khaimera said:
brodie21 said:
hooray!! post count +1
You'd think that with this style of posting you'd have a much higher post count. Just saying
Pointing it out is just as bad
In any case, what interested me most is this:
"[...] conventional beliefs about brain plasticity and aging are changing. The
video game-like training programs at the Office of Naval Research, he noted, are producing surprising results."
What is video game-like? What games, or game-like things, are they using in the study? Are they using "brain-training" type games like the DS is so wanton with having, or is it more dexterity based things, or some combination... I'm truly curious.
I'd actually heard similar things before, though about surgery, like they are happy when surgeons play video games because it increases their hand-eye coordination and dexterity, and with some new devices that are controlled manually through computer controls, surgery can even be more like a game. I'm not exactly sure I want to see this applied to military applications, but it's great that they did this study. It's promising!