Describe Your Dreams And Have Them Interpreted By An Unqualified Hack!


New member
May 24, 2011
Bring em on! Creepy, funny, scary, whatever! I will give you my best interpretation!


New member
May 24, 2011
inu-kun said:
I had a dream in my childhood of being chased in a forest by a lion until in the end I can't move anymore and it bites me, happened only like 3 times but I never forgot it.
Clearly your dream signifies that Jesus Hootie Christ wanted you to give up your pursuit of a life among civilization. He wanted you to settle down in that forest and live the life of a hermit. The biting indicates that his resurection was due to a zombie virus.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
You sure? Really? Okay...

Mine isn't so much a single dream as it is a series of dreams linked together by a series of plotlines, a vast cast of characters, and recurring settings that started when I was about seven and kept going through lucid dreaming. You know how you sometimes have a really cool dream and wake up before you see how it ends and it's really frustrating? Well, it's sort of like that, only every time I would have a lucid dream, I would try to finish what the last dream started or revisit a cool place from another dream. Over time, things just wove together, building a really, really weird world, with everyone knowing that they were dreams inside my head and acting accordingly.

Season one occurred over the course of elementary school and revolved around being the leader of a gang of Lost Boys-esque magical children that lived in an invisible amusement park in the middle of the suburb my family lived in at the time. Adventures were pretty much doing whatever I wanted with little continuity, though a recurring side-story of a bunch of aliens disguising themselves as humans and kidnapping people off the street and taking them to their underwater laboratory started to develop.

Season two primarily took place in middle school and early high school, and revolved around the same character, only now it was mostly about him hunting down all the nightmares that had scared me as a kid and blowing them up, first solo and then as part of a SHIELD-esque government agency. Primary antagonists included the Nightmare King and the leader of the aforementioned aliens. Also marked the part where I started switching viewpoints between hero and villain, leading to some later dreams where I would act out the part of the nightmares.

Season three happened from late high-school through early college, and the focus shifted away from the previous hero to the nightmares themselves. The primary plotline involved a rouge cannibalistic nightmare seeking out some source of power located within my high school building for his own purposes, sometimes assisted by an evil twin of the previous protagonist created by the now defeated aliens. Other prominent characters involved an informant for the aliens who had switched sides and now worked for a place called the Safe House as a sort of witness protection thing and an undead vigilante who was a former nightmare himself before regaining his free will and joining the good guys by way of penance, and once had a whole series all to himself about him tracking down and killing his old partner to avenge his murdered ex-girlfriend. Who so happened to be River Tam from Firefly. Um, anyway, it ended when the rouge nightmare had a final showdown with the protagonist from the previous two seasons and defeated him, leading him to use the power he sought to, well, get really meta and tear his way out of my subconscious and take an elevator into my conscious mind, with the dream ending when the doors opened.

Also, there was something about a giant worm eating people in backyards that took up a few weeks. Nothing important, but it was memorable.

Since then, I've tried to get a new storyline going here and there, but nothing's really clicked. I unfortunately don't dream as often as I used to (blame my sleeping meds), so it's hard to get any steam. I guess in the end, the bad guy won after all.

So there you go. Good luck!


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
I was in a movie theater and some crazy man was casting a spell which somehow involved a giant turtle skull on a stone pedestal in the lobby. At one point in it I remember running up the miniature stairs which spiraled up the outside of that pedestal, trying to reach the top (the dream skipped over the part where I apparently shrunk to the size of a hotwheels car). I dunno what the heck the greater plot of the dream was, but that much has stayed with me since I had the dream in elementary school.


New member
May 24, 2011
inu-kun said:
2HF said:
inu-kun said:
I had a dream in my childhood of being chased in a forest by a lion until in the end I can't move anymore and it bites me, happened only like 3 times but I never forgot it.
Clearly your dream signifies that Jesus Hootie Christ wanted you to give up your pursuit of a life among civilization. He wanted you to settle down in that forest and live the life of a hermit. The biting indicates that his resurection was due to a zombie virus.
Wouldn't that mean getting eaten by a lion? I'm really connected to my torso and rather not lose it.
Lions don't live in the forest. The lion is Jesus. He won't eat you because he's in heaven.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
I have vivid dreams fairly frequently and whilst they are fun to watch/experience, I do tend to wake up in the mornings feeling exhausted and like I haven't slept at all.

Last nights dream was about me going to England to visit my family. I soon realised that by doing so I had just activated an immigration clause that resulted in me getting a ten year ban from the usa (a rather messed up and true consequence to certain immigration visas).
In the dream I was quite distraught until I asked myself 'how did I even get to the UK?' It was then I realised I couldn't remember and it dawned on me I was dreaming.
I have had similar dreams of suddenly being back home, pretty sure they are fuelled by anxiety.

Another perhaps more symbolic dream I had lately, was of me swimming in an ocean and I saw two dolphins. They were both swimming together but one had a deep jagged scar that ran down one flank.
What do you think?


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
I once had a series of dreams that I remember all too vividly.

I was travelling across Azeroth on a quest to become a Pokemon Master, and the gym leaders were the classes from TF2. The dreams always picked up from where they left off somehow as well.

It really weirded me out at the time. Oh, and this was long before pet battling was a thing in WoW, this was around BC I was having these dreams.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
VanQ said:
I was travelling across Azeroth on a quest to become a Pokemon Master, and the gym leaders were the classes from TF2. The dreams always picked up from where they left off somehow as well.
...Well, I'm going to go ahead and yoink this one from the OP. You see, I think first we have to note the exclusivity of these worlds. The Team Fortress Classes never existed in Pokémon, and Pokémon Gyms never existed in Azeroth. Your dream is based on things and people that...well, never were. It's an impossible world. Now, that the dreams continued indicate that you have this drive inside you, to see this through to the end and to become that one Pokemon...TF2...Azeroth...Master who is definitively superior to all of these other non-entities. In short, what the dream is saying is that you want to be the very best, like no one ever was...


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Asita said:
VanQ said:
I was travelling across Azeroth on a quest to become a Pokemon Master, and the gym leaders were the classes from TF2. The dreams always picked up from where they left off somehow as well.
...Well, I'm going to go ahead and yoink this one from the OP. You see, I think first we have to note the exclusivity of these worlds. The Team Fortress Classes never existed in Pokémon, and Pokémon Gyms never existed in Azeroth. Your dream is based on things and people that...well, never were. It's an impossible world. Now, that the dreams continued indicate that you have this drive inside you, to see this through to the end and to become that one Pokemon...TF2...Azeroth...Master who is definitively superior to all of these other non-entities. In short, what the dream is saying is that you want to be the very best, like no one ever was...
So I have a desire to transcend existence, become a superior being to all non-entities and become one like no one ever was?



New member
Jan 8, 2010
The weirdest I can remember is xenomorphs on the Titanic ship (they should make that into movie, it would be hilarious). I also had one where I was in a hospital with ghosts and I was murdered with frying pan of all things but those are from years and years ago.

Most my dreams are of the dreaming I did something I had planed to do variety and then I wake up and I'm not sure if I did it or not which is annoying but isn't particularly interesting.

I have had dreams where nothing was obviously wrong and nothing out of the ordinary happens apart from there being no/muted sound however I end up feeling like something is terribly wrong and I'm in a horror movie or something. Apparently lack of sound is terrifying.

I very very occasionally have game dreams but those usually feel more like watching a movie. I know it's not real, I'm often not even in it. It's one step above daydreaming I guess.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Oh boy:
Between the ages of 5 and 7, I was terrorized by a series of dreams involving Hammerhead Shark Burglars. They were all black and sort of glided along the ground. Humanoid in stature, yet the distinct shape of a hammerhead shark's head (gee, go figure) replaced that which would have been human. They sort of looked like the Nightmare King combined with his manta ray from Little Nemo in Slumberland, just much darker. To the point where they were essentially pitch black and you could only really make out their shapes.

Before I get into the dreams themselves, they all had two things in common (apart from the sharks and general terror):
I had a violent falling sensation every time I woke up
They usually involved betrayal by some family member

Dream 1 (possibly my earliest vivid memory -super happy, I know)
I am sitting in some kind of balcony that overlooked the kitchen table. This balcony didn't exist in my house, but it did in my dream. As I watched my family (they couldn't see me), I heard them talking about me. I don't remember what was said, just that it was vaguely hurtful. I was beginning to cry when I lost my balance and fell backwards through the shadow that was behind me. I landed in my room directly in front of my closet door. It flung open and there stood a Hammerhead Shark Burglar. I was like a deer in the headlights as he reached for me. Then I woke up. We only lived in that house for two more years, but from that night on, I was genuinely terrified of my closet.

Dream 2 (I don't actually remember the exact order the dreams came in from here)
My family and I were about to go for a walk to the park. We are leaving through the side door of our garage. I am last in the line of our family. As my farther, who was just ahead of me, stepped through the threshold of the door, he turned, glared at me, and then slammed the door. I was in total darkness. Suddenly, the light flicked on and the garage was absolutely swarming with Hammerhead Shark Burglars. They came for me and I woke up.

Dream 3
I am being dropped off at my baby sitter's house. My mother sends me inside, staring at me with a knowing, sinister look. It may not seem like an outright betrayal, but upon reflection, she knew what waited for me. As soon as I got inside, I was told that the other kids were playing Hide and Seek and that I should just go find a hiding place. I chose to hide under the kitchen table (I know, so imaginative). As I lie under the table with my belly to the floor, I hear the table creak. I look up. Somehow, a Hammerhead Shark Burglar is clinging to the bottom of the table, just a couple feet above me. He falls on my and I wake up.

Dream 4
It is Christmas morning. I have just woken up and am heading out of my room. My younger sister's door opens across from me. She tells me in a menacing voice that my present is ready. I rush downstairs in excitement turning into the the living room where our tree was located. A Hammerhead Shark Burglar is tangled within the branches of the tree. He lunges at me and I wake up.

Dream 5 (I do remember that this was definitely the last one)
I am following my half brother downstairs into the basement. He has found something that he wants me to explore with him. In the basement, I see a door that was never there before. My brother opens the door and we find a steep, spiral staircase. We climb these stairs to the top where another door awaits. The door opens and an old man steps out. He tells us to be careful on the way down. That was it. We go back down the stairs and turn to head over to my brother's room. The sound of a door bell, a wolf howling, and a gun being loaded all occur simultaneously from the closed storage room that is right next to my brother's. We decide to run back up stairs. My brother is in front of my as we run up, all the lights have gone out and the only thing I can see is the light from upstairs being blocked my brother's dark figure. He reaches the top and slams the door in my face. I fall down the stairs and land in a swarm of Hammerhead Shark Burglars. They jump on me and I wake up.

I should probably mention after all that that I have a very good relationship with all family members mentioned in these dreams and love them more than anything else in the world.
I am biking through a forest along a long and narrow path. It is sunset. Oddly, it seems to me that it has been sunset for hours, as if I am stuck forever in this dark forest, bathed in red light. I round a bend in the path and see a tall dark figure standing about half a km ahead of me it is making a terrible wailing noise. I can't make out any of his features but a sense of dread fills me. I turn back the other way only to see another figure about the same distance from me in the direction I had just come from. It too was wailing. Turning back to the first figure, I see that it is now much close, yet still not moving at all. I can now make out that it is wearing long dark rags and seems to have an unnatural curve to its limbs. It also has stringy black hair that seems to come off of it in random patches. Suddenly, I hear the wailing coming from right behind me. I turn knowing very well that the creature behind me will be the last thing I see.

Before turning all the way around, I wake up. I am in my bed and I can hear footsteps upstairs. I am still dreaming (I of course did not realize this at the time). I make my way upstairs to investigate the noise. Opening the basement door, I see that our open-plan main floor as vastly grown in size. It now houses a huge pyramid with a bonfire at the top. I climb to the top of the pyramid and see one of my closest friend's there. He looks at me grimly and tells me that it is time. We hurry down the steps and go back down into the basement. We enter my furnace room and find a door that is not normally there at the back. The door opens to a long stony corridor that is lined with torches. At the end of this corridor is a small room with a large black safe in it. The safe has two key holes. My friend and I both retrieve keys from our pockets. Turning the keys simultaneously in the locks, the safe clicks open. Inside is a large black orb. My friend grabs the orb tells me that it is done. He then disappears into shadows.

Suddenly, I hear the dreadful wailing from my previous dream filling the corridor I had just come from. I hear a figure rushing down the passage. I look up and see a trap door. Opening it a rushing through, I find myself inside my own room. I rush into bed and hide under the covers. I can no longer hear the wailing. I lie there for what feels like hours, just listening to the sounds of my house. I finally gather enough courage to look out from under my covers. One of the twisted figures from my previous dream is sitting in my desk chair with its back to me. It is not moving a muscle. Petrified with fear, I am able to take in all of its features in their full, awful glory. The stringy tufts of hair have twisted together to from a makeshift cloak around the being's head and back. I stair at the back of its head for a long time. Just as I am resigning myself to the fate of staring at this thing for the rest of my life, I notice two especially dark orbs in the mass of hair on the back of its head. I realize now that its head had been twisted around to face me the entire time. It seemed to sense this realization in me because it was at that moment that it unhinged its jaw to reveal a gaping void. It wailed louder than ever before and then I was engulfed by its gaping maw.

Then I woke up.
I have fucked up dreams sometimes. It usually only happens if I have more than 10 hours of sleep. My brain can't decide what to do with itself anymore so it just decides to conjure whatever fucked up atrocities it can think of.

I look forward to your interpretations!


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I had a dream the other night, which was insanely weird. I dreamed that out of the blue, I was chosen to be a princesses' fiancee. No reason give whatsoever, she just picked me. I then flew to some fictional country and spent the remainder of the dream doing random things with her.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
The most recent dream that stood out to me, was a dream where my dream self was afraid of waking up (i knew i was in a dream) Because that would be the end of his life. He/i would die when i woke up. And it really messed me up after i woke up.


By the power of greyskull.
Aug 22, 2011
By far the weirdest dream i have ever had was also the most vivid.

It starts off as me seeing the box/cover to a movie starring arnold schwarzenegger, the cover is bright yellow and features arnie standing atop a cliff in a loin cloth with a tie around his head like a bandana. Then suddenly im watching the film, arnie is an office worker and while traveling on a boat, it sinks and he washes up on a deserted island. He is trapped there for years and as the film progess's i see how he slowly goes insane culminating in the final scene. A deranged arnie scarmbles up a cliff top overlooking the ocean his clothes are tattered, he see's somthing on the edge and runs towards it ripping his clothes away untill he is completly naked, the thing he see's at the cliff edge... a giant pink cake atleast two to three meteres across, he then dives into the cake rolling and rithing in it, smashing it apart with his body and the camera pans around to see his face stuffed with cake and with a completly crazed expression he smiles.

Then i woke up. Analyse that shit if you can.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
As a professional hack, I can confidently tell you that the vast majority of mental health professionals don't put much weight in dream interpretation.



Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Had a recurring dream as a kid (8?) where I walked down a narrow carpeted hallway (floor, walls, ceiling) and came to a T-intersection. To the right there was Team Rocket from Pokemon sitting in my lounge-room trying to offer me macaroni cheese with diced tomato (I hate tomato more than anything, but loved mac and cheese more than anything). And on the left a silhoutte of a man that might've been my dad.

Went left every time and the dream ended. Except for once.

I went right, they offered me the mac and cheese with diced tomato, then I took the vacuum cleaner laying nearby and sucked it all into it (with them shouting no etc,) until there was only white space. I looked back down the other end of the hallway and a door closed on the silhouetted man, or it just kept sliding very far away fast.

Then my dad left and my parents divorced.

If I was the kind of person to interpret dreams as celestial signs, I'd say it was me becoming independent, facing my fears on my own, or choosing that path in the future. God knows if I had followed in my father's footsteps I wouldn't be happy.

Another dream was something that looked like the Witch for L4D, only pregnant. It chased by onto the back verandah, I fell on my back on purpose and it tried to jump me. I rapidly kicked it's stomach, there was this flash of vision like some trap-door bursting open outwards, and that was it.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I was at the hospital and found out that while I had been asleep, a spider had laid its eggs down my throat. Later, as I lay in bed, I could feel a bunch of legs scrambling to climb up my esophagus. I had half of a fist-sized spider and four of its pencil-sized legs sticking out of my mouth before I woke up in a cold sweat.