Critical Miss: Darker Souls


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Praise the sun!

And yes. People think they're being genuinely helpful by putting 'ladder ahead' in front of a ladder.
Well, it can be useful. If you just didn't notice the ladder, any message near it can draw attention to it. Just having a message near a thing of importance helped me on a couple of occasions.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Another thing I hated about Demon's Souls. Why did they think it was a good idea to let people leave spam all over the floor? Either they're just spamming "I'm in trouble!" or "The true Demon's Souls starts here!" all over the god damn place, or they're deliberately trolling as seen in the comic. If you play this game, you learn pretty quickly to ignore all the piles of glowing bullshit on the floor. The only time it's ever useful is in front of a boss fight, where there will be 15 million messages telling you that it's weak to fire or arrows or whatever. Aside from that, ignore all the shit on the floor because it's just some prick trying to waste your time or get you killed.

Good to see that they didn't improve a god damn thing in Dark Souls, though. Remind me why they didn't just call it "Demon's Souls 2: More of The Same Bullshit From Last Time"?


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
ccdohl said:
Imminent Dispair
*thumb up*

Yeah, there's a lot of stupid ass signs out there. I've usually put them down to warn of a trap/ambush, or point out a treasure that may not be obvious. Otherwise if someone else did I like to +rating them.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Great comic. But to be fair, some messages are genuinely helpful. Like the "Safe Zone" ones. Makes the undead dragon in the Painted world alot easier when his poison vomit flows all around me.

But yea, if you have to be told there's a big dragon behind you, you probably aren't paying attention. And anyone who's played Dark Souls knows what happens when you don't pay attention.....


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.
The "hole ahead" thing is an unintentional yahtzee ref.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Starke said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.
The "hole ahead" thing is an unintentional yahtzee ref.
I'm beginning to think just about every thread comment is going to become an unintentional Yahtzee reference.

The Urban Moose

New member
Nov 9, 2010
"I can't take this..."

Seriously, usually the notes are crap, but sometimes they're useful. I've avoided (or prepared for) a number of traps, ambushes, and bosses because someone put a note a few feet BEFORE the danger.

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
My favorite is "Lever" a meter away from a lever in plain sight in daylight in the way you are intended to go and there are no other objects in the entire place and its visually distinct against the white background. Gee thanks bro...

My least favorite is one right at the base of a ladder you need to climb up to escape a massive club wielding demon boss and the same button to climb the ladder is the same one for reading a massage. Thanks whoever put there for almost getting me killed!

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Starke said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.
The "hole ahead" thing is an unintentional yahtzee ref.
I'm beginning to think just about every thread comment is going to become an unintentional Yahtzee reference.
He's right, and somewhat ironically, the Yahtzee reference is from the game Demon's Souls. But according to his review, there were only pre-rendered responses so that whole, "pit ahead" thing he couldn't leave a reply saying, "no shit butt munch" because the game wouldn't let him. So has Dark Souls changed that or was Yahtzee wrong?


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Starke said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.
The "hole ahead" thing is an unintentional yahtzee ref.
I'm beginning to think just about every thread comment is going to become an unintentional Yahtzee reference.
Welcome to our little slice of hell. :p

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
Tharwen said:
...I don't understand. Why was the dragon behind her? Why was jumping off preferable to escaping up the ladder?
Ah you are not a Souls player it seems...
Well to sum it up there is something we call players who slowly climb up a ladder in front of imminent danger in Dark/Demon souls, if its in front of a dragon the word we will probably opt for is "Soup"

I once tried to climb up a ladder to escape a horde of skeletons as a last resort, I managed to put a single hand on a rail before they tore me apart and sold my remains as postit notes.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
ssgt splatter said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Starke said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.
The "hole ahead" thing is an unintentional yahtzee ref.
I'm beginning to think just about every thread comment is going to become an unintentional Yahtzee reference.
He's right, and somewhat ironically, the Yahtzee reference is from the game Demon's Souls. But according to his review, there were only pre-rendered responses so that whole, "pit ahead" thing he couldn't leave a reply saying, "no shit butt munch" because the game wouldn't let him. So has Dark Souls changed that or was Yahtzee wrong?
As far as I can tell, Dark Souls hasn't changed that because I've noticed that the notes are pretty much the same depending on where you are.

I guess I haven't clarified my statement, I'm calling them 'no shit sherlock' statements, and I doubt the game will let you make a comment on the note.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
ssgt splatter said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Starke said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Amaror said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
That is so damn true, and I giggled at the dragon's answer.

I remember from Demon's Souls there was a note that said 'Hole ahead' right in front of it, and I was not surprised when I saw a ton of 'no shit sherlock' notes littered everywhere.

'Sniper ahead' right in front of the sniper and I get shot at, thanks guy!
You just quoted Yathzee by the way.

It was in the game and it made me roll my eyes when I saw it. It was a 'no shit sherlock' note and there are a few that I've come across in Dark Souls so far.

What was in the first panel (I think) reminded me of it.
The "hole ahead" thing is an unintentional yahtzee ref.
I'm beginning to think just about every thread comment is going to become an unintentional Yahtzee reference.
He's right, and somewhat ironically, the Yahtzee reference is from the game Demon's Souls. But according to his review, there were only pre-rendered responses so that whole, "pit ahead" thing he couldn't leave a reply saying, "no shit butt munch" because the game wouldn't let him. So has Dark Souls changed that or was Yahtzee wrong?
As far as I can tell, Dark Souls hasn't changed that because I've noticed that the notes are pretty much the same depending on where you are.

I guess I haven't clarified my statement, I'm calling them 'no shit sherlock' statements, and I doubt the game will let you make a comment on the note.
Ah, ok, I got cha'


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I don't really like the note system in general. Once i was walking down a tunnel that split into two directions. There was a note on the ground before the split that said "Pincer Attack". I was thinking "what does that mean?" as i walked ahead. After i got killed by two enemies coming from both tunnels i was thinking "oooh, so that's a pincer attack."


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
Something like this happened to me last night. I was exploring the Darkroot Forest, when I came across a message saying "Amazing ring ahead" naturally I started frothing at the mouth at something that could increase my chances of survival. So I start to make my way up the path, as I came to the top I got jumped by two massive metal statue things that the person who left the message kindly forgot to warn me about.

I killed them, but it was a close fight. The ring [ was so worth it though] was so worth it though.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Tharwen said:
...I don't understand. Why was the dragon behind her? Why was jumping off preferable to escaping up the ladder?
Chances are it'll kill you as you climb up the ladder. Might as well off your self save everyone the trouble.