Dante's Inferno Gets Animated

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Dante's Inferno Gets Animated

The animated movie based on the game based on the poem. Literary snobs, you're probably not going to want to hear about this.

Electronic Arts is teaming up with Starz Media to produce an animated film for its upcoming Dante's Inferno game. Yes, that's a movie based on a game based on a poem. The flick, which will be feature-length, will expand on the story of the game, which loosely borrows the structure of the poem as it follows Dante's travels through the nine circles of hell in search of his beloved Beatrice.

The movie will take an Animatrix-like approach by commissioning multiple studios to provide different takes on the story, presumably with each studio animating a different level of Hell. That could certainly be interesting, and EA is boasting that they're only hiring talent "with experience creating some of the top anime in the industry to tell this classic story."

"The animated feature will be a great companion piece to the game," said Jonathan Knight, Executive Producer of the game. "The feature will explore aspects of the poem that the game does not, and will provide more insight into the characters and the unique story adaptation that the game has established."

Dante's Inferno, as was revealed [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/89338-First-Dantes-Inferno-Game-Details-Emerge] last month, will take a loose interpretation of the poem, with Dante re-imagined as some kind of medieval action hero who battles demons in Hell using quick-time events and air combos. It has been described as "God of War meets Dead Space."

The film is being produced by Joe Goyette, who previously worked on the Dead Space anime, Dead Space: Downfall, so if you liked that one, you might want to check this out.



New member
Dec 3, 2007
I know I'm going to incur the wrath of Inferno fans by saying that this sounds really cool.

Having different studios give their own interpretation of each level of Hell is a pretty exciting concept, I think.

The game itself? I don't know.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Interesting..... I may check this out, as long as it is better than Resident Evil: Degeneration.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Nice review I have to say! Interesting to hear there's a game coming out, but the following left me a bit doubtful:

Keane Ng said:
Dante re-imagined as some kind of medieval action hero who battles demons in Hell using quick-time events and air combos. It has been described as "God of War meets Dead Space."
Quick time events aren't really my thing to be honest, hopefully they can pull this off properly. It might also be nice if they left at least a bit of the exoticism and mystique from the original book. Though I'm afraid that is a bit too much to ask. And Dead Space? I guess some people liked it, but I wasn't at all enthusiastic about it to say the least.

Any word about a release date?


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
RebelRising said:
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.
Seriously. I haven't even read the Divine Comedy and I can tell what a bastardization this is.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
In this case, "Loose Interpretation"="Same Name and Takes place in Hell". By that standard, you could have named Doom "Dante's Inferno" and it would have been just as faithful.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Not excited for the game, but the movie could be cool, if it sticks to the poem and not the game. If I can recall correctly, Dante was a complete pansy, not a scythe-wielding badass, no?

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
SharedProphet said:
I just don't get why they even put "Dante's" on there when it has basically nothing to do with the poem.
RebelRising said:
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.
Yes and yes.
Dante's Inferno is such an amazing piece of poetry, and, for me, the best of the Divine Comedy. This game isn't even remotely related! I don't understand how they can get away with shit like this.

Oh wait! Yes I do!

Because the average moron who buys this game will think that 'Divine Comedy' is the name of God's comedy club, or some c-rated porn actress. AUGH! This is just as bad as the Beowulf fiasco! What a waste of fantastic poetry!

I wonder what piece of literature they will butcher next?

Leisure Suit Larry in: Romeo and Juliet?
Dangerous Creatures 2: Watership Down?
To Kill a Mocking Bird, where you actually just shoot birds?
Call of Duty: The Red Badge of Courage?
Captain Deformo VS the Aliens: Johnny Tremain in the future?

When will people get their own freaking ideas?


New member
Dec 13, 2008
orannis62 said:
RebelRising said:
Well, I guess I'm a literary snob, because this game just keeps on getting worse the more I hear about it.
Seriously. I haven't even read the Divine Comedy and I can tell what a bastardization this is.
I've read it, and the book is a description of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. I see neither Heaven nor Purgatory in any news about this game.

Plus Dante wasn't a bad ass looking priest who broke into Hell to kill Satan and his minions.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Aqualung said:
Not excited for the game, but the movie could be cool, if it sticks to the poem and not the game. If I can recall correctly, Dante was a complete pansy, not a scythe-wielding badass, no?
True, and the norse god Baldur was the god of joy, yet look what too human did to him. Why must almost all videogame characters be "badasses"?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
SmilingKitsune said:
Aqualung said:
Not excited for the game, but the movie could be cool, if it sticks to the poem and not the game. If I can recall correctly, Dante was a complete pansy, not a scythe-wielding badass, no?
True, and the norse god Baldur was the god of joy, yet look what too human did to him. Why must almost all videogame characters be "badasses"?
..Because they're the kind of people us lame gamer nerds can connect with? :p I don't know, but it gets annoying after a while.

I want a video game where the goal is to run away from everything using your high-powered rocket skates.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Aqualung said:
SmilingKitsune said:
Aqualung said:
Not excited for the game, but the movie could be cool, if it sticks to the poem and not the game. If I can recall correctly, Dante was a complete pansy, not a scythe-wielding badass, no?
True, and the norse god Baldur was the god of joy, yet look what too human did to him. Why must almost all videogame characters be "badasses"?
..Because they're the kind of people us lame gamer nerds can connect with? :p I don't know, but it gets annoying after a while.

I want a video game where the goal is to run away from everything using your high-powered rocket skates.
And you could call it "The escapist" :). I loved playing Oblivion as a mage and just casting invisibility to bypass anything that wanted to eat/skewer me.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
Hmmm - the game sounds pretty shitty, yes, but the movie sounds pretty cool. I loved the Animatrix ^__^