DC Comics Will Soon Reveal Joker's True Name


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I find it funny that Joker's already pointed out the fact that this sort of thing is a bad idea. I think it was in the Brave and the Bold...

Harley: "Ain't you gonna take his mask off and see who he is?"

Joker: "And reduce my primal enemy to a mere man? Harley, my dear, I'm so disappointed in you. Where's the fun in that?

He then breaks into a song and dance number utilizing the nigh-omnipotent powers he's recently got his hands on. I loved that show...


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
william1657 said:
Skip giving us a name and just give him a few new origin stories instead.

I liked all of the possible Joker origins so far.
Well, they already gave him a whole slew of new apocryphal origin stories very recently in the Endgame arc.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Somebody may already have said this, but wasn't there a Batman story where the Joker was actually Alfred? And all the other Rogues were actors.

I can't remember which one, though (sorry).


New member
Jan 4, 2009
THM said:
Somebody may already have said this, but wasn't there a Batman story where the Joker was actually Alfred? And all the other Rogues were actors.

I can't remember which one, though (sorry).
I'm pretty sure you're thinking of 'Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?' which is great and has many conflicting versions of Batman's story . It's a great story but not really part of the standard continuity.


New member
Sep 5, 2015
OH NO! Are you saying the Joker is just a human, and acts inoffensively when he's not wearing his clown make-up? almost like he has... a HIDDEN IDENTITY?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
That's strange. I could've sworn his name was Joker. Ah well, they'll learn eventually...


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Harleen Quinzel? Edward Nigma? Victor Freis?

I guarantee this nigga's name is gonna be Joseph Kurr.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Jute88 said:
How about making a good story first, THEN you can try to surprise your readers with a twist?
The "twist" is all they've got anymore. Neither Marvel or DC are capable of writing great stories with well and consistently written characters to sell comics off actual genuine VALUE anymore so they just pull cheap gimmicks and twists like this all the time while butchering the characters left and right in order to coast off of the resulting controversy and this is just yet another one. This is why they advertise the twist like this instead of just writing a story that shows the Joker's true name without any real fanfare and letting the fans sell the comics from there.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Dead Metal said:
Seeing how Joker is immortal now and older than Gotham, maybe he's George Washington. Or Jesus.
That turned out not to be the case didn't it? It was just The Joker screwing with a load of mentally ill people and to show his ability to get inside peoples heads wasn't it?

I'm...also not sure what the deal is here, he's canonically been Joe Kerr since a year or so after The Killing Joke became canon. And is still the case in New 52 as far as I'm aware.

Or not, the canon in the New 52 is fucking barmy. Sometimes certain things happened, sometimes they didn't, some characters remember it, but only when they're not around other characters that they rely on having been involved in those events, but for them it didn't happen. Now Pre 52 Superman and New 52 superman exist in the same timeline despite N52 being a corruption of that timeline and shit happens inside, outside cocurrent in the future of a past that might not have happened within itself and I've gone crosseyed.

Dead Metal

New member
Feb 7, 2010
elvor0 said:
Dead Metal said:
Seeing how Joker is immortal now and older than Gotham, maybe he's George Washington. Or Jesus.
That turned out not to be the case didn't it? It was just The Joker screwing with a load of mentally ill people and to show his ability to get inside peoples heads wasn't it?

I'm...also not sure what the deal is here, he's canonically been Joe Kerr since a year or so after The Killing Joke became canon. And is still the case in New 52 as far as I'm aware.

Or not, the canon in the New 52 is fucking barmy. Sometimes certain things happened, sometimes they didn't, some characters remember it, but only when they're not around other characters that they rely on having been involved in those events, but for them it didn't happen. Now Pre 52 Superman and New 52 superman exist in the same timeline despite N52 being a corruption of that timeline and shit happens inside, outside cocurrent in the future of a past that might not have happened within itself and I've gone crosseyed.
No idea if that turned out to not be true, I was just told about it by a fan and read the coverage. DC is too confused with how they handle their continuity for me to care about their comics.
Wanted to start back with the New 52, thankfully I waited for the tpbs. Batman picked and choosed what was canon, Superman was a completely new start, Swamp Thing was a direct continuation completely ignoring the reboots of other titles, so I just tried another Marvel title and a few image titles instead.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
American Fox said:
Did we learn nothing from James Howlett?
I thought people liked the Wolverine Origins comic. It was the movie they hated.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
My money is on James Romine, and I pray to zombie Jesus that he doesn't find this and sue me for 10 million bucks.

Tono Makt

New member
Mar 24, 2012
Zen Bard said:
It's Joseph Kerr, isn't it?

At least, that's what it would be in the Gotham TV show.
Or maybe DC will decide to jump into the "Progressive" pool and we'll find out that the Joker is actually a transsexual woman (female to male) who was driven insane by the early attempt at hormone therapy that went horribly wrong. (I know that sounds snarky but given that DC is rebooting/redoing/restarting/reimagining/rereing their comics again, maybe they're just that desperate. I'm not predicting this, or expecting it, but it wouldn't shock me if it were to happen. Transsexuals are becoming the "it" group to be depicted in the entertainment industry these days, so I can see DC deciding to jump on that bandwagon.)

But to bring this back to the realm of likelihood, this will last for only as long as the writers want it to last. And in 4 years, maybe we'll find out that this guy isn't the ACTUAL Joker, but a copy-cat Joker and the REAL Joker is someone else. Maybe it will be that this guy is the Joker on Earth Delta, but not on Earth Prime (or whatever DC calls their main setting, like Marvel has Earth 616), and because of Storyline OS, Joker Delta got transported to Earth Prime. Or something else.

Maybe I'm getting jaded in my old age, but I've come to the conclusion that my own personal fan-fic is just as valid in terms of canon and continuity as the actual published comics themselves, and if I want the Joker to be Jack Napier, Joker will be Jack Napier no matter what the current writers decide his name is. So these sorts of reveals and storylines don't bother me in the least.

tl;dr : "Don't get your undies in a bunch - this too shall pass."


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Dead Metal said:
elvor0 said:
Dead Metal said:
Seeing how Joker is immortal now and older than Gotham, maybe he's George Washington. Or Jesus.
That turned out not to be the case didn't it? It was just The Joker screwing with a load of mentally ill people and to show his ability to get inside peoples heads wasn't it?

I'm...also not sure what the deal is here, he's canonically been Joe Kerr since a year or so after The Killing Joke became canon. And is still the case in New 52 as far as I'm aware.

Or not, the canon in the New 52 is fucking barmy. Sometimes certain things happened, sometimes they didn't, some characters remember it, but only when they're not around other characters that they rely on having been involved in those events, but for them it didn't happen. Now Pre 52 Superman and New 52 superman exist in the same timeline despite N52 being a corruption of that timeline and shit happens inside, outside cocurrent in the future of a past that might not have happened within itself and I've gone crosseyed.
No idea if that turned out to not be true, I was just told about it by a fan and read the coverage. DC is too confused with how they handle their continuity for me to care about their comics.
Wanted to start back with the New 52, thankfully I waited for the tpbs. Batman picked and choosed what was canon, Superman was a completely new start, Swamp Thing was a direct continuation completely ignoring the reboots of other titles, so I just tried another Marvel title and a few image titles instead.
It was more of a character building piece rather than hard truth. The Joker just tells a series of stories to patients from Arkham Asylum, each one being suited to the character he's telling it to. They're all very mentally ill patients who can barely tell what reality is. Even the bits where Gordon finds Joker in Newspaper clippings on the PC are reasonably strongly implied to just be photoshopped in. The whole thing is more the Joker showboating and more of a meta narrative on the character of The Joker being timeless rather than he him self as some mystical being.

Yeah the New 52 canon is whacky as all hell. In an attempt to lure new readers in by making things simple, they made things so complex and mad that even hardcore fans have no idea whats going on.

Synders New 52 run is pretty safe to read though I'd say, with afaik the only difference between now and pre 52 being Batgirls recovery from The Killing Joke.