Happyninja42 said:
Oh I wouldn't mind if they had a non-Scot either, like I said, I don't hold to the viewpoint that the actor has to actually be the character they are playing. But I'd like it if only for the authentic accent part. Listening to Christopher Lambert butcher..whatever the fuck that accent was he was sporting in that movie, hurt my ears. And given how distinct the Scottish accent is, it would be nice to have someone who can actually pull it off naturally. But if the best actor is someone non-Scottish, that's fine by me. I'd rather have that, than someone who is terrible for the role, and butchers the remake. Though honestly, a remake is probably going to be terrible no matter how you slice it. hahah! sword joke!
I think the bigger worry is they went from the guy behind Iron Man 2 (okay movie) to the woman behind Twilight for a screenplay. Reynolds might be tolerable in that role, but with that screenwriter? I don't think Lambert and Paul could save the movie.
But yeah, half the time when someone does a "Scottish" accent is sounds like a bad Shrek impression. If they don't hire a Scottish actor, they should probably just have him speak with an English accent like pretty much every foreign immortal that isn't Japanese.
But yeah, I remember when I first heard the idea of having Ryan as Deadpool. Even knowing next to nothing about Deadpool, I was like "Yeah, ok that fits just fine. I support this idea." I was glad to see it worked out so well in the movie. I'm not sure if I'll go see it again? It didn't really have a lot of replayability for me with it's humor. But it was a damn fun 2 hours while I was there, and I will see the sequel for sure.
It'll be interesting to see how the movie plays out long-term. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a movie that only works the first time you see it, but I'm cuious as to how that works for people.
I had sort of a similar problem with the Deadpool game. A friend of mine loaned me it back on the 360, and I thought it was a fun and somewhat underrated game. When it was brought back, I picked it up on PC, and...
Well, the humour doesn't quite carry it the second time around. And then, if you want the best stuff, you have to grind, so you end up hearing so many of the one-liners over and over and it's just "make it stop! Please, god, make it stop!"
But I had fun playing it, and I don't regret paying a sale price for a game I'd essentially already enjoyed for free (legally, mind). It doesn't make it bad, it's just that I'm not likely to be dusting it off for old time's sake or anything.