I'm a gamer, and I play tons of violent games (luv em). I'm not gonna try and toss up some huge argument to justify why one group is wrong, the FACT is that some gamers are just complete idiots who fly off the handle and get their rage-on the moment something challenges their hobby. I personally don't rage and I can understand why some studies say what they say. Gamers are in the end, just human beings. Some of us are morons, others are brilliant, yet many gamers tend to band together if one of us is being affected. It could be that Gamers feel almost like...eh...a brotherhood or something? since we all share a medium that no other group shares. We interact with one-another on a daily basis through games or forums, and we can easily relate to other gamers through our favorite and disliked games (If I enjoy game A and hate game B, I'm sure their are hundreds of others who agree).
So all in all, people just need to chill out and ignore what anyone says. Just start spending more time playing games, and less time caring about what some people CLAIM to know about video games (Cause honestly...most of those 'scientists' and 'experts' don't prolly even play videogames).