albino boo said:
They got pissed at a company building a model of a strategically important island by a company that sells military training.
What, you mean this island?
With this 'military' base?
And these bomber targets?
Yeah. Bullshit charges from a bullshit country. Australia is just as likely to be invaded in this day and age, and also has a combined military/regular airport. Want me to go take my DSLR and get some pictures of the tail numbers on some F/A-18s?
I can, you know. It's because my government aren't fucking tards and know anybody who goes to war can afford to get some, you know, satellite images or perhaps some long range photos from a nearby mountain. Or a small child with a pen (crayon) camera.
Here, have a picture of our hangers in incredibly high detail:
Do you know why we don't care about pictures of our bases?
Because we have these things called 'radar' and 'SAM's and because any retard can find satellite images of 99.9% of the earth for free, let alone buying them from companies who don't care if they're not meant to take pictures of certain areas. Why the hell would you send 2 random guys with a video camera to get your information? What purpose could that serve, to then leave the incriminating files un-encrypted on their video camera instead of swallowing a MicroSD card or 5?
No. Apparently common sense goes out the window when paranoid idiots are in power. This is nothing but scapegoating so the government LOOKS like they're actually doing something, yet it's backfired because now the whole world is going to search for this mythical air base and suddenly people who got back from holiday are going to go 'Hey! I have a pic of that place! Imma put it on facebook!'.