Well, when you're not working or standing watch, there's not a ton to do besides sleeping(though getting a ton of sleep on a carrier is often difficult). When you do have off time, you can watch TV and a lot of people will bring games( I knew people who would set up a console and a tv in their bed to play in their off time, somehow) or they play a handheld. I would read or watch movies on my laptop a lot. I'm not even kidding I got so much reading done on deployment because it was so easy to crack a book when I had a few spare minutes or was waiting in line. There's a small library on board which was enough.How was it on a carrier? I can't help but think it must have been 90% boredom for most people since day to day probably doesn't involve much beside drill.
There were also events set up at times though I rarely had time off when they happened so I mostly never had a chance to participate.
It's cool at first but by the time to rotate to a shore assignment(basically not on a ship) I was more than happy to leave and never come back. It might have been just me though with the job I had on ship where we were always overworked and understaffed(perpetually understaffed)
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