Dawn of War II Dethrones Lich King

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Indigo_Dingo said:
I thought the Death Knight also required an Epic quest, similar to getting the Warlocks Dreadsteed, or whatever their epic mount is called.

Reach level 55, you can make a Death Knight. Reach level 68, enjoy Northrend. Nothing beyond that. Plus, leveling up is quicker than ever.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
matrix3509 said:
I am predicting DOW2 will stay at the top until Starcraft 2 comes out, which will most likely slaughter every definition of the phrase "Chart Topper."
This is probably accurate. DoW2 is a great game but... Starcraft, man. Starcraft.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
DoW2 is an awesome game and i also like that even being a sequel to Dow 1 and 5 following expansions, it is a brand new look at DoW and in no way the same game, same basic principle build, capture, destroy, but without base building or any real tech tree upgrades. A personal opinion of WoW from me would have to be it's either u love it or you don't no real in the middle I played for maybe three weeks and said, Wow I'm bored. Either it's a hit or a miss, I like diversely using different characters, units, abilities, and selecting certain weapon or ability paths even more then halfway through building your character and even more after u get stuck somewhere in-game due to your characters limitations, and i never saw that in wow, but hey my opinion feel free to flame me if u want. And for closure The Warhammer Franchise is MUCH older then blizzard's Warcraft or Starcraft and was the origination of each, if you disagree do your homework.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Oh and would anyone explain to me why starcraft 2 is so hyped, i didn't like the first one that much and never saw any real work on it till Starcraft 2 was announced and since then everyone is totally in love with it for, from my seat, no apparent reason, it's gonna sell huge, but please explain to me why, for my own closure not because i think it sucks or anything but i just don't understand.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Baconmonster723 said:
Hmmmmmmmmm Kudos to Relic for taking Blizzard's two best game ideas. Fantasy with orcs humans elves etc. (Warcraft) and putting them in space(Starcraft). I'm not gonna rip on them for doing this because clearly, it sells. However, don't read too much into these numbers. Comparing Warhammer and WOW is like comparing a Classic Game to Halo 3. While people look at Halo and go OMG HALO NEW SHINY, they play it and eventually get bored and go back to the classic game that never gets old. Once Starcraft II comes out, then one will see Blizzard's full capability shown. Now if only they would give us one of those..... damn can't remember what they are called for the life of me....... OH YEAH, a release date.
LOL @ the Fail Whale you just killed.
With a Japanese "Research" vessel.
...Made of AIDS.


Free of All Weakness
Jul 8, 2008
Hm, suddenly I am inclined to cancel my WoW subscription and go buy DoW II.

Oh wait, I alredy did cancel it. Guess all that is left is to go buy the game now.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
NubletInc said:
Oh and would anyone explain to me why starcraft 2 is so hyped, i didn't like the first one that much and never saw any real work on it till Starcraft 2 was announced and since then everyone is totally in love with it for, from my seat, no apparent reason, it's gonna sell huge, but please explain to me why, for my own closure not because i think it sucks or anything but i just don't understand.
You realize that people still play the original right? You go on WC3 you might get the occasional game but people play the customs (DoTA) than the regular game, go on Starcraft you can get a regular game easily. The races and units are insanely balanced and unique.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Baconmonster723 said:
Hmmmmmmmmm Kudos to Relic for taking Blizzard's two best game ideas. Fantasy with orcs humans elves etc. (Warcraft) and putting them in space(Starcraft). I'm not gonna rip on them for doing this because clearly, it sells. However, don't read too much into these numbers. Comparing Warhammer and WOW is like comparing a Classic Game to Halo 3. While people look at Halo and go OMG HALO NEW SHINY, they play it and eventually get bored and go back to the classic game that never gets old. Once Starcraft II comes out, then one will see Blizzard's full capability shown. Now if only they would give us one of those..... damn can't remember what they are called for the life of me....... OH YEAH, a release date.

A lot of people are going to be angry with you. Run, here comes Kharn.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Rednog said:
NubletInc said:
Oh and would anyone explain to me why starcraft 2 is so hyped, i didn't like the first one that much and never saw any real work on it till Starcraft 2 was announced and since then everyone is totally in love with it for, from my seat, no apparent reason, it's gonna sell huge, but please explain to me why, for my own closure not because i think it sucks or anything but i just don't understand.
You realize that people still play the original right? You go on WC3 you might get the occasional game but people play the customs (DoTA) than the regular game, go on Starcraft you can get a regular game easily. The races and units are insanely balanced and unique.
Hmm that does actually make some sense but even then, (o and warcraft had shit starting or "normal" games that were too fun to screw with so they ended up just getting customized into the current more popular games, in my opinion) I still only see certain fanbase for it but i see like everywhere people are waiting for this game and if u ask me its hype is around ff13 in my opinion i hear about them about as often but see more people watching sc2 trailers then ff13 ones. But hey as I said before this is all my vew feel free to blatantly flame it all you want, And to answer your question, No, I never even really played starcraft. O and dota can lick my nuts. So can wow


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Baconmonster723 said:
Hmmmmmmmmm Kudos to Relic for taking Blizzard's two best game ideas. Fantasy with orcs humans elves etc. (Warcraft) and putting them in space(Starcraft). I'm not gonna rip on them for doing this because clearly, it sells. However, don't read too much into these numbers. Comparing Warhammer and WOW is like comparing a Classic Game to Halo 3. While people look at Halo and go OMG HALO NEW SHINY, they play it and eventually get bored and go back to the classic game that never gets old. Once Starcraft II comes out, then one will see Blizzard's full capability shown. Now if only they would give us one of those..... damn can't remember what they are called for the life of me....... OH YEAH, a release date.





Warhammer Fantasy Battle came out during the early 80's. 40,00 came out as Rogue Trader in 1987. Both were tabletop games. Games Workshop and Blizzard teamed up to make a Warhamemr fantasy battles game, but they pulled the plug. Blizzard had stuff leftover so they went and said "MEH LET US MAKE OUR OWN UNIVERSE"

In Starcraft... The Space Marines are rip offs of the Imperial marines. And the Tyranids came waaaaayyy before the Zerg (both are the exact same thing).