Fox12 said:
Just don't turn it into a drinking game
A lot of those seem like they overlap in a way that just one scene (such as the semi obligatory female-lead-shower-scene) gets like 1/5th the board. We should make it more challenging than that!
The Jovian said:
And speaking of bingo, you might want to add awkward-ass title to the bingo card. Because I can't be the only one that's notices jsut how clunky Quantic Dream's game titles have become.
I think that probably fits as the Free Space, with a title like Detroit: Become Human. QTES being garbage could be split into multiple, but I don't think that's a given. There's -always- a chance that the gameplay could be improved just a bit to make more sense / be more clear. And QTES in and of themselves aren't always a bad thing.
Samtemdo8 said:
FillerDmon said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Can we please stop the whole mocking of this guy for the whole (Polygons = Emotions) thing?
If you choose to put more emphasis on your visuals than in you writing or your gameplay, on the grounds that doing so makes the experience better, while using a medium in which it -should- be the gameplay backing things up, and in which it -is- the writing you're using to get around not having much gameplay, then you entirely deserve mockery for that ideal.
I missed the Jim Sterling reference, mind, but I certainly don't see the problem personally.
How cruel of you to mock a man's passions and ideals than.
And it was Jim Sterling that started the whole thing with the Mockery.
I never really got in on Jim Sterling, so I wouldn't know about that. I only started mocking his products when "Game Overs are a Failure of the Game Designer" Cage seems to have forgotten how Game-Over infested Indigo Prophecy was, and how Games, for the most part, feature Game Overs because players find, for the most part, reward out of overcoming adversity, and without said adversity to overcome, that reward is diminished. Not all the time, of course, but for the most part Game Overs being a failure of the Player are fine, and to pretend otherwise, including making it -seem- as if you could fail but you actually can't and it just looks like it, without properly communicating it to the player, seems rather pretentious, especially, as mentioned, in light of the first game made being freaking filled with them.
And I think I'm entirely entitled to mock the ideals of someone when they're hypocritical, counter-intuitive when being used to helm a product within an industry in which they, for the most part, clash heavily, and expects people to be suckered into visuals rather than good story telling (or, as a video game, good gameplay).
You know what? I'd written a different counter-argument for your response, but I just went and found a few quotes from David Cage, almost entirely as was quoted by the article.
"The moment a person holds a video game controller in their hands, all potential for that game to become meaningful is instantly lost."
"[...]games focus on simple themes and target teenagers who crave violence. That is essentially the definition of a video game. I can not name a single game that does not do that. The closest I can think of is Sonic the Hedgehog and its pro-environmental theme, but that's not deep enough for most people. Outside of that, all I see on the shelves are violence simulators that have no redeeming qualities like Spec Ops: The Line and The Last of Us."
"Nintendo is slowly fading out of existence because of their refusal to adapt to what people actually want from their video games. Has anyone ever cried when Mario rescued the princess? Can you feel empathy towards a Goomba? The fact that Nintendo can not make a game on par with Schindler's List is proof that they are incompetent."
"I don't want to blame people for not wanting to play my video games, but they definitely are stupid for not demanding that developers make more games that are like mine. I don't want to dumb down my video games just to get more sales, I want to make them smarter. Smart people should not be avoiding my games, but for some reason, they do. I just don't understand. Is there something about the video game medium that lowers our intelligence?"
If you can stand by every thing he's said here, then you and I just think on entirely different wavelengths. That's not even meant as an insult; like a Toaster and an Electric Toothbrush, we're just wired differently, and we will -never- see eye to eye. But as far as I'm concerned, he's a pretentious hack and deserves at least 80% of the hate he gets for it. I'd -like- to see him do better, because the industry improves with more people making good things written well, but his own arrogance and inability to deliver on a proper narrative undercuts a lot of the intent behind his actions. And with others being able to deliver on a better story, his relevance in the market is continuing to shrink.