Diablo III Infographic Shows 2.1 Million Players Still Log On Daily


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Look how awesome we are, we lost 86% of our install base in the first year!


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Louzerman102 said:
.....who can't judge if an arpg is good or not...
You forgot the part where that's just your opinion. How about remembering that instead of putting down everyone who happens to enjoy the game?

Honestly, I understand if people don't like the game, but why bother ragging on it a year after launch?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Given the initial sales numbers and that they don't require monthly sub fee psyments from those who stick around I would say that, yeah, they did do pretty well for themeslves. Despite some of the choices that Blizzrd made with the game (ahared auction house system, always online, etc.), it's not an MMO. People aren't necessarily going to stick around long term. One can certainly argue that "well, people did for Diablo 2!" but the fact is this isn't the same time as it was when D2 came out.

Either way, D3 is an enjoyable game. It didn't set the world on fire, but it isn't the terrible world destroying monstrousity that some people say it is. I'll gladly identify myself as one of the many who played it through the default difficulty with 1 and a half characters, got some solid fun out of the game, and then moved on to other titles. I don't regret my purchase or time spent with the game one bit.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Owyn_Merrilin said:
It's because Blizzard twisted and turned the numbers to make things look better than they actually are. That 2.1 million is the average /since launch/, which is pretty meaningless to the current state of the game, since it includes the boom in players the game got on the initial release.
Wait, why is this misleading again? They said themselves: "Average number of daily players since launch". As for the current state of the game, player numbers aren't as important as the fact that Blizzard keeps rolling out new patches and improvements to the game.

AwesomeDave said:
sorry man, but in my opinion, if more than 80% of your players stop playing within the first year, that's not impressive at all.
Just wondering, how many games are you still playing one year later after you bought them? I pumped a lot of hours into Fallout: New Vegas, ME3 MP and some other f2p MMOs, but none would hold my attention for longer than 4-6 months. Of course it differs from player to player, but I would say that's an obvous trend.

Even if I'm not playing Diablo 3 anymore, I still have 160 hours on my account and that's just the first 4 months that I played the game. Playing for a whole year the same game sounds like madness to me, and there's still enough people doing the very same on Diablo 3.

It does make me wonder what kind of expectations people have/had of Diablo 3. Just 14.5 millions sold copies? Unimpressed. Player base got smaller year after release? Absolute failure! 2.1 millions of daily players? Horrible! Compared to that Guild Wars 2 had about 5 millions sold and is generally considered a success.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
CrossLOPER said:
Karoshi said:
Compared to that Guild Wars 2 had about 5 millions sold and is generally considered a success.
Because this Diablo, and 2 million players is laughable for that title.
I think it's a miracle that an ARPG was even remotely popular in our day and age, considering how dominant and strong the console market is and how few dungeon crawlers exist. These "laughable" numbers are much much better than most games released these days, perhaps only rivaled by CoD.

Just how big did you expect D3 to hit? 30 millions sold first month, another 20 sold during the following year, average 10 millions players playing each day, American economy collapses due to fatigued players failing to show up to work? I really do not understand.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Shadowsetzer said:
Honestly, I understand if people don't like the game, but why bother ragging on it a year after launch?
Because one year after launch there is only rudimentary pvp and bugs (that were noticed at launch) still in the game.

Example: http://www.diablowiki.net/Black_weapon


8 miles high and falling fast
Mar 31, 2008
So, um... I got Diablo 3 included when I signed up to the WoW annual pass last year, but never downloaded or installed it because my old computer was practically coal-powered. Now I've got a better computer and the option to download D3 is still there, so is it a good time to get it done?


New member
Jan 15, 2011
And I'm sure that a large percentage of long time married couples still have sex even though they've long grown weary of the practice.


New member
Nov 2, 2012
Ophiuchus said:
So, um... I got Diablo 3 included when I signed up to the WoW annual pass last year, but never downloaded or installed it because my old computer was practically coal-powered. Now I've got a better computer and the option to download D3 is still there, so is it a good time to get it done?
Yeah, go get it. If things get too hard, join a multiplayer game. If things get too easy, set a higher Monster Power level. Have fun!


e^(i * pi) + 1 = 0
Apr 5, 2010
Yeah, average 2.1 million players per day since launch, it's not the current average but it's still very high. Do the math, one year, highest number of people logged in daily was 5 million (presumably near launch), more than 360 days since then, the current average is probably around 1-2 million still. That's a lot of people.

To people who say "but 14 million bought it, so it lost the most part of its player base", let me tell you that most people that I know do not consider D3 (or any other previous Diablo) to be an MMO. I have 5-6 friends that bought D3, most of them finished the game and moved on to other games. They did the same with D2. They had no intention of staying around, and I guess a lot of people didn't either. I myself finished the first 2 difficulties and stopped playing.

But yeah, if hating D3 is something that's good for you, carry on :)

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
It would be interesting to see similar stats for Diablo 2 so we can compare.
I think it's safe to say that D2 is still a far more successful game.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Kumagawa Misogi said:
Jhooud said:
hazabaza1 said:
God damn that's a lot of numbers.

Though these sorts of stats always surprise me at how few people actually finish games.
That's what jumped out at me too. Only a third of all these players actually finished the game on normal? Yoinks.

Why's that surprising?

A short list of games i haven't finished (or not played much even though they have hours of content i'e sandbox games)

Arma 2 (90 mins played)
Batman Arkham asylam (3 hours played)
Batman arkham city (111 mins played last played 28/07/2012)
Crysis warzone
Hitman Absolution
Portal (3 hours played)
Portal 2
Civilisation 5 (12 hours played)
Team Fortress 2 (86 mins played)
X3 terran conflict (28 mins played)
Elder scrolls Oblivion (7 hours played)
Red Faction Guerrilla
Mirrors edge (70 mins played)
Hawk 2 (35 mins played)

It's actually far more common for people not to complete games than to complete them I have over 200 PC games and have completed 11 of them.
I have about 300+ games between PC (which has the most) and console, and I've probably finished about 8 or 9% of them. I believe thats mostly Steam sales and clearance items which have caused this. Overload of content.
WoW is the most played game, only because I have put so many hours into the game and still enjoy myself.
OT: D3 may not have been D2 but I still thought as a game it was solid enough to play and enjoy. I feel the hate beyond the "always online" argument spans from people idolizing D2. Lightning doesn't strike twice, and the years of buildup in peoples minds made the final release seem less than worthy to a good many.
I love the game for what it is, not what I thought it should have been. I feel that it wasn't close to a failure as Duke Nukem Forever was, nor the catastrophe that SimCity turned out to be.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
AwesomeDave said:
sorry man, but in my opinion, if more than 80% of your players stop playing within the first year, that's not impressive at all.
By that logic, no game ever release was impressive.

Kumagawa Misogi said:
Why's that surprising?
He is probably like me. I will finish the game. even if i dont like it. I hated FC2, but i still finished it and did all collectibles. There are only 2 games i havent finished, and 1 of them was due to technical difficulty (i triesd 3 times but end up with a save where the game crashes within the next 10 seconds of reload, having to do everything from scratch, so i gave up). Sure, games eat a lot of time this way, and its obsessive, btu thats how we do it.

Also why didnt you finish crysis? its a 3 hour game that i finished in one sitting....


New member
Aug 19, 2011
So only 18% cleared Hell difficulty and only 6% cleared Inferno difficulty....I guess that explains why i couldn't find a soul to team up with once I hit Inferno mode.