Did biology screw over women?

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Yay, another gender topic. Sorry, but it's just something that's been on my mind for a while now and I figured this would be a good place to post it. Do you think biology, for lack of a better word, screwed over females? I mean, unlike males, they have to suffer menstruation, the agony of pregnancy (if they so wish), having to wear bras, large breasts can cause back pain (I doubt there are as many disadvantages to having a large penis), they're physically weaker than men (on average), and apparently have a scientifically lower threshold for alcohol then men (again, on average).

Forgive me if this sounds patronizing, but sometimes I feel sorry when I hear my female friends tell me about the pain of periods, when all men really have to undergo in maturity is the odd boner in awkward situations. Puberty's obviously a stressful time for both sexes, but it seems that it's just that much more worse for girls.

And, I suppose this might be more of a societal thing than biological, but women get much less "fanservice" than men. Well, heterosexual women, to be precise (sorry, gay/bisexual women, although that may be a problem of its own). For example, you don't see men freely wearing certain revealing clothing like skirts and cleavage-bearing tops (well, men don't even have a cleavage to speak of) that both compliment their figure and portray their sexual liberalism. You rarely hear about women having a fetish for dressing up in "men's clothes", but you do for men in women's clothes.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Difficult to compare, really, and we'd only end up with evo-psych pseudo-science anyway.

I would say that the fanservice stuff is jsut cultural, though. Women dressing in men's clothes is seen as normal because men are seen as the defualt, or something you are supposed to be. "Manly" is a compliment, "womanly" is not, for example. A man dressing up as a woman confuses and frightens people who take their gender essentialism seriously.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
I suppose being able to give birth could be considered a plus, although I also suppose it probably wouldn't be considered so by those going through it at the time. :p

And yeah, multiple orgasms are great, but in general I do agree that we got off lightly in terms of biology.

Just the thought of bleeding every month makes me cringe. >_<

Captcha: live in the now

Ha! It's talking to you Relish.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Men have some of their most sensitive organs casually dangling down between their legs like a fun, low-hanging target for all. Also, we men have shorter lifespans on average, and are often at a higher risk for various conditions.

Considering what nature does to some creatures, the human female gets off rather lightly, I feel.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
theonewhois3 said:
Not particularly. Longer lifespans. Society did screw over women, though.
Yeah, that.

Also, women have a higher pain tolerance than men, generally.
Periods are no big deal anyway. You get used to them.
It does come off as a little patronising, but I'm sure you didn't mean it that way.

Being a lady is just swell.
If I had a choice I would not choose to be a dude.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
I'm not sure how much of this subject I wanna touch...

I will say though, from a female perspective, you get used to bleeding every month, however the severity varies between individuals and some women have that unpleasantness much worse than others.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Phasmal said:
theonewhois3 said:
Not particularly. Longer lifespans. Society did screw over women, though.
Yeah, that.

Also, women have a higher pain tolerance than men, generally.
Periods are no big deal anyway. You get used to them.
It does come off as a little patronising, but I'm sure you didn't mean it that way.

Being a lady is just swell.
If I had a choice I would not choose to be a dude.
Women don't have higher pain tolerance. I'm too lazy to cite this though.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Matthew94 said:
Phasmal said:
theonewhois3 said:
Not particularly. Longer lifespans. Society did screw over women, though.
Yeah, that.

Also, women have a higher pain tolerance than men, generally.
I'm pretty sure that that is a myth. It is only higher during childbirth due to the fact that your body is flooded full of hormones.
Is it?
Fair enough. I always considered it true because it's true in my personal experience, (and I'd heard it)- but if it's not I take it back.

theonewhois3 said:

I still don't think biology `screwed over` anybody.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Suffering menstuation? Not everyone has heavy periods or even cramps. I know a lot of people like to ***** about that shit, but it's really not universal by any means. And I don't think there has ever been a time where the weight of my boobs or my level of upper body strength has hindered or inconvenienced me in my everyday life. I've also never once had the desire to see men portrayed in the same dumbass juvenile ways women usually are in the media, so there's that. The last thing I want to see is even more retarded looking video game characters, lol.

Maybe I'm just the most fortunate female on the planet, but I doubt it. The only thing that has gotten in my way that's probably due to having female physiology that I can think of is trouble playing some classical music on the piano because my hands can't reach as far you sometimes need to (I can barely reach an octave with right hand). But that's more a matter of the piano having been designed for people with manhands.

Seriously, how old are you?


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010

It's been pretty civil so far but it's only a matter of time.


Aug 3, 2008
I don't exactly feel screwed over, or if I do I've gotten used to it or no longer care.
I only know a very small selection if girls who have unbearable period pains to the point of being unable to leave the house. I suppose even they might have been exaggerating to get out of school.
You get used to them after a while is all I'm saying. Might seem alien to men but I'm just used to them by now. The biggest problem is the hormones >_<

Our pain threshold goes ZOOMMF just before we give birth too. It's (hopefully, I do want kids in the next few years) not as bad as it sounds.

About the fanservice, I'm sure I could find just as many examples of sexyfied men.

Spot1990 said:
Relish in Chaos said:
(I doubt there are as many disadvantages to having a large penis)
If only you knew.

Multiple orgasms. They're doing fine.
The female orgasm actually has no purpose, so I suppose that's one thing we have.
As nice as multiple orgasms are (More so if you're lucky enough to find a 'talented' partner xP) they don't quite make up for it >_<;


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Matthew94 said:
What do you mean by true in your experience? I hope you don't mean "guys are in pain when they are hit in the balls" as that's not a great example.
No, I'm not a moron. I meant, a lot of guys that I know have less pain tolerance than I do. Obviously it's hard to measure (but a certain few do make a song-and-dance of it). But perhaps that's just me.


New member
May 5, 2011
Not really, each gender has its disadvantages and advantages. Women might have to go through hell every month, but they get to live several years longer than men on average. I don't think there's anything massively worse about being female as opposed to male, although depending on your viewpoint and what you don't like, you might have preferred being one to the other.