Dick Moves in Co-op/ Multiplayer


New member
Aug 18, 2008
alright playing with friends in super smash broes melee and i was kirby i stayed in rock form the entire freaking time.

Jolly Madness

New member
Mar 21, 2008
I write a lot, and I write stories for friends, they pay me in pirated games, one wish was BF2, soon after everyone had a cracked version of BF2 running on LAN. Only problem was that if you TK'd someone enough times they would get booted while the teamkiller could get away with it. Tradition is to plant C4 on a friend's plane if you can't have it, and since we had spawntime 1S it became a bloodbath.

Same day, my friend was in an F35, me in a Mig was a lot faster and a much better pilot. I jumped out of the plane as it went straight forward and crashed into him.
Also going over to the aircraft carrier, planting C4 all over, then detonating it as the opponent takes off is also quite unsporty.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
When you try running for cover, and some idiot stands in the door way... and you get several new orifices courtesy of an enemies machine gun.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I was playing Halo 2 co-op with a freind, during a level where in the first part you must drive a jeep across a bridge covered in aliens. My freind had stolen the last piece of pizza, so as revenge, I drove the jeep that we were both in through a hole in the bridge, straight into the insta-death ocean. The game, seeming to hate us both, decided to make a checkpoint right when we dropped to the point of no return in the hole of death


New member
May 14, 2008
Codgo said:
Speaking of GTA4 and on a boring day. During one or two online races once i would reach first place i would start playing Ride of the Valkyries down my mircophone to annoy and make the other racers loose concentration.

It works! But i'm not a prick so i only did it once or twice. But the curses of loads of angry 12 year olds can sometimes be entertaining.
Not funny. Don't be that guy.

On topic, CoD4 is the only game that pisses me off when I'm online. For some reason I find myself getting mad at people who use LMGs with ACOGs like they're fucking sniper rifles, or people with Juggernaut, or Martyrdom.

Seriously, you can define online dick moves with that one word; Martyrdom. It's literally a perk for people who can't get kills in a normal way, and just decide to leave it up to luck whether they get any kills or not. Suck my nuts, Martyrdom.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
On Halo 3 Co-Op, my friend got into a Warthog and drove off every time I came near. It pissed me off so badly, I just shot him eventually and did the same to him.

Theo Samaritan

New member
Jul 16, 2008
Luckily as a PC gamer I avoid alot of dick moves, but I still have to put up with dicks.

Like the kid in L4D who was acting so smart because he had seen a walkthrough of the level and thought he knew where the bad guys were. Imagine his surprise when the tank came 5 minutes earlier than he expected. Or when he found out the witch wasn't in the same place. Got to love dynamic AI.

Or the prat in Zombie Panic who comes onto the server with a hacked VAC and an ever changing steam ID so we can't ban the music-spamming git.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I was playing Halo 3 Multiplayer Team Oddball on the Narrows map and the opposing Red Team took an early lead and then vanished...

Meanwhile as we searched high and low for them they were quietly winning. After the game I used the Theater to see what they had done.

One of them had grabbed the overshield, been given the oddball by another player on the team and then jumped down onto the Waterwheel that turns beneath the Bridge. Normally, he would be killed by the Guardians, but the shield protected him long enough to jump down into the little hidey-hole pictured on this page:


Kinda dull way to win...


New member
Aug 5, 2008
on Garrys mod I get a big box like object (blu dumpster) and trap someone in it when theres noclip isn't allowed.

oo another one is to do the same to yourself but this time make it invisible so the idiots spend 15 minutes why they can;t get a headshot.

Karma: When Demoman spam on TF2


New member
Nov 12, 2008
While our party had almost no health inL4D on expert, our friend decides to shoot the car alarm. We all left the party after that.

Also when playing WoW we were going to Underbog (A Burning Crusade instance for those who don't know.) Our healer decides to stop healing and fight, after we got wiped we aked him what he was thinking. His response? "I don't like healing anymore." Well, why the hell would you roll a PRIEST class?