Grey Carter said:
This kind of attitude actually quite irritates me.
Believe it or not "common knowledge" is not viable scientific evidence. At one point, it was "common sense" that the earth was flat and light came from the eye. Common sense was wrong.
You could argue that violent media is likely to make mental people more mental or you could argue that providing people an outlet for their aggression could possibly be beneficial. Both of those conclusions are fairly reasonable and both are supported by "common sense."
Studies are often repeated because a single study represents a miniscule cross section of the population. Different studies allow for different geographic age locations, age parameters etc.
Geez, I wish you'd have quoted me on better terms.
Common sense is not viable scientific evidence: True, especially when talking about common sense on it's own. I'll concede that my last sentence about health issues was just dumb, since it was, and the fact that you reacted to it only serves to further embarrass me for likely upsetting someone I'm a fan of. But before I grimace and feel like an ass, let me explain where I was coming from with my sarcasm and my "not insightful" attitude.
Common sense is not the same as common knowledge. Yes, this sounds like semantics, but hear me out. Sense is based on estimation, or rather educated guessing, whereas knowledge is based on facts. Though something can change common sense to common knowledge (like a study echoing what we already figured, as is the case here), that doesn't mean it's insightful. At all. All it's doing is stating what we have put together from personal experience and innumerable articles dealing with similar issues and affects.
Ex: It's common knowledge that those with mental difficulties are often easily influenced. It's common knowledge that those with social difficulties are made worse by staying inside. It's common knowledge that gaming most often takes place inside, and that gaming's goal is the immersion of the players. Thus, it's common sense that someone with pre-existing mental and social difficulties would be made worse by playing violent videogames for prolonged periods of time.
See? A study proving what we already figured out isn't insightful and can only be useful if you're in an argument and need something concrete on the subject to back you up.
_Which brings me to why I was sarcastic towards the modest female scientist in your strip. It was a funny strip, but seemed one sided. We have to realize that the reason many gamers act like that (curse real studies and praise stupid studies) is because of what those real studies are used for. Most often than not, a study that even mentions violent gaming in a negative light will be used by someone high up arguing against violent games/games in general.
*looks at California*
It's because of this that gamers have grown cold to any studies, even insightful ones, that mention gaming in any sort of negative light. They know it's only going to be used as fuel for the anti-gamer/anti-mature game fires that flicker at their brightest in political and media circles. In their desperation they can at times turn to idiocy, like blond dude did with Mr.Lasers in your strip.
I don't know if that point I explained there was what you were actually going for. If it was it wasn't done to the best in the strip. If it wasn't then disregard this sentence. : )
*sigh* And I'd hoped you wouldn't use the "earth is flat" argument. You have no idea how many use it incorrectly. It doesn't belong here either. Yes, it was common
knowledge sense that earth was flat at one point. But then what happened? It was discovered the earth wasn't! Something
new was shown! Studies proved it wasn't, and that light didn't come from within the eye. Those kinds of studies were insightful, and so they aren't the kind of studies I'm talking about.
I don't think
all studies are bad or useless, and I understand repeated studies have their place as well. However I don't blame you for assuming I did disregard all studies since I said that bit of stupid at the end there...
So, in conclusion: I hope I've explained myself clearly and I also hope you don't have any hard feelings towards me or think I meant any by responding with this. I DO however feel that I should've explained myself clearer from the start (ugh) and actually am embarrassed the author of one of my favorite web comics so far was ticked off by something stupid I said (uuugh). Now to grimace and bury my face in my hands. Can't wait to see the next strip!