Dawn of War II Dethrones Lich King


New member
Jan 21, 2009
TsunamiWombat said:
Baconmonster723 said:
Hmmmmmmmmm Kudos to Relic for taking Blizzard's two best game ideas. Fantasy with orcs humans elves etc. (Warcraft) and putting them in space(Starcraft). I'm not gonna rip on them for doing this because clearly, it sells. However, don't read too much into these numbers. Comparing Warhammer and WOW is like comparing a Classic Game to Halo 3. While people look at Halo and go OMG HALO NEW SHINY, they play it and eventually get bored and go back to the classic game that never gets old. Once Starcraft II comes out, then one will see Blizzard's full capability shown. Now if only they would give us one of those..... damn can't remember what they are called for the life of me....... OH YEAH, a release date.
Penny Arcade explains it in 3 panels.


I have the hoodie they made about that comic. I love it :D

It's probably just a spike, but it's sweet to see nonetheless


New member
Mar 17, 2008
My computer has three processors, and I could only enjoy the game at a bearable framerate when I took the settings down to half-past nil. I mean, my GeForce 8200 is old, but this game is supposed to cater to my system.

Makes me sad, because I really wanted to revel in this with the full brunt of all of my Warhammer 40,000 nerd-dom.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Indigo_Dingo said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
I'm predicting it'll be on the top ten for a while, though Lich King will probably reclaim the top spot within a week or three.
Remember WOTLK is not a game in itself, just an expansion to WOW. I'm thinking that there is a certain point at which if a person hasn't upgraded to Lich King, they're intending to just not.
Eh. WoW and BC have been topping the charts for so long that it's not hard to imagine Lich King will return as well.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Wasn't DOW II like, the only major release for the past couple weeks, minus empire: total war?

Its not suprising that it can now finally beat out on sales of an exp pack that... essentially every wow gamer already owns. Every wow pack will continue to dominate the charts for longer than usual for the forseeable future, and most likely until asteroid strike


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Nunka said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
The question is ... is this just a spike, with a hot new game moving quickly off shelves? Or will Dawn of War II have a longer presence on the list?
Warhammer selling more copies in its first week than WOTLK in its fifteenth isn't exactly a great feat. Even considering the fact that World of Warcraft is effectively un-pirate-able, I'd have expected something like this to happen much sooner. Guess the PC really is dying as a platform. Woe. Woe to us. :(
PC as a gaming platform as been dieing since...it has games...

Also PC is far from dying..in the first 3 months of 2009 Dawn of War 2 and Empire:Total War got released and they already top sellers. Also theres still Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and I think a new Quake game coming.


Elite Member
Nov 8, 2008
Baconmonster723 said:
Hmmmmmmmmm Kudos to Relic for taking Blizzard's two best game ideas. Fantasy with orcs humans elves etc. (Warcraft) and putting them in space(Starcraft). I'm not gonna rip on them for doing this because clearly, it sells. However, don't read too much into these numbers. Comparing Warhammer and WOW is like comparing a Classic Game to Halo 3. While people look at Halo and go OMG HALO NEW SHINY, they play it and eventually get bored and go back to the classic game that never gets old. Once Starcraft II comes out, then one will see Blizzard's full capability shown. Now if only they would give us one of those..... damn can't remember what they are called for the life of me....... OH YEAH, a release date.

*breathes very heavily* You are joking right?


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Sigenrecht said:
My computer has three processors, and I could only enjoy the game at a bearable framerate when I took the settings down to half-past nil. I mean, my GeForce 8200 is old, but this game is supposed to cater to my system.

Makes me sad, because I really wanted to revel in this with the full brunt of all of my Warhammer 40,000 nerd-dom.
8200? Are you freakin' serious?! I'm amazed you can run anything on that hunk of junk.

oliveira8 said:
Nunka said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
The question is ... is this just a spike, with a hot new game moving quickly off shelves? Or will Dawn of War II have a longer presence on the list?
Warhammer selling more copies in its first week than WOTLK in its fifteenth isn't exactly a great feat. Even considering the fact that World of Warcraft is effectively un-pirate-able, I'd have expected something like this to happen much sooner. Guess the PC really is dying as a platform. Woe. Woe to us. :(
PC as a gaming platform as been dieing since...it has games...

Also PC is far from dieing..in the first 3 months of 2009 Dawn of War 2 and Empire:Total War got released and they already top sellers. Also theres still Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and I think a new Quake game coming.
Dying, damn it. Basic grammar people, you must learn in the 1st grade!

Also, people have been saying "PC gaming is dying" since at least 1995. Then something like Mass Effect is introduced on PC, where it's even better than on the Xbox 360.

Baconmonster723 said:
Hmmmmmmmmm Kudos to Relic for taking Blizzard's two best game ideas. Fantasy with orcs humans elves etc. (Warcraft) and putting them in space(Starcraft). I'm not gonna rip on them for doing this because clearly, it sells. However, don't read too much into these numbers. Comparing Warhammer and WOW is like comparing a Classic Game to Halo 3. While people look at Halo and go OMG HALO NEW SHINY, they play it and eventually get bored and go back to the classic game that never gets old. Once Starcraft II comes out, then one will see Blizzard's full capability shown. Now if only they would give us one of those..... damn can't remember what they are called for the life of me....... OH YEAH, a release date.
How can you tell such a lie with a straight face and not stab yourself?

Warhammer 40k was created in 1987 and Warhammer itself in 1983. Warcraft was created in 1994.

If anything, Blizzard ripped off Warhammer and Tolkien's books.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
oliveira8 said:
Nunka said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
The question is ... is this just a spike, with a hot new game moving quickly off shelves? Or will Dawn of War II have a longer presence on the list?
Warhammer selling more copies in its first week than WOTLK in its fifteenth isn't exactly a great feat. Even considering the fact that World of Warcraft is effectively un-pirate-able, I'd have expected something like this to happen much sooner. Guess the PC really is dying as a platform. Woe. Woe to us. :(
PC as a gaming platform as been dieing since...it has games...

Also PC is far from dieing..in the first 3 months of 2009 Dawn of War 2 and Empire:Total War got released and they already top sellers. Also theres still Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and I think a new Quake game coming.
You mean Quake live? Already out.
Indeed, it is a good time to have a good pc.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Abedeus said:

Dying, damn it. Basic grammar people, you must learn in the 1st grade!

Also, people have been saying "PC gaming is dying" since at least 1995. Then something like Mass Effect is introduced on PC, where it's even better than on the Xbox 360.
Nope sorry in my 1st grade I was learning Portuguese, which is my main language....started learning English around 6th grade. Not everyone in these forums had English in primary school.

Also theres alot of games that work better on PC than on the consoles.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Not long until WoW revolts...

..not long at all -.-


New member
Feb 2, 2009
dekkarax said:
oliveira8 said:
Nunka said:
Warhammer selling more copies in its first week than WOTLK in its fifteenth isn't exactly a great feat. Even considering the fact that World of Warcraft is effectively un-pirate-able, I'd have expected something like this to happen much sooner. Guess the PC really is dying as a platform. Woe. Woe to us. :(
PC as a gaming platform as been dieing since...it has games...

Also PC is far from dieing..in the first 3 months of 2009 Dawn of War 2 and Empire:Total War got released and they already top sellers. Also theres still Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and I think a new Quake game coming.
You mean Quake live? Already out.
Indeed, it is a good time to have a good pc.
I thought it was only in Beta stage. :O


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
It's nice to see the PC get some quality games for itself other than another MMO.
I'll be grabbing this at one point or another.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
As soon as I get my new computer and my tax refund, I'm getting DOW II. It's good to see PC gaming isn't MMO-centric still, and I've been dying for a good RTS since...well...DOW I.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Indigo_Dingo said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
I'm predicting it'll be on the top ten for a while, though Lich King will probably reclaim the top spot within a week or three.
Remember WOTLK is not a game in itself, just an expansion to WOW. I'm thinking that there is a certain point at which if a person hasn't upgraded to Lich King, they're intending to just not.
Eh. WoW and BC have been topping the charts for so long that it's not hard to imagine Lich King will return as well.
WOTLK doesn't offer as much the, I hate to use the word casual about World of Warcraft, but lets say less stat obsessed gamer would be inclined towards. BC had the Dranei and the Blood Elves - to unlock anything from WOTLK takes supposedly a fuckload of work.
Reaching level 55 in current WoW is hardly what I'd call a "fuckton of work." :p


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I am predicting DOW2 will stay at the top until Starcraft 2 comes out, which will most likely slaughter every definition of the phrase "Chart Topper."