David Cage: Microsoft Falsely Represented Natal's Capabilities


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I think the problem is that motion control doesn't really appeal to the demographic of hardcore gamers, such as people 14-35 (I am just estimating, don't judge me on that number). As a 16 year old gamer, I don't want to come home from school or work and flail around in my basement. I'm tired, I just want to sit down and enjoy myself with little to no effort :p


New member
Jul 5, 2009
aaronmcc said:
Promising things they can't deliver? Hmmmm.

It's quite unprofessional for him to express a blatantly bias opinion. How the fuck would he know what Natal is capable of, when he is part of Sony? Besides only an idiot wouldn't take that video with a pinch of salt. Perhaps Cage should should talk to Peter Molyneaux and you both bullshit each other until one or both of your heads explode.
I agree with the above post. He just released a PS3 exclusive and starts talking to us about how many lies the rival company is saying.

Of course things won't work as good as the ad shows...but that doesn't mean that it's all crap. Dante's Inferno had a ton of publicity stunts and shit and it didn't turn out to be THAT great.

Professor M

New member
Jul 31, 2009
That thing with the girls dress as well???

Seriously, if it was showing her wearing her jumper and whatever, and then magically showed her what she'd look like in the dress ... the sleeveless dress ... with the top of her chest exposed ...

Surely for it to know what she looked like under her clothes, she would've had to have taken a load of photos when not wearing a top or something ... or are we expecting Natal to somehow guess what she'd look like

I do not like this thing


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
If my neighbors saw me spazzing out like that in front of my TV they'd probably have me hauled off in a straitjacket.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Natal will just turn out to be a glitchy webcam. Just watch. Some exec was showing it off at... the VGA's, I think, and we all know what ensued. "Wanna see what the bottom of your shoe looks like?....."

But I've got to agree with a few posters so far, seeing as he just released a major PS3 exclusive, his 360-bashing credibility takes a major hit.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
DividedUnity said:
An advertisement that isnt being wholely truthful? Who woulda thought.

OT: its funny how David Cage who just released a major ps3 exclusive is the one to speak out against natal's smoke and mirrors so to speak
No. It's likely a response to this:

Anyone calling Cage's cred into question needs to also mention Molyneux (Good Job Aaronmcc).


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
CezarIgnat said:
aaronmcc said:
Promising things they can't deliver? Hmmmm.

It's quite unprofessional for him to express a blatantly bias opinion. How the fuck would he know what Natal is capable of, when he is part of Sony? Besides only an idiot wouldn't take that video with a pinch of salt. Perhaps Cage should should talk to Peter Molyneaux and you both bullshit each other until one or both of your heads explode.
I agree with the above post. He just released a PS3 exclusive and starts talking to us about how many lies the rival company is saying.

Of course things won't work as good as the ad shows...but that doesn't mean that it's all crap. Dante's Inferno had a ton of publicity stunts and shit and it didn't turn out to be THAT great.
You forgot to internalize the part where he also calls out Peter Molyneux for doing the SAME THING. It's a fake fight kids. Please stop rushing to wave the team flag.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I think the whole Milo/Peter Molyneaux thing was more blatantly bullshit.

He made it sound as though he'd single handedly perfected artificial intelligence on a freaking Xbox. Scientists can't do that on a bleeding supercomputer.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
SaintWaldo said:
DividedUnity said:
An advertisement that isnt being wholely truthful? Who woulda thought.

OT: its funny how David Cage who just released a major ps3 exclusive is the one to speak out against natal's smoke and mirrors so to speak
No. It's likely a response to this:

Anyone calling Cage's cred into question needs to also mention Molyneux (Good Job Aaronmcc).
I dont think Cage catching natal with its pants down is the same as molyneux stating the obvious. But I see where youre coming from.

(i wasnt questioning cages cred either I was simply saying how its funny the man who dealt one blow to microsoft is the same to throw another)


New member
Mar 24, 2008
aaronmcc said:
Promising things they can't deliver? Hmmmm.

It's quite unprofessional for him to express a blatantly bias opinion. How the fuck would he know what Natal is capable of, when he is part of Sony? Besides only an idiot wouldn't take that video with a pinch of salt. Perhaps Cage should should talk to Peter Molyneaux and you both bullshit each other until one or both of your heads explode.
That still leaves the idea that a single scan of top and bottom of the board will recreate the whole thing flawlessly though.

fletch_talon said:
Ummm, dunno about all of you, but when I saw the teaser I understood what it was really doing. I can't remember precisely but wasn't it actually explained to the audience that it was just scanning the image to place as a skin on the in game board?
His hands were blocking part of the bottom of the board's image (not to mention the wheels.) unless it only uses it look for offically licensed boards(which means personal alterations can be scaned.) on the network for free or offers them for a price it should of had hands on the final in game board.

So it is still fairly misleading.

That's Funny

New member
Jul 20, 2009
I'm still skeptical about the Natal, as Cage and this news piece said the tech just seems too good to be true, I think it is very misleading, but we'll find out more at E3 2010 I guess.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I'd just like to remind Microsoft that some of us LIKE HAVING A CONTROLLER!!

Oh yeah and the Star Trek-like scanning effect was hardly believable. And to they really expect us to believe that the voice recognition actually works that well.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
At one point in the trailer, a punk skater kid holds his skateboard up to Natal and scans it into a skateboarding game to ride around on. Cage says this just isn't possible as shown.
Doesn't seem all that difficult to me, this sort of technology already exists, doesn't it?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
You mean I can't scan this life sized replica of master chief into viva pinata? Oh well fuck that then.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
natal? controversy? ps3 fanboys saying its shit and xbox 360 saying its god? what is this madness?! (ps3 fanboy here)

OT: Whatever turns out, it wont be able to do what people expect, period. even if it does everything in that commercial, and i mean EVERYTHING, it still wont live up to expectations, because thats how things go. its not a gift from the prophet molyneux, but it isn't a cardboard box either. so there


New member
Mar 10, 2008
SaintWaldo said:
You forgot to internalize the part where he also calls out Peter Molyneux for doing the SAME THING. It's a fake fight kids. Please stop rushing to wave the team flag.
I'm with Sainty here, Cage is right on the money but it's really just a response to Moley-new's own jostle flapping. I did have the same problem with the initial trailer, as soon as I saw the guy change the tires and scan the board it just seemed ridiculous to me. If Natal is successful, more power to them, it does look interesting. Only time will tell if it's going to succeed though, same thing with the Move.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
dementedartist22 said:
natal? controversy? ps3 fanboys saying its shit and xbox 360 saying its god? what is this madness?! (ps3 fanboy here)

OT: Whatever turns out, it wont be able to do what people expect, period. even if it does everything in that commercial, and i mean EVERYTHING, it still wont live up to expectations, because thats how things go. its not a gift from the prophet molyneux, but it isn't a cardboard box either. so there
Though, if it turns out to actually be a cardboard box, that would be downright fantastic.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
As far as anything Natal goes, i will believe it when i see it actually done. This hype train is only going to end up ploughing into something.

As for the Playstation Move, same story really. Motion control for me has always been a gimmick.


Devourer of pie
Nov 9, 2009
the natal just doesn't sell it for me. It just looks like a more powerful version of the playstation eye for ps2 which failed hardcore. It just seems like microsoft is looking more to the present and not the future.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
the natal can travel back in time, they obviously used that feature to go into the early 90s to make a horrible promo video