This is exactly the same as D2, just without the black market. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
Fuck sake what is it with all these people bitching? If you played D2 you KNOW that there was a fucking huge market for items for $$$, entire websites set up just for that. And it was dodgy as fuck.
All this does is cut the dodgy market out and give people a safe environment to trade items for money. This isn't wow, where you do endgame raids, anyone hows played D2 knows how Diablo works, and to those bitching about the economy are full of crap too. Gold has NO value in Diablo beyond spending almost nothing to repair gear, thats IT.
Seriously anyone bitching about this has either:
-Never played Diablo.
-Never played Diablo and Has only played WoW and is forming their opinion on that (Where this WOULD be bad).
-Has never played either games, doesn't have a clue, blatantly hasn't read the FAQ and is just being sensationalist.
-OR is a fucking moron and thinks this is Blizzard just selling any item you want.
Besides, if you don't want an item, stick it on the auction house and make a little money out of it instead of selling it for useless gold.
This isn't like Blizzard are selling items, that would be an entirely different matter, which would deserve boycotting. This is just PEOPLE selling items via an ingame browser, they still have to find the items in the first place, items are still going to be as rare as they were before, because they still have to drop in order to be sold.
Actually learn how DIablo works and read the fucking FAQ before you start getting up in arms.
UnknownGunslinger said:
Except you can, you can opt out of Blizzards cut and go to using Paypal, or another third-party site like it. I read the full post, and the FAQ on
So pretty much what I see happening is... People go to RL-Currency AH and buy a lot of gold, people in turn use the gold auction house and because they already have so much gold they set the prices far higher than anybody can pay. The economy is going to SUCK in this game. This is a horrible choice. I'm so displeased with Blizzard right now it makes me sick, I've been waiting for this game for so long and the more information they release the less likely I am to buy it.
Agree, I'm a HUGE Diablo fan, alwayes have been, but so far every thing we've heard from Blizzard on the new game makes me shake my head in dissapointment - This is not Diablo! I'm still going to buy it, I just hope it wont be gathering dust next to Star Craft II Wings of Liberty...
MM, because this didn't already happen in Diablo 2, nobody bought gold and items from dodgy sites at all. It was all pure and completely legit.
This is going to happen regardless of whether or not theres an in game version of it, the only way around it in games like this is 100% soul binding the second you touch an item or put it in your inventory and nobody wants that.