Diablo III Infographic Shows 2.1 Million Players Still Log On Daily


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Karoshi said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
It's because Blizzard twisted and turned the numbers to make things look better than they actually are. That 2.1 million is the average /since launch/, which is pretty meaningless to the current state of the game, since it includes the boom in players the game got on the initial release.
Wait, why is this misleading again? They said themselves: "Average number of daily players since launch". As for the current state of the game, player numbers aren't as important as the fact that Blizzard keeps rolling out new patches and improvements to the game.

AwesomeDave said:
sorry man, but in my opinion, if more than 80% of your players stop playing within the first year, that's not impressive at all.
Just wondering, how many games are you still playing one year later after you bought them? I pumped a lot of hours into Fallout: New Vegas, ME3 MP and some other f2p MMOs, but none would hold my attention for longer than 4-6 months. Of course it differs from player to player, but I would say that's an obvous trend.

Even if I'm not playing Diablo 3 anymore, I still have 160 hours on my account and that's just the first 4 months that I played the game. Playing for a whole year the same game sounds like madness to me, and there's still enough people doing the very same on Diablo 3.

It does make me wonder what kind of expectations people have/had of Diablo 3. Just 14.5 millions sold copies? Unimpressed. Player base got smaller year after release? Absolute failure! 2.1 millions of daily players? Horrible! Compared to that Guild Wars 2 had about 5 millions sold and is generally considered a success.
Well, let's see...

Ive been playing FFXI on and off since NA release (Getting close to 10 years now)... i have over 400 days of playtime logged in that game, on one character... I played WoW for 3 yrs... I still pick up D2 every now and again... I play through most SNES era FF games at least once a year... Just finished FO3 for about the 15th time, back on NV now... TES games usually get played for longer than a year by me... I easily played GTA:SA for over a year... I can list more if you need me to.

Although, most of these games have never blatantly ignored their customers cries for change either, which is what Blizz did with D3, and they were all playable first day I got them, and none of them fucked a game just to base it around a RMAH.

I can keep