Twilight_guy said:
Yeah and team Fortress was originally Half Life. What's your point?
9 years of dev is going to completely gut and remove nearly everything from a project except the name and core premise. Aside from being an interesting fact this bit of information is fairly useless. (aside from another place for people to make quick jabs at Blizzard and its games pro and con and flinging large amounts of mud).
But the problem is that it still has some really obvious relics from the MMO concept, like there being no truely single player option. Storing almost all game info on a server, that you must keep a constant internet connection to to be able to play, which leads to MMO problems such as rubberbanding, lag, being completely disconnected from your game without warning, and not being able to log onto the servers at all to play because they are full/offline.
All this is in place to protect a microtransaction auction house that will make more money for Blizzard, and to fund the server costs, and things like drop rates and rare item stats have had to be nerfed to protect this.
All these are relics from the initial concept of having a Diablo MMO, because if they didn't need to fund server costs, they wouldn't need to generate income through an RM aution house, meaning they wouldn't need secure servers to store the game data, eliminating the vast majority of complaints about the game, complaints that have led to huge fan outcry and legal action against Blizzard.
That's the point of the article.