2: I can't think of any Persian actors on this level off the top of my head, never mind any who could carry this role. What's more it should be noted that the guy playing the role looks the part of the character from the game, and I vaguely remember the prince was even blonde in the very first game... (going waaay back)
It's sort of like saying that Triple-H should play "Thor". Honestly, I think he looks the part of the comic book character pretty much perfectly (and I'm saying this without being a fan, or really following pro-wrestling), but as people point out "can he act?". I suppose a good movie producer could send him to get acting lessons, and train him for the part, but it would be a craps shoot as to whether a good movie could be produced... casting a Persian guy who looks like the video game character, should one be found, and then training him to (hopefully) act, would be even more of a craps shoot because he wouldn't even come with the name recognition of "Triple H"... which would have people flocking to see the movie just because it's him, and people defending him even if his acting was akin to an old Steve Reeves Herculese movie (at a time when looking the part was more important than acting, as odd as it is I sort of feel he WAS Hercules physically, he just couldn't really act).