Daily Mail Voices Concern Over "Ultra-Violent" Modern Warfare 3


New member
Jun 13, 2009
It is easy to dismiss as it's from the Daily Mail, the last remnant of Thatcher era right wing propaganda.

Yeah, some people are going to be offended however I don't think the makers of MW3 mean any offence, and are simply creating an immersive game through closeness to reality. No offence is intended, none should be taken.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Ignore them.

Half or quarter of them won't even play it. They think our society is fed like the hypodermic needle theory and that we just absorb the imagery. As countless users that said in this post, it's a game INTENDED FOR ADULTS. Not once did I watch this trailer and think of the terror attacks of 7/7. Of course it was bad but what about movies that show acts of terrorism?

At this age, games are the trend in the press to complain about. The press don't like blaming on a certain person, they blame on products. Though despite the press, years ago since newspapers began, society COMPLAINED on these PAPERS because they thought it gave IDEAS to murderers. Gradually over the years its changed from literature i.e. Sons And Lovers , films like video nasties and now gaming.

At the end of the day its another story that they get money for.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
The real news would be if they didn't think any kind of action game should be banned


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
It frustrates me that the opinions of the few affect the opinions of the many. Call for the game to be banned? What, so it doesn't offend your sensibilities?

No-one is forcing you to purchase or play this game. It sickens me that people think it's okay to force their beliefs on others. I talked to my father about this a while ago when the Call of Duty (specifically, Black Ops) controversy was on the radio, and he said "it's all about how relevant something is. Something like World War 2 happened a long time ago and those affected by it are very few and / or probably dead now, but something like Vietnam or Cuba is still very recent and games about that are in bad taste and could be seen as offensive. This is doubly true for something even more recent like the war in the middle east". However, he also went on to say that "while i personally find it to be in bad taste and can understand why some people might be upset, i am against censorship and don't think it should be banned solely for that reason. Unless something is a clear and proven danger to society (such as the case of the kid who suffocated his mate with a carrier bag after seeing it on manhunt) it should not be banned".

This kind of view i can understand and respect. I also understand that as he is over 50, his views are probably taken from a more conservative time where violence and such was still a touchy subject. I think a more aware youth of today doesn't shy away from these topics, though, and respond to them even more when they are relevant. I think people want to live through these experiences and identify with them on a much deeper level than people give it credit for. To say it's meaningless to everybody who plays it would be to make an unjust blanket assumption. People can handle relevancy. If it offends you, don't play it. It's just that simple.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Psycho-Toaster said:
I remember when I wandered through London on the 7th of July and saw a nuclear submarine chilling out in the Thames and a bunch of soldiers running through town.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Bob_F_It said:
Lord Krunk said:
Isn't the Daily Mail that newspaper that no one trusts?
It's trusted by middle-class mothers, so in a way it's our Fox.

Which begs the question, when will Fox compare it to the 9/11 attacks.
i wouldn't necessarily say middle class mothers are the ones who trust it
i'd say idiots do

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ah lol...

Well that's my opinion on this bullshit...

Wait wasn't the ME3 trailer set in London? I'm surpised they haven't picked up on that actually, i mean Big Ben was half destroyed after all...


New member
Aug 18, 2009
look. while i think anyone who thinks video games "cross a line" and say "think of the children" are insane when a game is rated M and clearly not for children... i think what is more insane is saying "I have concerns as these games are hyper-real and take place in a landscape we are familiar with."

there is always going to be someone familiar with the landscape in a game. if you are only concerned with your own area you are being insensitive to other cultures and hypocritical. personally, i think anyone who takes call of duty seriously is nuts. but they need to critically think of what they are saying.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
The Daily Mail? Really?

Also, 7/7. Oooh boy. Am I wrong to think that it's decidedly un-British to kick up a fuss over it?
I mean, look at the IRA. When The Troubles were happening we didn't panic, install a terrorism metre, pass draconian laws that let the government spy on its own citizens, or anything like that. We gave them the collective finger, then just ignore them until they became ashamed of themselves and went away.

I'm not comparing the tragedy of 9/11 to 7/7, they're on whole different scales. Nor am I trying to disrespect those who lost people in either attack. But we shouldn't compare everything we make to past tragedies, in fear that we may disrespect.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Yeah when they are killing the in a video game world over there in the middle east we're fine with it but i've been in that station they are showing!!! I can't wait till the american news organizations get hold of this they'll say its equivalent to a simulation for taking down whichever building or streets are fought in.

Say it loudly with me guys its a videogame! We tell novels based around modern tragic events or possible events and its considered an artful gut wrenching tale when its a video game its disrespectful.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Sparrow said:
Stop. Picking. British. Newspapers. Seriously, the Escapist is always commenting on the stuff the British press says. Our press is ultimately stupid, you're making us all look bad!
Don't feel bad. Fox News spouts more drivel than all of the British press combined.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
It's nice to see the Daily Mail gets hyped up about games too. They could wait until it's actually released, but I'd be kidding myself if I thought they actually play games they get outraged about...

The_root_of_all_evil said:
By the way, I thought people would like to see their reviews.
'There has been a cataclysmic chemical attack' - not in this game, previous ones yes. Los Plagos.
'the earth is being roamed by zombies' - Raccoon city got nuked. Now Los Plagos are in one remote village in an unnamed european country *cough* Spain *cough* This is not worldwide by any definition.
'they don't stop until you shot them in the face or slash their arms off' - when do their arms come off? You don't have to shoot them in the face, it just helps..
'when I played I was stabbed to death by pitchforks' - sounds like someone didn't even get past the second encounter
'amid fountains of my own blood' - If you ever graze you knee it'll blow your mind

...wait, that's it? There's a really short review...


New member
Apr 14, 2011
For anyone unaware of what type of newspaper the Daily Mail is, think Fox News. Seriously.

And on a side note, im guessing they went with this story because they ran out of things to say about immigrants and Princess Diana. Such a non-news paper.


New member
May 13, 2010
Well, I can understand them being reminded of what happened during the London bombings but apart from that I fail to see what the big deal is.

The fact of the matter is, the Daily Telegraph's football pages have more long, posh words in them than most papers available. I'm serious. Reading the sports page of that paper increases my dictionary!


New member
May 2, 2010
Daily Mail; Right wing sensationalist, fear-mongering, borederline racist drivel read by people who get bulldog tattoos.

So disregard everything they say especially when it comes to games. If you know someone who died in the bombings don't play the game, I'm sick of all this PC rubbish. We don't censor art. As base as you may think Call of Duty is it's still art.