Well, so long as it's just spammers, it's just another dozen things to tick and delete each time I log into my mail.If only all ISPs just charged 0.01 cents to send an email, it'd kill off a vast amount of spam.
Also, who's replying to this shit anyway? it's always horribly spelled and punctuated, and who'd trust credit card details to someone who can't even SPELL viagra without getting numbers involved? but, if people weren't buying, spam wouldn't exist, so someone must be.
At least my google mail account drops all the mails from Blizzerd and Battle.com about my wow account being hacked into the spam and marks them as phishing mails whoo aren't from who they say they're from.
maybe all sites shouldl offer authenticators like Blizzard does, could have a big ol' keyring of number generators and feel safe! (til you lose it and lose contact with everything forever).