Critical Miss: The Bad News...


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Grey Carter said:
Critical Miss: The Bad News...

...and the really bad news.

Read Full Article
Hmmmm.....You're 20 feet tall, and can breath fire?

:) Do you do you do birthday parties? My nephew is turning 6 in a while.


New member
May 28, 2009
Priceless, jetpacks are shit though, burning your ass every time you bend over backwards.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Renegade-pizza said:
No-one likes strawberry milkshakes! Damn you to hell Nintendo...My jet-pack armada will rain fire and poop from the sky.
Well then I'll to postpone my trip to Japan.
:( Again.....
>_< Filthy flying poop monkeys....


New member
Dec 5, 2010
I'm sorry, but Nintendo are giving away 20 free games to people that already own a 3DS. What the devil do they have to apologise for?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
GiantRaven said:
I'm sorry, but Nintendo are giving away 20 free games to people that already own a 3DS. What the devil do they have to apologise for?
People are self absorbed twits who think that because they bought a 3DS Nintendo owes them somethin.
Apr 28, 2008
I read that last panel in King Cailas' voice.

*sigh* I miss Doraleous and Associates...

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Well most of the people that are complaining are the people who bought the thing on launch, not knowing it would have a price drop in 6 months. It is like the people who bought TF2 the month, week, or day before it went free, they would of held out if they knew it would be cheaper.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
Personally, I think that the Ambassador thing is comparable to a "jetpack". 20 games by the end of the year easily makes up for the lack of new material. It makes me almost want a 3DS.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
pretentiousname01 said:
The PS3 outtage was and is not the same thing as 1 unit dropping in price sometime after its release. and in no way shape or form does a company owe an apoligy to anyone who bought it prior to the price drop. They gave you a handfull of games for the price drop and that is more than the NOTHING they owe you. 6 monthes or a week and they wont owe anything if they dropped the price. You bought it when it was at the premium price knowing full well that at an unspecified amount of time the price will drop. You chose to buy it at the premium price. Just be happy they offered something as compensation they dont need to offer and move on.

As for the PS3 outtage and compensation this is where a company needs to offer something along with an apoligy. the service that is provided (PSN) is down because of neglicence causing all customers to not be able to use the product as it was sold for. thats when compensation should be offered not because of the inevitable and known to be inevitable price drop.

The only time you have a right to complain about a price drop when you bought the product prior is when there is a set date on when the price will drop by a set % and they drop it earlier and at a lower %. If you the customer expects atleast 6 monthes before it drops in price and it drops at 4 monthes... to bad, so sad, go cry to mommy, you expected something they did not promise its your problem not theres.

And I hate mega corps and how they constantly do anything they can to rip off customers, in this case they did not do anything wrong.

All you self entitled twats need to stfu because if compensation is demanded for every price drop then the compensation costs will be added to the original cost. this means buying it early you pay for the compensation you think you are entitled to driving up the original price as well as all dropped prices. Thanks for making everything more expensive!


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Wait a minute....

Where the hell is my jetpack and strawberry milkshake? THIS IS BULLSHIT!!

Seriously though, isn't Nintendo giving away free games to the early adapters? They should be happy that they are getting free stuff and really should shut up. They also bought it knowing that this might happen, so I really don't think they should complain too loudly, if at all.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
EverythingIncredible said:
Although I agree, I kind of feel like this comic misses the point.

It's not that Nintendo dropped the 3DS's prices. It's that they priced it too high in the first place.
Do you have any idea how expensive it is to develop a new gadget from scratch? There's a reason consoles have a high price early on, it's because the manufacterors need more capital to be able to produce the things more cheaply, as well as simply to offset the initial investment costs of building the machines that can mass produce the product relatively cheaply.

Personally, I think Nintendo is taking a serious risk here by dropping the price so soon, and we should be more supportive.

Although that doesn't excuse them for having a launch line-up smaller than my respect for politicians. Which is astoundingly low, by the way.