Deep Silver Releases First In-Game Teaser for Dead Island


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Looks good indeed, and I hope it can really hold the emotional depth the first trailer promised. A serious zombie game focussing on survival would be a welcome sight between the killing-spree games like Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead. Shame this game also has "Dead" in it's name though. Zombie products suffer from it I say.

One small note though; zombie bikini babes make me a sad panda, because yes I can be superficial like that. What can I say, it's such a waste of beauty.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
mireko said:
Well, that was informative. Now we know this game has zombies. Thanks, Deep Silver!

[sub]Left 4 Dead Rising... tropical edition.[/sub]
You can read about the game if you want info, what would you rather they show you?


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
So... It's dead rising... On an island.

Actually, I rather like that idea.

Edit: More like dead rising meets Just Cause 2. Big giant island, lotsa zombies... Survive.

Sounds fun!


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Until I hear this isn't just Dead Rising in a different setting, I am not impressed.

From what they showed at the last convention, you are a wise cracking 'rap star' combining items to make silly weapons... why even bother? From what people who saw it say, it's the furthest thing from the feeling/idea of what the first trailer showed.
You pick 1 of 4 characters, its 1st person and relies on melee combat, geez i thought everyone knew this, I'd say the only thing thats similar to dead rising is that they both have zombies

Black Rabt

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Flippincrazy said:
I know I'm falling into a trap and everything, but I'm anticipating this game more than any other this year. They'd better do this right...or so help me...I'll...glare angrily at my computer screen...
I shall glare with you! I haven't as much about this title as I would like to, so hopefully more gameplay info will be released soon.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Ooh, this game looks so cinematic and compelling. The piano is so soulful. I can't wait to see how this game stretches genre conventions and treats zombies with such seriousness... not.


Sep 23, 2010
Macrobstar said:
mireko said:
Well, that was informative. Now we know this game has zombies. Thanks, Deep Silver!

[sub]Left 4 Dead Rising... tropical edition.[/sub]
You can read about the game if you want info, what would you rather they show you?
Gameplay footage? That tends to be the selling point for most games.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Macrobstar said:
You pick 1 of 4 characters, its 1st person and relies on melee combat, geez i thought everyone knew this, I'd say the only thing thats similar to dead rising is that they both have zombies
So it's Left 4 Dead 2 on an island.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Uhm...did I blink and miss the "In game" part of that trailer? I get it, depressing survival horror with zombies, that's nice, now show me some gameplay. You can show me all the random vacation pictures and scenes of abandoned streets all you want, but I want to see how it plays, how the emphasis on survival is, how the combat is, etc.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Co-op usually takes out the horror part of survival horror...

But whatev's as long as my connection doesn't decide to lag me out every 5 minutes i'll really like the whole co-op non-linear brawler survival thing they're going for


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
Well the trailer certainly gives off a creepy element however I have a feeling due to the brightness of the island that its not going to feel all the horrific whilst playing. Also the melee combat focus and the fact its four player makes it sound like valve made L4D3 but left out the guns instead of melee weapons this time. Though I understand why there wouldn't be guns in the game.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Dastardly said:
Tom Goldman said:
Deep Silver Releases First In-Game Teaser for Dead Island
Holding out hope for a game that is about zombie survival and not zombie hunting. Focusing on melee combat could be a big step that way, as it could make the player think twice about when to stand and fight... or when "not getting eaten" is the better part of valor.
While this is entirely true, you have to remember that they went with L4D's "fast zombies" instead of the traditional "slow zombies". Fast zombies are going to be a pain in the ASS to fight with just melee weapons :(

Still, you're right it should focus on survival with degradable weapons (and maybe environments?) and, I'm still holding out for, sustainance. I refuse to accept that, in a zombie-apocalypse, survivors become Robotic Zombie slaying badasses, that don't need a bite to eat from time to time like normal people. I think it would add great depth to the survival aspect, don't you?

OT: Banoi.....reminds me of Just Cause 2.....which is NOT the game I want to associate with this. I wish it reminded me of Vietnam's capital instead. Still better that Just Cause freaking 2!


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Podunk said:
Macrobstar said:
You pick 1 of 4 characters, its 1st person and relies on melee combat, geez i thought everyone knew this, I'd say the only thing thats similar to dead rising is that they both have zombies
So it's Left 4 Dead 2 on an island.
No mecause its a sandbox, why don't you look it up, the only similarity is that its the same enemie type and they both have weapons


New member
Apr 28, 2010
mireko said:
Macrobstar said:
mireko said:
Well, that was informative. Now we know this game has zombies. Thanks, Deep Silver!

[sub]Left 4 Dead Rising... tropical edition.[/sub]
You can read about the game if you want info, what would you rather they show you?
Gameplay footage? That tends to be the selling point for most games.
Well you implied you wanted to learn something about the game,in what way would you like to be informed?


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Good trailer, although thats some of the sneakiest manipulation of 'gameplay' into a cinematic trailer ive seen in a while. Also someone really needs to untape their hand from the 'BLOOM' slider


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Macrobstar said:
Podunk said:
So it's Left 4 Dead 2 on an island.
No mecause its a sandbox, why don't you look it up, the only similarity is that its the same enemie type and they both have weapons
Well, it's also first person with 4 characters. But I do remember them saying it will be more like Borderlands. It seems pretty clear that whoever's in charge of marketing is at odds with the people actually making the game. I'm waiting for more footage to be released but I have a feeling everyone is going to be very disappointed when it isn't anything like the first trailers are implying.


New member
May 10, 2008
Macrobstar said:
Podunk said:
Macrobstar said:
You pick 1 of 4 characters, its 1st person and relies on melee combat, geez i thought everyone knew this, I'd say the only thing thats similar to dead rising is that they both have zombies
So it's Left 4 Dead 2 on an island.
No mecause its a sandbox, why don't you look it up, the only similarity is that its the same enemie type and they both have weapons
depends on how it turns out in the end.

Left4Dead had a strong sense of (from point A to point B) kinda gameplay. You really cannot divert from that.

Seems that deadisland is set to be like a full story and side missions to do on the side with a sandbox like mechanic. You can go anywhere that you hope isn't filled to the brim with zombies.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Negatempest said:
Macrobstar said:
Podunk said:
Macrobstar said:
You pick 1 of 4 characters, its 1st person and relies on melee combat, geez i thought everyone knew this, I'd say the only thing thats similar to dead rising is that they both have zombies
So it's Left 4 Dead 2 on an island.
No mecause its a sandbox, why don't you look it up, the only similarity is that its the same enemie type and they both have weapons
depends on how it turns out in the end.

Left4Dead had a strong sense of (from point A to point B) kinda gameplay. You really cannot divert from that.

Seems that deadisland is set to be like a full story and side missions to do on the side with a sandbox like mechanic. You can go anywhere that you hope isn't filled to the brim with zombies.
Meh i just like zombies, not enough zombie games on PS3


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Well, this wasn't very informative, but the music was nice.
But so far, I like what I've seen. And by that i mean i liked those screenshots they posted on Facebook. Damn beautiful graphics, looks really pretty. Now to hope it actually has a good story, or is at least very, very fun.