Crysis 2 Will Be "Similar" On 360, PS3


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Psychosocial said:
Mazty said:
Yeah to be expected, but there were noticeable differences in the particle effects between the 360 and PS3, really noticeable differences, as the PS3 had much better volumetric smoke and particle effects.
I doubt anyone except for you noticed/cared for that.

If you don't care why comment on it, seems like your the fanboy here.


Beware of geeks bearing gifs.
Aug 11, 2008
g805ge said:
scarbunny said:
Yay now the consoles can get an overhyped dull tech demo with a generic and plot crappy AI but very nice foliage.

I think I will be avoiding this like the plague seen as how bad the first was.
YAY!!!!! More Crysis bashing in the escapistmagazine forums!

*Runs for cover in trench's from crazy escapistmagazine forum users*
Its hard not to bash Crysis to be honest, I didn't really rate the graphics either to be honest, and before the flaming starts I have a rather nice PC thank you very much running 8800GTXs in SLI with a quad core, I just thought the graphics where dull. The destructible stuff didn't work for me, sure you could lob a grenade and a building would go boom but could you shoot someone through the wall? not on your life. The vehicles handled like shit, the weapons felt "wrong" I can’t put my finger on it but still wrong. It was just generally a bad game, but then again I didn't think Far Cry was any good.

But this is my opinion your mileage may vary. Also I have not played it since just after release.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Mazty said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Mazty said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Mazty said:
Psychosocial said:
Mazty said:
Psychosocial said:
Mazty said:
Yeah to be expected, but there were noticeable differences in the particle effects between the 360 and PS3, really noticeable differences, as the PS3 had much better volumetric smoke and particle effects.
I doubt anyone except for you noticed/cared for that.
Do you have any idea what particle effects are or the difference between volumetric smoke and 'standard' smoke?
When you do, you'll realise there is a huge difference visually and to not notice it is like saying no one cares/notices bump mapping...
You posted pictures of the difference in that other thread about Cry Engine 3 on PS3/Xbox 360, it just came of as a load of fanboy bullshit to me.

But really, graphics don't make the game anyways.
Just shows a complete lack of attention to the video. No two ways about it *shrug*
But yes, graphics don't make a game. I wonder what they'll do to improve on the gameplay.
Once again showing some fanboy bullshit.
Actually not noticing the difference makes you either visually impaired or the fanboy. Again, the difference is like bump mapping vs just texturing.
Does it fucking matter? I haven't watched the video yet due to the computer I'm currently usings shitiness, but who cares? From what I hear it's not a big difference, and if you two are honestly fighting over this than you're both fanboys.
Oh **** right off. You haven't even seen the video and are screaming fanboy.
Get some substance behind your argument, until then take your unfounded arguments & angst over to youtube.
I think the onus is on you to actually, y'know, link to the video here.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
I loved Crysis and can't wait to have a PC in 5 years where I can lovingly pop that game in and set it to max and just go to town.

I think its a great series. I liked the Ice Parts, I liked the aliens, and yes...

... I LOVED the Zero G sequence.

More Crysis makes me happy :)


New member
Jul 2, 2008
johnman said:
Ah, at least he has confirmed that the Pc version is not going to be a dumbed down version.
And as for the claims the console versions wont see a different, i can smell a flame war smouldering away.
Yerli did not claim that console users would not see a difference

"The CryENGINE 3 runs currently at more or less the same quality bar. I say more or less because the engine still optimizes itself to power of the platforms' intrinsics...So the PS3 will run slightly better here, it'll look and feel probably the same, but the engine is diverting computation needs to power subsystems available to the PS3, and the 360 differently, and PC differently." - Cevat Yerli.

So, when his statement is read carefully it becomes apparent that a high specification PC will be best, but there will (probably) be no clear winner in "look and feel" between the PS3 and 360, as the strengths of each console's architecture is utilized as much as possible by Crytek's CryEngine 3. So, different versions of the engine produce a similar result on all but the most high-end PCs. Simple.

For more detailed information read this 6.3 MB pdf:

However, I suggest you avoid watching the misleading demo, which some PS3 fanboys have already seized upon as evidence of problems with the frame-rate of the 360 version. This is erroneous because Crytek are further ahead with the 360 side of things (as that console is similar to a PC) and have included a whole bunch of fancy-pants special effects, that are simply not turned on in the PS3 "comparison", or not capable of being turned on, because they haven't been implemented yet.

Well, here it is if you haven't seen it. The CryEngine 3 demo:


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Uncompetative said:
Yerli did not claim that console users would not see a difference

"Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli says that while Crysis 2 will push both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 to their limits, he doesn't think gamers will see any real difference between the two."

No real difference, that kind of suggests that the differences that will be there, will not really be noticeable. Maybe a few shadows or the HDR/bloom will differ slighty. In effect he has just claimed that users wont see any difference.

Rusty Bucket

New member
Dec 2, 2008
Mazty said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Mazty said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Mazty said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Mazty said:
Psychosocial said:
Mazty said:
Psychosocial said:
Mazty said:
Yeah to be expected, but there were noticeable differences in the particle effects between the 360 and PS3, really noticeable differences, as the PS3 had much better volumetric smoke and particle effects.
I doubt anyone except for you noticed/cared for that.
Do you have any idea what particle effects are or the difference between volumetric smoke and 'standard' smoke?
When you do, you'll realise there is a huge difference visually and to not notice it is like saying no one cares/notices bump mapping...
You posted pictures of the difference in that other thread about Cry Engine 3 on PS3/Xbox 360, it just came of as a load of fanboy bullshit to me.

But really, graphics don't make the game anyways.
Just shows a complete lack of attention to the video. No two ways about it *shrug*
But yes, graphics don't make a game. I wonder what they'll do to improve on the gameplay.
Once again showing some fanboy bullshit.
Actually not noticing the difference makes you either visually impaired or the fanboy. Again, the difference is like bump mapping vs just texturing.
Does it fucking matter? I haven't watched the video yet due to the computer I'm currently usings shitiness, but who cares? From what I hear it's not a big difference, and if you two are honestly fighting over this than you're both fanboys.
Oh **** right off. You haven't even seen the video and are screaming fanboy.
Get some substance behind your argument, until then take your unfounded arguments & angst over to youtube.
I think the onus is on you to actually, y'know, link to the video here.
A good example in the video is the closing meteors. Not huge, but noticeable.
Personally, I'd never throw around accusations without being informed. Maybe that's just me. End of the day all I want is a good sandbox shooter, which looks good and performs well. Some improvements are only a bonus. Though I'd like to see what the PC version will look like & even better, what it's requirements will be.
I can see a difference on the meteors, but it's nothing huge. Everything else looks either the same, or near as makes no difference. They both look bloody amazing.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Mazty said:
A good example in the video is the closing meteors. Not huge, but noticeable.
Personally, I'd never throw around accusations without being informed. Maybe that's just me. End of the day all I want is a good sandbox shooter, which looks good and performs well. Some improvements are only a bonus. Though I'd like to see what the PC version will look like & even better, what it's requirements will be.
Honestly? It's very hard to say, since we only saw a direct scene-to-scene transition once while overlooking the bay and it looked exactly the same there. Without seeing side by side or direct scene comparisons, I don't think we can really pass judgment either way, since in such a powerful engine there are dozens of potential factors like lighting, viewing angle, etc.

I mean, I'm perfectly willing to imagine that the PS3 would have better particle effects (for example) if given the tools to make an accurate comparison, but I don't think that video is sufficient to judge.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Ligisttomten said:
I'm glad they wont dumb down the PC version, like a lot of people do when making it for consoles also.
How exactly do you dumb down graphics?
Just sayin'.