Crooked Technician Hacked Laptops To Become Peeping Tom


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I know he's a creepy pervert, but jail seems a little harsh, but then America does love to jail people. I saw a doc recently on US jails along with a section on QI, and it's smart how they've almost revived the slave trade by forcing prisoners to make stuff for cents an hour, with solitary if they refuse, and banning imports on anything prisoners make.

In the end, if it hadn't been reported on, no woman would have been affected by his actions. It's only the news stories that have turned it into a problem, tho of course the blame lies squarely with the perv. I just don't think it's a case of 'public interest' sometimes.

It's no wonder so many millions of US citizens are in jail when it's so good for the economy.

So long as he didn't let any of the picture out of his possession and they've all been destroyed now, I'd have gone with a warning and a fine and some community service, probably not gardening work or window cleaning :)

'Hey Dave, whats with this new guy, he'll only wash bathroom and bedroom windows and takes forever doing it!'


New member
Jun 25, 2008
I am sure that somehow, someone will get his picture, and but in captions 'EPIC WIN' and post it to all relevant sources, those who get the joke will laugh, those who don't will simply giggle at the man that looks like a would-be pedophile.
Sep 14, 2009
Simiathan said:
GestaltEsper said:
Simiathan said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
People getting taken advantage of for being stupid.

I blame both parties equally.
Right. Because blaming the victims of a pervert is a perfectly logical conclusion to make.

(rolls eyes)
While I get where you're coming from, I'm sure you can see that the victims were just being idiots. Seriously, exposing your computer to steam is supposed to fix it? And how does that translate to "Shower with the curtain open?"
Lack of technological knowledge does not equate to stupidity. These individuals took their computer to a "professional" (he obviously wasn't) because they had conflicts with their devices they could not resolve themselves. If they couldn't resolve said conflicts on their own, does it not make sense that they wouldn't be suspicious of the error messages on their PC? In short, they placed their trust in this man to perform professional tasks they could not, and he instead exploited them for his own sexual enjoyment. Blaming them is the worst thing you could do.

while this is true, thats ridiculous how many times he got away with it, i know not everyone is the smartest out there when it comes to computers, but really..thats almost on the level of a child to common sense on a computer, not even my grandparents would fall for something as stupid as that.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Huh. Anyone else kinda turned on by this?

JUST KIDDING. I guess the moral of the story is, don't bring your laptop into the bathroom?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
erztez said:
brainslurper said:
On my computer, and all macs for that matter, a little green light goes on when the webcam is in use. So I would know if someone was using it, and thats considering they get past os x's rock solid permission system, or even run the software to try to get past the permission system without me noticing an icon in the dock. Which I would have had to run. Whatever, just another reason to buy a mac. Partly what amazes me is this guys steam idea, which is genuinely creative, and other people thinking steam would be able to fix the computer. Windows wouldn't be able to diagnose the problem and give you such an odd solution, which makes me wonder how anyone would ever fall for this.
Ah. A Mac fanboy, it's been a while.


That is all.

Anti-low-content-stuff: Mac's are no more and no less immune to tampering than Windows boxes.
People say that a lot. I do suppose if I didn't understand my computer, and brought it in, he could install something to take pictures through the camera (not that you'd need to take the mac to anywhere other then an apple store). But nothing like this could be done remotely on a mac, and even with it installed a little green iSight activity light goes on next to the camera, and whatever he installed would come up as running on the dock.