Deus Ex Mankind Divided Pre-Order System Canceled Following Negative Response

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Thats a result!

Its nice to see big companies doing the right thing and actually giving a damn about their customers opinion.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Sheo_Dagana said:
It's funny how people are willing to get up in arms over things like this, but if exclusive content is offered for, say, the Playstation, like an extra mission or something, then not as many seem to care. It's only when you attach the word 'pre-order' that mobs start reaching for their pitchforks in such a massive quantity such that a company like Square-Enix backs down.
when you do console exclusivity you are entering console wars teritory. its not that people are not in arms over it, its just that the fight is so constant it has become the status quo. Also Pre-orders are far worse anyway, since preorders of digital content in and of themselves are bad thing.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I think pre order bonuses should only be extra weapons, armour or vehicles. Things that dont matter to the gameplay. Shouldnt have stuff like extra levels or missions that should really be on the disk. Or just save it for a special edition version of the game £10 more like those steel tin editions. As long as they dont cut out story related missions then its not a problem.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
SonOfVoorhees said:
I think pre order bonuses should only be extra weapons, armour or vehicles. Things that dont matter to the gameplay. Shouldnt have stuff like extra levels or missions that should really be on the disk. Or just save it for a special edition version of the game £10 more like those steel tin editions. As long as they dont cut out story related missions then its not a problem.
See, normally I would agree with you, but if the extra mission is something like "The Missing Link", I really wouldn't mind it being excluded. I might be in the minority here, but I really didn't find that DLC all that enjoyable, and I especially hate in the Director's Cut version, I HAVE to play it. They jam it right in the middle of the normal game. It feels very disjointed and separate from the actual story, so I wouldn't mind having it staying the missing link (hur hur).

Though I do normally think that pre-order bonuses should be cosmetic in nature, or provide other simple perks that are easily replicated with the baseline stuff. (ie: the pre-order gives you a gun that's badass, but you can easily get badass guns in the regular game).

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Look at that; a major game company's marketing scheme backfired to meaningful effect.
Take a picture, it isn't likely to happen again.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
This is a good deal now. Ironically i'd preordered the game from Amazon long before this Augment thing came about, glad i don't have to cancel the preorder now.

Internet Zen Master

New member
Aug 20, 2014
Baresark said:
Publishers may eventually learn that any scheme to increase pre-orders is going to make a lot of very vocal people mad. It's weird, I don't doubt this game is going to be good myself. Square Enix has a pretty solid record so far as game releases are concerned, for the most part. I think they should have some good will left after the last game to be honest. But, publishers just need to learn that pre-orders are, for the most part, completely frowned upon. Too many people have been burned by this point, even if Square Enix themselves have not done a whole lot of the burning.
Let's be honest here: ideally, the only pre-orders offered by publishers would be ones that came included with non-game related content (i.e. swag bundles), or at worst, exclusive alternate skins for characters which have zero impact on the gameplay itself.

It's when "exclusive pre-order characters" start popping up that the problems start.

On the "whole picking up limited edition from the store after day 1" bit, I remember picking up the limited edition copy of Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend on a whim from my local Gamestop a few years back (it came with the game's OST incldued on a separate disc as well as all DLC characters, so it was a sweet find for me).

That reminds me, I need to look for the Xbox One copy of Chronophantasma once I pick my XB1 up later this month...


I feel I am repeating the general sentiment here, but good for Square on pulling its head out of its arse and canceling this disaster of a pre-order program. Seriously, that "exclusive mission" option was

Still won't be buying the game on day 1 though (mostly because I'm dead broke right now).


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
The only thing that really bothers me is that they are locking a mission as a pre-order bonus. It'll probably become available to later purchases in a DLC package or something but it's still kinda scummy.
Luckily aside from the mission, the bonuses only seem to be some character and weapon skins, music and collectors stuff, the ability to start with a few more weapons and ammo rather than finding them later in the game, and some extra lore that will just be put on the internet/wiki a week later.

Still a good thing that they listened to their fans. The only thing more scummy than locking on-disc gameplay behind pay walls is locking two things on-disc behind paywalls and forcing the consumers to only choose one.