Critical Miss: The Lord of the Zings


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
Eponet said:
Isn't drama the whole point of RP?
Oh, in character drama is great. But the way one person acted in character annoyed another out of character. The person who was annoyed happened to be the leader of our Kinship (guild) and promptly removed the other person from the kin. She tried to damage the other's reputation for no reason.

It's more complicated, but it's still just as stupid as it sounds. Which is why I quit.

Reverend Del

New member
Feb 17, 2010
I enjoy LOTRO, a lot, I've just started my RK and fiery ridicule is an awesome skill. Not only do they get hit but they stay burning, often just for long enough to die right in looting range. I also tend to find the grind isn't so bad, if you need 14 items it's likely you'll only need to kill 18 to get them. The grind comes from deeds, by which you gain traits and points to spend on new classes, areas, expansions, 120 bears needed just to get the bear killing title and 5 points, followed by 240 to get the trait and a further 10. I'm not overly fussed at later deeds.
Sep 17, 2009
My Tauren Shaman can summon a giant fire elemental and summon lightning from the sky to force back his enemies...

OT: LOTRO looks super cool actually, too bad I don't have a computer that can play it :'(


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2010
21 this real? Someone please tell me this is a joke, so I don't have to spend the next thousand years ankle-deep in LOTR lore trying to understand the game I'm spending my every waking moment playing.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Unbelievable strong urge... must see how this skill works... omg, it's just to horrible and funny at the same time...
First time since about a year that i reconsider playing a MMORPG and just because of your awesome comic!
Could be a new definition for "flamewar"...


New member
Feb 18, 2009
PunkRex said:
Misterben said:
Yes! LOTRO is a terrific game. I never enjoyed WoW or EQ, but LOTRO is a blast.

And in response to MaxFan: not only do bards (Minstrels) not suck in LOTRO, they are EXTREMELY important as members of any fellowship (party). Playing as a Mistrel, you would regularly be approached by other people begging you to join up with their group for a quest.
Like White Mages in FF and Tanks in WoW. Honestly no one wants to be a Warrior, A WARRIOR!!! I love taking punchs and laugthing at just how perfectic they are. Still even WoW could be improved with a Bard class, Lalalalaaaa!
Not to mention that in LOTRO you can run scripts which play actual songs perfectly on ingame instruments. Get enough bards in a group and theres a feature to sync them to make an actual band! Theres whole guilds devoted just to the instruments in LOTRO.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
runedeadthA said:
PunkRex said:
Misterben said:
Yes! LOTRO is a terrific game. I never enjoyed WoW or EQ, but LOTRO is a blast.

And in response to MaxFan: not only do bards (Minstrels) not suck in LOTRO, they are EXTREMELY important as members of any fellowship (party). Playing as a Mistrel, you would regularly be approached by other people begging you to join up with their group for a quest.
Like White Mages in FF and Tanks in WoW. Honestly no one wants to be a Warrior, A WARRIOR!!! I love taking punchs and laugthing at just how perfectic they are. Still even WoW could be improved with a Bard class, Lalalalaaaa!
Not to mention that in LOTRO you can run scripts which play actual songs perfectly on ingame instruments. Get enough bards in a group and theres a feature to sync them to make an actual band! Theres whole guilds devoted just to the instruments in LOTRO.
Just thinking of the possibility of The Fellowship playing Almost Easy on ye olde instruments just fills me with the will to live.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Ok that is a pretty epic power! Sure casting a firebolt is fun but have an npc burst into flames cos you yelled at him is on a whole new lvl
