It's funny because a while ago I had a nostalgia trip with an N64 port of GoldenEye. As a kid I was never allowed a console so to go over to a friends house and play was a special treat. I remember looking at the graphics of GoldenEye or even Halflife and thinking "Wow this is so advanced" and now it just looks grainy. I really loved Morrowind, in fact at some point soon I'm going to start a drooling fan thread about it, the thing is Morrowind had issues, the graphics weren't top notch, there was a lot of repetition in enemies, the spell-casting was awkward but for some reason it was just damn beautiful to play and I invested two years worth of gaming in it, seeing graphical upgrades (both official and modded) being brought in and I still loved the game.
I have an OK-ish laptop, it can run FarCry 2 on medium settings but I turned the resolution to save frames, doesn't bother me, I played and enjoyed. I play, Rainbow 6 Vegas 1&2, Crysis and CoD4 on medium settings and frankly I don't mind, it still looks good, plays smoothly and I'm enjoying what I play. But I try the PC-version of GTA San Andreas or World at War or sometimes MoH Airborne (played fine on the demo and every time I tried to get to the second level BLUESCREEN!!!) and the dreaded chug-chug-chug of jerky gameplay starts even on low settings. I play only on a laptop that has no chance of upgrading its graphics card so I make do with what works, I'm now backtracking over titles I know will work for entertainment. The inconsistency of games and their performance really gets me. And the length, it is true is awful. Even on sandbox games I feel the only way there is any length to some of the missions is because they have you perform the same action ad verbatim several times (Just Cause was the most transparent of those) and that's not really playing fair.
By the way if anyone wanted a better experience from World at War- try MoH Pacific Assault, I'm not overly a fan of MoH games but after World at War I looked on it much more favourably.
Keep commenting folks, maybe some savvy developer is watching and will take the hint